40 (well, 39) things about me
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1. I like pointless lists | 2. I can't do without a little clutter around me, although I'm quite tidy in general 3. I like fruit (lesbian) tea 4. I can't write something down if someone's talking to me about something different to what I'm writing 5. I can't dance to save my life 6. I will teach a cow to shit bricks if I think it will give me a momentary advantage 7. I speak quite fluent German and passable French 8. I'm shite at pretty much everything else 9. I don't give a crap about the majority of things 10. I do give genuine thought to the meaning of what it's all about 11. I have lots of interests, but I'm not sure if you could name any of them passions 12. I don't like practical things in general 13. My two sole ambitions are to publish a book and to be an expert in my field 14. I will take on the world for a cause I believe in 15. I'm a bit of a news junkie 16. I have the concentration threshold of a flea 17. I am utterly loyal, but unforgivingly bitter when that loyalty is betrayed 18. I've been to the US, Hong Kong, France (and Corsica), Germany, Austria, Italy, Spain, Greece (for about an hour, still counts), Poland, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Hungary and probably another couple which don't spring to mind right now 19. I want to go to Russia, Australia, the US again, Germany again, Poland again and China, to name but a few 20. I'm a linguist, but a crap translator 21. I'm full of contradictions 22. I love dictionaries and reference books in general 23. My day can be made by finding a cool word like, for example, 'umschlungen.' 24. I like reading on the loo 25. I love the poetry of C. Day Lewis, but I don't know enough of it 26. I'm good in a crisis 27. I like soggy cereal 28. I've both dreamt and sleep-talked in German before 29. I'm quite unabashed about the fact that I have no fashion sense 30. I live in Notting Hill, dahlings 31. I can put my foot behind my head 32. I think I can put the other foot there at the same time too, but have never tried because I'm scared of getting stuck 33. I am passionately against the death penalty, and will argue with anyone and anything to have it outlawed 34. I'm sceptical and sarcastic with it; perhaps not my most attractive trait 35. I like travelling, but I like getting home 36. One thing which puts me off the idea of living abroad again was that I pined for London when did, although I'm very aware of its aesthetic limitations 37. I'm very interested in the links between language, history and power 38. I think I'm quite well-read in terms of French and German literature, but not so much with English 39. I have a driving licence, but am phyiscally incapable of driving a car 40. Never say you're going to make a list of 40 things if you only have 39 |