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Thursday 19.12.02 | Weeel, it's now three days until I leave this place for Christmas, thank God, and to date I have done no Christmas shopping to speak of, don't feel festive, but I have started packing, which, in the light of my usual state of organisation, is bordering on the miraculous. And yet even though I'm just packing up to leave for two weeks, I have the nasty feeling that the doomed one who comes to meet me at the airport may well need to hire a skip, or perhaps a cargo convoy. I never really have mastered the art of travelling light. Saturday 21.12.02 I would like to tell you about my afternoon, spent escorting yesterday's carge convoy halfway to the airport, specifically to Khaled's flat. So here are are then: 15.00 Finish packing bag. 15.10 Finish putting other crap in bag, discovered on hunt round flat. 15.11 Attempt to pick bag up. Consider crane. 15.20 Remember that is last shopping Saturday before Christmas, and I have to walk down the nicois equvalent of Ocford Street in its company. Joy. 15.27 Some old French bag gets in my way to such an extent that I miss bus. 15.40 Next bus arrives. Lug load on, get dirty looks from everyone. Realise again why I hate French people, with perhaps a few notable exceptions. 15.55 Bus arrives at destination, the interestingly named Gosso CUM. Even though am near exit I am obviously last off, simply because the ideas of logic and manners seem to be be rather unknown down here. 16.00 Attempt luggin bag to Khaled's. Lots of people get in my way, as per sodding usual, simply because they're French and they're more important. 16.05 Arrive at Khaled's, sweaty, swearing and incoherent, ready to bomb France. As you can perhaps tell, I'm rather ready to leave and have a break. Sunday 22.12.02 In comparison with African famines, a possible global war or nuclear attack, I do concede that, yes, perhaps my polemic of yesterday was a little bit OTT. But my bloody point still stands, the French are bloody rude. Anyway, really mustn't carry on bitching today as I'm off home laterm, yippee! More from the cosy comforts of London soon. :-)
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