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Thursday 6.2.02 | Slight panic this morning as am teaching later and just have no idea what the fuck as yet. But relief comes in the form of Anna's map of Cologne, on which we have found a town called 'Titz.' How brilliant. :-) Sunday 9.2.03 Drink is evil. Drink makes Mark feel rough the next morning. Ugh. But roughness this morning was I supposed balanced by fabulous evening - treated to an orgasmic meal with Anna and her parents and imbibed much wine, and talked much crap, and enjoyed self enormously. Now dealing with major essay-crisis (it being that I have been as lazy as shit since September and done nothing, and am now panicking as I really should have it done before leaving France) but it will all fall together. It always does. Monday 10.2.03 Amazingly, it seems like I have written some or most of a rough draft of my project. In terms of language, it is, admittedly, crap from start to finish, but the main thing is that it is done. I think I might have a large material-crisis on my hands (ie not having enough due to my chronic laziness in getting out and finding things to write about as opposed to arty-farty assertions about how crap nicois men are) but I'm sure it'll all fall together somehow. Yes. Rah.
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