Games The Impavid One has beaten w/out Game Genie - As of May 12, 2001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Adventures in the Magic Kingdom Astynax Captain Comic Castlevania Castlevania II Castlevania III Challenge of the Dragon Code Name Viper Deja Vu Donkey Kong Donkey Kong Jr. Dream Master (Little Nemo) Dr. Mario Duck Hunt - To Round 0 Duck Tales Duck Tales 2 Fantasy Zone Flintstones: Rescue of Dino and Hoppy Ghosts N Goblins Hogans Alley - To Round 0 Immortal Karate Kid King Neptune's Adventure King of Kings Lunar Pool Maniac Mansion Mario's Time Machine Master Chu & the Drunken Fu Mega Man Mega Man 2 Mega Man 3 Mega Man 4 Mega Man 5 Mega man 6 Menace Beach Mickey Mousecapade Operation Secret Storm Popeye Power Blade Rad Racer 2 Rampage Rescue - The Embassy Mission Rescue Rangers Rescue Rangers 2 Shadowgate Silent Assault Super Mario Bros. Super Mario Bros. 2 Super Mario Bros. 3 Talespin Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 Xexyz ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Seems kinda short, like I'm missing something, yet I'm not sure as to what I missed. - The Warp Zone