deconstructing mark
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Wednesday 4.2.04 | SITTING in the pub last night with the usual crowd, we debated what I consider to be the central question of philosophy: Why does the laughing cow laugh? (Except that we did it in the presence of Frank, the German language assistant, so naturally is became Weshalb lacht eigentlich die lachende Kuh? :-) Thursday 5.2.04 HAVING a too-many-bits-of-paper-moment. Trying to write a complex essay on the nature of time in a very boring, self-pitying French jeremiad about AIDS and have managed to produce about 86 pages of notes and quotes and sources and god only knows what else; now trying to lump them all together in a coherent form, and clearly failing. Humph. Saturday 7.2.04 WALKED across Hyde Park this morning listening to a fascinating programme about linguistics on Radio 4. Visited the Goethe-Institut after getting lost in Knightsbridge and wandering round in a BBC-induced haze about threatened languages. Just off for lunch with Anna (aka Sladge) to Covent Garden; coffee with a neighbour this afternoon, and then dinner later with Mikey. Glorious day, no plans to do a stroke of work. Marvellous. :-) Sunday 8.2.04 Which Sesame Street Muppet Are You? Tuesday 10.2.04 INSTRUCTIONS for jazz music: 1.Write about 8 bars of repetitive lift-muzak without a tune 2. Put a voice on the top of it singing 'Dooby Dooby Doo' and other meaningless morphemes 3. Piss Mark right off 4. Repeat I admit that I was happy to listen to the jazz concert at UCL last night as Guss, Alicia and Kath were all participating, but that's what made it worth it, really it was. But then occasionally something like this story of the cow in the German bank pops up and makes life all the more worthwhile. |