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Thursday 18.4.02 | Woke up yesterday morning with a throat full of frog and a head full of snot, and have been feeling rather shitty since. However, I have angelically finished the last of my essays for this year (apart from exam essays) which is a wonderful feeling - all I have to do for the exams now is learn the contents of five novels and my entire French grammar book so I can write something more advanced than 'Bonjour' in my exams. Splendid. Friday 19.4.02 God I'm so crap. Not only can I not be arsed to do any revision, I seem to have engaged in self-stultification for so long now that I can't even think of anything to put up here (besides this...) Let's hope it's an interesting weekend, then, for all our sakes. Note added later: Right, I'm ultimately crap now. Here is a rough timetable of what I've done today: 7.30 Get up, blurgh round room, breakfast etc, try and make self look human 8.30 Open office, sit with books and attempt to write French grammar notes on adjectives 8.34 Fail 8.39 Try again 9.00 Look at clock and, pleased, realised am getting somewhere 9.10 Claire walks into office. Don't even bother trying to get anything else done 9.35 Go to gym 9.45-10.45ish Fart-arse around in gym for a bit, do very little proper exercise 11.00ish On way back to hall, feel irresistable and irrational urge to check email 11.45 Finish reading/replying to things that really could have waited 12.00 Shower/shave etc 12.15 Look around room, think about work. Decide is time for lunch. Disturb Claire and make her eat lunch with me 1.30 Finish lunch (consisting of four sausages each, and a piece of Foccacia, dahlings) 1.45 Buy chocolate with Claire, go to my room 2.15 Finish gassing, start to work 3.10 Realise have almost done an hours' work: reward self with break. Decide to check emails again for no reason 3.30 Sit here, writing weblog, feeling crap Honestly. Monday 22.4.02 Luckily weekend was interesting - G-A-Y on Friday night :-):-):-):-) work on Saturday (not so bad given that I was surprising on little sleep and much alcohol imbibed from the night before), home yesterday. Know this is ultimately blonde, but haven't been back for month or so, and I tell you - it's so green out there! Everything seems to have burst into life, which is wonderful. And I wake up every morning here and see the same concrete edifice. Lovely. Tuesday 23.4.02 Permit me really not to understand what's going on across the channel, where it seems that the election has brought them the same amount of farce as when Dubya was elected ('Instructions for electing president of US: (1) Vote (2) Count Votes (3) Recount votes until the guy who fails to get the most votes wins') - but everyone is protesting and rioting becuase a guy was democratically put forward to the run-off. And now they're all up in arms about it, which is another puzzle - Jean Marie Le Pen is so never going to get elected in a million years, so why bother? It seems they really are revolting.
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