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Thursday 26.12.02 | This year's festive season seems to have utterly passed me by without me really noticing, which in a way is no bad thing. I have no complaint with Christmas (everyone reading this has a spontaneous heart-attack as they discover a topic about which Mark does not uncategorically whinge) apart from (sorry) this bloody enforced jollity that we are all party to. I am incapable of smiling unless I am happy. I am incapable of laughing without humour. So you can imagine that I'm nearly always the one on Christmas day who gets compared with the miserable Thames trout for not dancing merrily around the tree. Enough rant. There will be nothing on here for at least a week as I am going to attempt not to kill myself whilst flinging my various limbs down mountains attached to two bits of wood. Yes, Mark is going skiing. So happy Christmas and New Year and all that to you all, and, all being well, I shall be back -probably from Nice- on around the 5th January. Until then.
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