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Friday 4.4.03

Few bits to report today. Firstly the rather worrying fact that I seem to have lost track of the days, and have just sat for several minutes trying to work out if it was Thursday or Friday. Oh dear. Has been a busy but enjoyable first few days here - haven´t managed to register at uni yet as I need to register somewhere else first, and in order to do that I need to have jumped through a burning hoop with a box of Frosties in my left hand unless it´s my time of the month in which case I´m excused and just have to go to the town hall as long as my name ends in E and the combined length of my feet doesn´t exceed triple the length of one of my fingernails. Or something.

Weather is very bizarre - it rained so hard and was so cold yesterday that at one stage it started snowing. Today is bright, clear sunshine, although it´s still a bit nippy. Been doing lots of bits like unpacking and clearing up my room, decorating, and off to find posters now to adorn the walls. More this weekend sometime. :-)

Sunday 6.4.03

AS you can perhaps see, I have just done a major edit job on here, so I bloody hope you´re pleased with my electronic plaigirism. Managed to go out on the piss again last night, and ended up in easily the dodgiest club in the whole of Berlin (or am I speaking far too soon?) but never mind. Cooking for flatmates tomorrow night so must go and start flinging things together... More soon.

Monday 7.4.03

OH goodness. Only now am I realising what I have let myself in for. For those of you not quite up to speed -I applied to study French here in Berlin, just for a pisstake, so see what they´d say. Imagine my horror, then, when they accepted me. Imagine my terror, now, then, that I am sitting in the language faculty, typing on a German/Russian keyboard, with the fact that this might not be so easy after all swimming into colour.

This has only hit me in the last few hours, and mainly because the guy doing my uni registration was French, and when he saw that I was studying it, decided it would be fun to do the whole thing in a mix of French and German. Right. Never mind. Not much else happening apart from that. It´s bloody freezing here at the moment, so much so that there is actually some snow on the ground. Went out last night to a dodgy (anyone seeing a trend developing here?) Brazilian bar with some SOCRATES munchkins, which was quite good fun. We´ve agreed to go out on the piss together this week after I suggested it - sick of asking each other polite questions about the state of the Finnish economy or what´s it´s actually like to live up a cow´s arse on a farm in Belgium, I think a booze-fuelled evening is just what we all need. Rah.

The flatmate-dinner thing, incidentally, is tonight now, postponed from yesterday. I managed to lurch back from the brink of culinary disaster last night and produce a chocolate mousse, which is now setting in the fridge at home, but I bloody hope that nobody finds any bits of unblended egg-white in there. How embarrassing that would be.

3 Tuesday 8.4.03

WE´RE all still breathing - bonus! Admittedly the mushroom risotto I cooked didy/i> look suspiciously like vomit, but these things happen I guess. Tasted OK, and like I said, I haven´t heard any reports of the recent demise of my flatmates, so looks like I passed that particular test. Forgot to mention yesterday that I came dangerously close to enrolling for a Master´s course by accident - wasn´t exactly my fault as the uni had me down for the wrong thing or something (the figured that no lazy British undergrad would want to study French in Berlin, most probably) but some woman asked me when registering whether I *really* meant to stay for a Master´s there given that I was only enrolled for one Semester. Hahahaha NO, says Mark...