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Wednesday 2.6.04 | VERY enjoyable couple of days spent in Yorkshire, now just packing up to head back down to London. It struck me last night that the reason I like it up here is not only because it's pleasant and quiet in and of itself, but also because it reminds me why it is that, despite the ridiculous pace of life and the many stresses and disadvantages, I love where I live too. I think the job-hunt must start in earnest tomorrow. Joy. Friday 4.6.04 YESTERDAY was surprisingly productive, and, although I haven't heard anything as yet from the agencies I've registered with, I live in hope. Today was a trip down to West Bumblefuck, just near Limehouse DLR stop, where I was going to exchange some books bought erroneously by mail order. The expedition led me into a warehouse of second-hand and remainder books, which, as you can imagine, left me sweating with excitement like a biblethumper at a convert conference. Good stuff. Saturday 5.6.04 It's amazing how being sent a link to the London tube map translated into German can make your day. |