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Thursday 12.11.02

A week of double triumph so far. Firstly, I actually managed to get some work done the other day, and I think I actually know where the hell my project is going now, which is excellent news. It means that all the, ahem, research I do from now on will be able to be made relevant (I really have just lost my ability to produce coherent English, I do apologise) to what I'm writing about. Rah.

But far more significant is the victory which Anna scored yesterday against our loo. We had to take up cudgels and plungers against said bog the other day because between us we managed to block it and were both far too embarrassed to call a plumber in or call our landlady. At the same time, said landlady came up to the flat yesterday to have a look at our shower which is a little bit on the blink too, so we decided that by far the best thing to do was to go out for breakfast to enable us to go to the loo and then rush back to meet her at the flat. The cunning plan then was that I was going to pretend to mop the loo in case the worst happened and she or her strange husband asked to use it while they were in our flat.

Anyway, the upshot of this was that the plunger which Anna bought didn't actually work, provoking more panic, but the purple-tar-unblocker-stuff which we had poured straight down last night seemed to, so everything is rah again. Rah.

Saturday 14.12.02

Today's random bizarreness is that the powers that be down here have rigged up loads of Hitlerite speakers throughout the streets, turning the whole city in to what looks like a vast propaganda machine run by some enormous ministry of information somewhere concealed in the countryside, but are blasting out music from them. It wouldn't be so weird, I suppose, if it was Christmas music, but it's stuff like Travis and random French shit which isn't festive at all. Bloody French.

Sunday 15.12.02

Christ, I think I should go into prophecy after my degree. Walked out of the flat this mornig and political-sounding French was blaring out of weirdy speakers and the streets were almost empty, in sharp contrast to a large police presence. I wonder if France is at war or something.

Anyway, more frightening is that it's three months today since Anna and I arrived here. Merde.