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Wednesday 25.9.02

Second bought with the French Uni authorities today to try and get enrolled. Anyone at UCL in the midst of the fresher's week enrolment-crap, please do take pleasure in the fact that you're not doing it here. As I said in a rant-email to those of my friends currently scattered through Europe at the moment, I think if I turned up holding one arm with the other and presented the dead sea bloody scrolls, they might just let me in. I mean, even just to have a game of bloody tennis at the University means having a medical certificate from a French quack saying you're fit and healthy.

Anyway, all is well apart from that. Watched Stepmom last night as was on TV. Bizarrely, I've seen this before in French about 3/4 years ago when it first came out (happened to be in France) and it's still just as cheesey now. We're off to watch the rather worryingly entitled Photo Obsession ce soir, which I've heard is rather good. Also met up with a couple of UCL students which is cool - they're both living on their own so it was a big relief for them to see a friendly face, and one of them is hyper-organised and keeps asking Anna and I things like 'So you have done your inscription form for the French part of the course?' and all this sort of crap; most of the time, we look at her blankly and ask her what the hell she's talking about, and she saves us a lot of hassle by telling us in advance about the forms we need to fill in and get stamped and the crap we need to do. So it's all good.

Friday 27.9.02

Very quiet and lazy week here on the rivera - tried (again) to get our residence permits on Monday morning, and failed (again). We're going back first thing on Monday armed to the teeth with every document and piece of information we could ever possibly need, and hopefully then we'll be able to proceed to the next stage (NB this is only to APPLY for the damn carte de sejour - we'll probably get it two weeks before we leave Nice).

Went also to try and enrol at Uni - again - which was - again - also a dismal failure. We had to sit down at a crappy minitel-thing and input all the information we'd already given them, and then come back three days later for an interview, before which we had to fill out many, many forms giving them all the same information again in triplicate. We came back brandishing all the usual pile of paperwork, but (wait for this, it's almost comic) to be enrolled for THREE MONTHS at the university of Sophia bloody Antipolis, they demanded the originals of my A level certificates and my residence permit.

I explained patiently that they had all the information I could give them - including a form in French with my A level results which was ratified by my uni in England- but they refused to enrol me. I'm tempted just not to bother enrolling but this means in theory risking getting into muchos trouble at UCL in the long-run (I think - that's if Uni here won't sign my form saying I've been here), so I think I had better not. This, therefore, has various ramifications - getting A level certs sent from home, getting my arse in gear with my permit, blah blah blah. All incredibly boring, but unforunately necessary. What REALLY pisses me off is that I'm only here until mid-Frebrary, after which I have to start all over again in Germany; hopefully all this will be easier there. But it all just seems so pointless.

Apart from that (and the odd resultant rant), we've done comparatively little. Went to the hypermarket to look around, and I was very tempted by a discman for E40, but didn't get it. Ooh, but we went to see 'Photo Obsession' at the cinema on Wed night. Not sure if this is playing in GB at the moment, but if it is, it's a great film. Got Robin Williams in, and he really is fab, even when dubbed.

Went out on the razz last night which was good fun - ended up in the labyrinthe of Old Nice which is picturesque but a veritable maze. It's not very big so getting lost is difficult - you just keep walking and eventually you're bound to hit a main road or the sea - but finding anywhere specific is a nightmare. The scene here is virtually non-existent; so far we've tried to find three listed places and two didn't exist. Yes, I *was* pissed, but I promise you they just weren't there. My dissertation is further doomed...

Saturday 28.9.02

Popped in quickly to mention something that hit me yesterday on the way home: if what appears on here seems at times incoherent or I repeat myself loads, my apologies. Please bear with my scattiness - I generally don't read what I've already written to save time, which means that I do forget every now and then.