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Thursday 10.1.02 | Yesterday was an awful day. After waking up in the morning with a hangover the size of a small African state, I stumbled into my first class at 9, the omniously named 'Discussion and Essay.' For the best part of two hours, we discussed, in German, the philosophy of power, whilst the little man with the pneumatic drill inside my head did his best to make the experience as unpleasant as possible. I then had an hour off to make myself look and feel human, before two hours of grammar - one French, one German. German's always excruciating anyway, and I shall rant about this some other time. French can be strangely involving and strangely tedious all at once; yesterday it was how to construct an argument the French way ('Fling all the facts together and see if a structure makes itself clear. If not, don't worry, you weren't meant to have one in the first place.') Ugh. Went for a run later to see if it would clear my head - instead I almost died of inhaling fumes and general lack of going running since before Christmas. Not good. Saturday 12.1.02 Ugh, another nightmare day at work ahead. Shouldn't complain, actually, as will probably be sat on rear all day with my nose in a book, but is not the point. I could be in bed. Ooh, actually, definitely have no cause to bitch - I found out to my jubilation yesterday that I've been accepted to University in Berlin next year. I will explain more about what this means when I'm not sitting in ShittyEverything paying an extortionate rate to write this. Monday 14.1.02 Slowly realising after last week's euphoria at the completion of plans to go to Berlin that now is the time to start panicking about what I'm going to be doing in the meanwhile. In the next month, I have two large essays to write, a play to sort the props out for (this actually being next week - fuuuuck!), a debating competition to organise with Michelle, and the French half of my year abroad to plan and apply for. Panic, I think, is justified. Tuesday 15.1.02 'Michelle should not be allowed to use [her] site to spread half truths and lies just to satisfy the vulgar, sensationalist, tabloid interests of her readers (i.e. Mark).' Hello? Since when I have become and abuse-pawn in Alec and Michelle's marital squabbling on her site? Note I don't deny that I am indeed a vulgar, sensationalist, tabloid fuckwit, of course. Anyway, moving on, if I am indeed all the nasty things listed above, I am also a fool. Yesterday evening (about rush-hour time, just to ice the cake) saw me walking to King's Cross with Claire and Anna in an attempt to locate a shopping-trolley to steal. I was sober; it's a play prop. So we're walking along Euston Road, and we notice a police-car parked there, taking down someone's details. Claire and I make a mental note not to come back that way. So Anna points one out, and goes home, and Claire and I wheel said Sainsbury's chariot through the streets. In King's Cross, we fitted right in. In Bloomsbury, we looked like a pork-chop in a synagogue. Anyway, so we wheel the trolley (now named Ethel) carefully through the backstreets, studiously avoiding the police car on the Euston Road. Trying to blend in as much as possible, we came across two mounted police officers. Oh, splendid. Trying to be as calm and quiet as possible, we crossed the road. And made the horses buckle. Convinced we were about to be incarcerated, I walked a litte faster, until we got away from them. Then Claire decided she wanted to get in the trolley. This worked for about 10 metres, and then we ran into some people who were normal and decided that the previous tactic of trying to be inconspicuous was better. Getting to the German Department, she made me get in myself and almost drove me into a wall. This is all after also stealing a crutch from UCL Hospital this morning too. The things I do... |