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Thursday 31.10.02

No blogging recently due to visits of Si, Laura and Jo. But all is well - work still going well (met my first French gay man, yippee!!) and life just plodding on. Managed to get randomly pissed last night with Anna and ended up sending all sorts of obscene text messages to various people - apologies to recipients. Been a quiet few days apart from that - tourist trail yesterday, few shifts on the clothes-rack, much pissing about and very little work getting done. Life is good :-)

Friday 1.11.02

Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I was taking to a cruising beach last night by my gay-as-the-hillocks workmate whom I hardly know anyway. Came nearer to cacking myself than I have for a good number of years, because oh my god was it shit-scary (literally.) Had to walk through a tunnel about as wide as my waist lined with sweaty, silent men waiting for a bonk whilst clinging on to my colleague for dear life in order to get to this place and then wandered along this coastal path (literally - one side, sea, other side, rockface) to this random of random places with (as a compensation) a gorgeous view of the whole of Nice. Downside was that I had to walk back again through scary tunnel.

Did, however, work on my French lipreading skills last night as we were in a very noisy bar. I think I understood about thirteen words in the two hours we were there. Did a lot of nodding and meaningful smiling. Just hope to fuck he wasn't telling me his dog had just died or something.

Monday 4.11.02

Nice weekend spent pottering about; Anna's parents were here and I got treated to a delicious lunch in the beautiful town of Villefranche yesterday. Saturday was a day of very little - vague plans to work on my dissertation caved in when I got up and realised that it just wasn't going to happen; rather worringly, this seems to be happening a lot recently. Just attempted and failed to teach Alicia and Gillian to roller-blade and had lunch with them and Khaled in the baking sunshine. So all is well as per usual. Rah :-)