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Wednesday 3.3.04 | FUCKING. Firstly, is March already - haven't done anything yet this year. Secondly, finals are looming, and I'm losing motivation quickly. This is not the time. Wish it would all just go away. Thirdly, life post-graduation is still very uncertain. Not good. Friday 5.3.04 YES, it's true, I've done stranger things than walk through King's Cross with a freshly-liberated Sainsbury's shopping-trolley (named Perpetua) with a roadcone with a life of its own in (one that springs to mind was sauntering around Bloomsbury with a pan of cold fish three nights running. Charming.) Not *many* stranger things, mind. Honestly, the things I do for German culture... Saturday 6.3.04 IT'S quite a knock to come up against something which is evidently and unchallengably above one's mental capacity. I guess I've been working in an environment for almost four years now where I am, to a certain extent, a specialist; there isn't too much, save perhaps the niceties of phonetics, which I can't grasp in the realm of French and German studies with the necessary effort and time. But I have just done a practice aptitude test for Monday, a part of which involves reading things off a graph and doing calculations to do with the figures. Now, I haven't done maths since school, and I clearly haven't got any better at it, because I just can't do these tests. I don't understand numerical reasoning. I'm OK with the verbal stuff as long as I pay attention to the details, but give me a question like By how much did the total sales value of November's button production vary from October's? with the accompanying figures laid out on a very complicated graph, and I'm stuffed. Really stuffed. Methinks I should probably not rely too much on a positive outcome for these tests. |