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Wednesday 26.6.02

As I write, angry clouds are building up outside the calm warmth of the computer room, and the yokels in Corfu town are probably ordering their fourth kumquat liquor (local speciality.)

This isn't really the time to get mushy, though, because although I had a fantastic time, I'm also glad to be back, and I'll take some wonderful memories with me, as well as some photos hopefully when my bloody camera decides to work for long enough so I can finish my film. We were actually very cultural and good - not just pool babes and beach bums - we went to Corfu town on the unbelievably rickety bus a few times (and witnessed a scintillating argument about the opening of a window which almost came to blows,) explored the Orthodox monastery in Paleokistra (spelling might be a bit dodgy - my Greek-English transcription not being what it should,) went up onto the old fortress and looked right over the old town, poked around markets and quiet squares.

At the same time, of course, we got our collective baps out for the world to see a lot too, so we're all tanned and gorgeous, darlings. We had the odd hitch, the most interesting being that the rep couldn't actually locate our appartment when we got there which didn't fill us with confidence - I had horrific visions of cranes and cement-mixers but it turned out that it was set back from the road a little - a leaking shower which threatened to flood our room, collapsing chairs, my unwitty announcement to the rep and the lovely cleaner who knocked on our door one day saying that we'd be there once Jane had shovelled out her minge and I had done my legs (thought it might have been someone oblivious to my filthy mind), battles with mosquitos, mad children everywhere including fascinatingly excitable progeny on the plane back who took particular interest in Mike's nose and wouldn't stop yanking it, mad lechy Greek men everywhere blah blah blah but it all made it more fun.

I decided to have some fun while at the airport on the way back whilst actually trying to do something useful - some ridiculously garbled announcement came on the tannoy about our flight which none of us caught, so I went to extract the information from a rep. Only that we were already air-side and there was no-one from the pleasingly bizarre (I shat myself when I learned we were flying with them - images of MyWings, MyFuel, MyBodyScatteredNeatlyOverLuxembourg etc - I mean who the fuck?), so I ambled up to the woman doing the security check and wondered out loud if I could go back through, flashing my - blank - boarding pass. She gave me a massive smile, and let me through. Same with passport control.

Anyway, it turned out there was no new info and they were just getting people like me agitated, so I turned back to passport control. Just for fun, I went up to the bloke without my passport, smiled sweetly and walked through. No real surprise, think he recognised me. Then I went up to the security gates, explained I had already gone through once, showed my passport and waltzed back in to airside. Security not being the highest priority, then.

The Greek people are all wonderfully hospitable considering that loads of disgusting tourists like us invade the island every year. Nothing was ever too much trouble, and they were always interested to know where we were from - especially if we were going to buy something. One shopkeeper plied Guss and I with so many kumquat-flavoured samples of alcohol we got really quite pissed - felt a bit guilty not buying anything from her, but it wasn't particularly stunning stuff and she just get shoving it down my throat... ;-)

So it was fab. Ready for another one now.

Monday 1.7.02

News reaches me today that the Americans are pulling out of many peacekeeping missions, wait for it, because they don't want their soldiers tried by the International Criminal Court, which oh, they've refused to sign up to (translation: so they can romp around the world and do whatever the fuck they like without anyone taking issue with it or questioning their authority - heaven knows Tony Blair wouldn't) - nice one, George, that's really going to add to global security.

On a less global scale (although, of course, just as important,) had quite a busy weekend - Friday night and Saturday as usual, and then just for fun an extra day in the office because we had lots of mad French people checking in throughout the day. It turned out to be worth it, incidentally, because two of them were gorgeous, but I'm now looking forward to Sunday, first day off in...ooh, ages. Yes.

Ooh, and just before I go - I'm learning to cook! My wonderful brother bought me Delia 1 for my birthday (this is seriously simple stuff - take egg out of box, note that it will be raw... but this is just what I need. I will be on Masterchef (more like Mastershite) yet.