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Friday 1.8.03

MOTHER currently here for a visit (everyone say aaaaaaaahhhhhh), hence the silence. More on Sunday or Monday, probably.

Saturday 2.8.03

MOTHER has just departed, so decided to come down here and catch up on the email-gossip. Wasn't actually going to update this but I suddenly realised that a description of my life here in Berlin would not be the same without a mention of the Ghanaian internet-cafe in which I am currently sitting.

I may have mentioned this place here and there during the course of my ramblings and rantings, but I have decided to devote this entry to it as it is one of the places I will miss when I move back to London. For a start, they charge about 85p an hour to use the internet, and it's very comfortable and generally nice.

But this is not what makes it. It's run by an all-Ghanaian staff who are incapable of saying anything below approximately 84 decibels, and then they do it in a fascinating and hilarious mix of German and English. This gives one the impression that one is using the internet in the monkey-cage at the zoo at lot of the time. I heard the bloke who runs it say to a regular customer today: 'So VERE ARE YOU?' Puzzled German customer, who obviously speaks English too (luckily for him because he would simply get blared at anyway), replies that, well, he is here. 'NO, NO, I say NO, I say HAU VARE YOU?' says cafe manager. Just one of the glorious, lovely, funny, fantastic pieces of conversation which could easily be scriptwritten for TV. I love this place. :-)

Sunday 3.8.03

RIGHT people, warning, rant time. I am fucking sick of the fucking Catholic Church looking down their bogey-filled noses and pronouncing from on high that what I do is immoral. Could someone please explain to me what possible damage I am doing to society if I happen to start up a relationship with a man instead of a woman? How are my actions ethically wrong...? What fucking difference does it make who I decide to share my life with? The problem is that the Church itself is so full of closet gays who can't admit their sexuality and deal with it (into this category I tentatively add Joseph Ratzinger, who, may I just add here, is an evil man) that they have to keep up a law which they made 2000 years ago on the basis of a dodgy translation of the bible and customs which are as old as the institution itself. It evidently wants to destroy itself, and it going the right fucking way about it.