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Wednesday 5.11.03 | GOT up this morning and walked all the way across Hyde Park, which was gorgeous in the morning sun, the golden leaves beginning to clog up the walkways. Reminded me of Walking Away, a contender for my favourite poem. Reached Hyde Park Corner and walked up to Curzon Street and decided to explore a bit, and ended up, quite by accident, in the gorgeous, wonderful, amazing Shepherd Market, which I have never been to before but will certainly come back to. Walked back to Curzon St and to Geo F Trumpers Barber Shop where I had an appointment. My mother had bought me a gift-voucher for a shave for my birthday and I have only just got around to using it. The shop looked like it was straight out of Sweeney Todd, with the subtle difference that they tend not to murder the customers if at all possible. In short, I spent this morning reminding myself just much, how ineffably much, I love London and England. I wrote last week about my passion for things German, which, I hope, I will never lose. But that's an objective passion - I can have that sitting with a book wherever I am. You can never re-create London when not there. Ever. No matter what you do. And as I've said many times before, it can be a brutal place to live, but I will always love it. Friday 7.11.03 WE have a washing-machine that works. Apparently it's really on its last legs (installed, as it was, in the 16th century, almost of the generation that require winding-up and gunpowder to make them work) but it's working at the moment, so mustn't complain. And is actually the source of much amusement as it makes the entire flat shake when it goes into spin-cycle. Think it must be christened. Yes. Monday 10.11.03 SHE is called Bertha, long may she live and screech when she spins out our clothes. I give her two weeks before she falls either through the floor or, more simply, apart. Just handed in my German Dissertation for the last time, yippee! Huge relief mildly counterbalanced by the slight worry that it is crap from start to finish, but it's definitely not as bad as the French one, which is a start. So rah. |