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Having an incredibly lazy day after yesterday's exertions. In the middle of a conversation with my mother about why Tony Blair doesn't go to our dentist and have his teeth fixed (just don't ask, please), she suddenly decided that the room was too cluttered and it had to be moved around. Hmm. So we spent the best part of an hour moving, shoving heaving and puffing. We are now a sofa down (apparently she never liked it anyway), but other than that, to be honest, everything looks pretty much exactly the same.


Spending the day at home, farting around, trying to fling things together in preparation for Sunday night (holiday!) This sounds like I'm doing things far too early, but I know that if I don't do it now, I will leave it until about 10 minutes before we leave and then start packing, and since I really want to enjoy this holiday and not be without ANYTHING (especially important stuff which I always forget like....whatever, I can't think of anything) I have decided to start early. I am an utter child, really I am - I am sooo excited!


I love having a website. It gives me the chance to air all my thoughts, grievances etc. etc. to whoever wants (or doesn't, as the case may be) to hear them. Like today, for example, where I would seriously counsel against anyone attempting to take a contact lens out while at the same time trying to open a window, as I did last night. More later.

I just want to issue a warning here: if you haven't learnt to drive yet, don't. Please. It's just not worth it. I have been behind the wheel a week, and I have already almost been in a couple of accidents. Admittedtly, I am the shittiest driver since...forever, but most of these weren't my fault. There are MANY, MANY nutcases out there on the roads...


Incessant furniture moving continues. Sort-of half-packed but there's a lot I will have forgotten which Jane will remind me about - sunglasses, suncream, brain, feet.... On a supplementary note, the rain is almost as incessant as the furniture-moving. I love rain and thunderstorms, but there is only so much Summertime without a glimpse of sunshine which can be healthy...


Well possums, it's time for me to say g'bye. I'm sure the thought of a week without my mindless dribble about my little-meaning life is one that makes you brick yourself (probably in excitement.) Have fun, darlings, and if I can learn the Spanish for 'Internet Cafe' before the week is over - who knows, you might be hearning from me sooner than you expect...


Yippee! I'm back! Holiday was the best - ended up in Magaluf, on the beach, in the clubs etc. etc. but I'm exhausted as I haven't slept since Saturday night or something ridiculous, so I'm going off to catch up a bit of kip before writing everything down to put up here - watch this space. So did you miss me?


Goodness me, it's hot. I hear that there's been a mini-heatwave while I've been away and now that I'm back, it's going to start raining tomorrow. I think this in itself represents life's attitude to moi, and so I won't bitch about it any more.

Anyway, I've now caught up on all the sleep I could possibly need. I finally copped out at 7 last night on my bed, only to wake up, look at my watch, walk into the sitting room in the manner of a catatonic zombie and find my brother watching TV. I asked him, given that it was 9.30, why he wasn't at work. Naturally enough, he looked at me as though I was incurably insane, and explained it was 9.30 in the evening. Thinking he was having a laugh and/or pulling a sickie, I then went to the kitchen and attempted to make myself breakfast. It was only when I saw the little clock on the oven that I had slept for 2 hours and not 14. I shuffled back in and apologised to my brother, looked out of the window and reflected that it would be a bit of a pitiful sunrise, shuffled about a bit more, went back to bed and slept for 10, long, comfortable hours. Sometimes I even worry myself.

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