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Monday 5.7.04 | I'M going to change the way I write and archive this site, doing it on a monthly rather than weekly basis. I'll be blogging a lot less, but what I write will hopefully have more content and be in general more considered than at the moment. Makes more sense to me now my rhythm of life has changed. I had a shite week last week, what with one thing and another. It started with the realisation that £1k had been filched from my bank account (thanks, fuckers, I'm still penniless), then my lemming-phone threw itself off an electronic cliff - I'm only just sorting it now, and my phone company are being worse than cruddy in sorting it out for me. I'm experiencing a problem they've never encountered before, and as a result I'm having to fight all the way not to have to pay for a replacement of their crappy equipment. Anyway, that all said, I spectacularly crashed my work computer the other day, and then that night did a very similar thing to my dad's one at home: luckily, both are fine. Wednesday 7.7.04 HAVE decided that I really do like my new workplace very much indeed. They're lovely people and you often fall over the most splendid bits of randomness in the course of the day. Consider today: A dippy Italian girl sent her CV in, and on her cover-letter, she attempted to express that she was happy to travel for work. She wrote 'Willing to trip.' Our stationary supplier randomly sent us three suitcases as a free gift for buying in quite the quantities we do, and so I came home with this really dinky blue little pull-along jobby (fun in the rush-hour, I can tell you.) Great stuff :-) Sunday 18.7.04 WRITING this post from North Yorkshire as spending a very pleasant weekend away from London. Taking the decision to perhaps update this blog on a more weekly rather than daily basis has proved pragmatic, as I just haven't got round to doing it in London; have had a lot on. Paradoxically, there is much and little to update... I could, for example, write a tome about last night's barn-dance I went to. The sight of lots of old biddies waltzing their zimmers and each other across the local parish hall in to various Irish jigs was, at one and the same time, terrifying and edifying. I think I might have been possible to coerce me to join the wind-farm of limbs had I had a few more drinks, but as it was I was happy to sit on the sidelines and gape. The gay men of Soho would have been proud of those old dears, really they would. I could also mention the enormous drunken heart-to-heart I had with Claire, Russell and Max 10 days ago, on a Friday night on Old Compton Street. Going out drinking with Claire is always a perilous undertaking, mainly because I never leave wherever we end up anywhere near sober, but this was an interesting one, certainly. Woke up the next morning in Newman House, still wearing my suit from the previous day, lenses still in, feeling like turd, but it was definitely well worth it. I didn't want to touch alcohol again for a good while, but I suppose that's no bad thing. Then there is work, which is chugging along - my counterpart administrator's away next week, so I've got a busy one ahead, but that's no bad thing as I feel slightly under-used at the moment. I really want to start doing more people-searches and sideline the stamp-sticking if at all possible: I don't mind the latter in the slightest, but I've grown to really enjoy the former. Suppose is the talking element I like :-) Apart from that, not a lot is new. I'm still missing my £1k. My phone is fixed, but Orange are still being shite. I think I have come through that bad patch, and things are picking up. :-) More -quite- soon from London, when I get a chance. Work itself is still going well - I often can't be arsed with the thought of it when I start at 9am, but I find the days go quite quickly. At the moment, I've got a massive amount on, so things are flying by. Weekends have suddenly become incredibly precious times which zip by in the blink of a liberated, not-in-the-office eye, but that's no bad thing. Also physically punishing self in gym, but I'm told it's good for me... Tuesday 27.7.04 FEW bits to stick on here tonight: firstly, the discovery that it's much, much easier to exercise in the gym when there's a documentary playing on the TV in front of you about obesity. Other than that, splendid first trip to the Globe Theatre last Tuesday with Ed to see Romeo and Juliet. That Juliet sounded like she was from Chipping Sodbury was, I suppose, forgivable. That Romeo was poor and rather camp wasn't. That the play as a whole was too funny is open to argument. But, overall, it was a wonderful evening: please, please do visit the Globe if you haven't already had the pleasure. It's sublime :-) Work has been manic as my counterpart administrator's been away on holiday, but she's back tomorrow, thank God. Having an increased workload has been good, actually: I like being kept on my toes, and wouldn't mind if they threw a little more at me in the normal run of things. Quiet weekend apart from that: vast walk with Max on Saturday, little time spent with the Boy, various bits of pottering and shuffering about generally. Can't believe is already Wednesday tomorrow - where do the weeks go? Saturday 31.7.04 I find it charmingly ironic that the highest mark I got for my whole degree was one for French, and not German. Those who know me will know that my knowledge of French is slightly more shaky than that of German, to put it mildly, and I haven't really enjoyed studying it. But never mind, I've got a degree in the damn language and some very respectable marks, and that's all I care about (although I must add that, as a final twist, the French Dept decided that they couldn't quite bring themselves to give me a 2.1 for my French grammar, but at the same time I missed a 1st for my spoken French by 4%. French logic for you.) |