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Tapovan - the Retreat

gardenagni3.jpg (155500 bytes)Tapovan offers many unique opportunities to the guest. Below is a sampling of some of the features available during
Imgp0257.jpg (65093 bytes) a typical day:
Begin the day with sunrise Ayurvedic Healing Fire 
Follow this with simple Yoga or stretching exercises
on rooftop terrace.
Rock collecting in the nearby vicinity during early
morning stroll through local countryside.
Take a daily mud in the privacy of the rooftop terrace
plus your choice of spinal bath, steam bath or massage
in our clinic.
Take part in hands-on learning about sprouting grains,
legumes, seeds and nuts as a complement to healthy
vegetarian diet.
Take part in daily preparation of gourmet vegetarian dishes, both raw and cooked.


Learn to make simple wholemeal chapatis
or bread in our home-made oven.
Brush up on sustainable lifestyle skills,
Learn simple meditation, relaxation and
breathing techniques.
Evening Agnihotra Healing Fire at sunset
each day.
Participate in the non-stop Ayurvedic
Healing Fire which has now passed the
3 year milestone.


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Last modified: Saturday March 27, 2004.