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Name: Aidos

Race: (Human/Elf) Elf

Soul name: (Elf only) Ern

Profession/Position: Crewman for the barge DawnTreader

Magics: (Elf only) Sending, Magical Feeling, Cat-Bonding

Weapons: Knives. Lots and lots of knives. He hides them in some unlikely places.

Skills: Fighting and sailing. Trying to keep his ‘baby’ cousins out of trouble. Gambling, especially with dice.

Age: (Under 800 years) 453

Height: 5” 5’

Eyes: Dark cypress green with hints of silver.

Hair Color: White-blond.

Hair Style: Just starting to get long. Long enough that it falls into his eyes a lot. Strait and very silky.

Complexion: Fair.

Build: Lean but fairly well built.

Scars: A long scar that stretches from his right shoulder to the left side of his lower back.

Other Marks: A crescent moon on his right shoulder.

Clothing summer: Loose, lightweight gray breeches tucked into black leather boots that end just bellow his knees. A loose tunic made of the same light material, but dyed a soft green, falling to about mid-thigh. It has no sleeves, and a darker green sash belts it.

Clothing winter: Same clothing, but with a heavy, dark gray cloak over it. Special Possessions: A matching leather armband and headband left to him by his father.

Fears: Being alone, or abandoned. Being hurt because he let someone get too close to him, or hurting someone close to him.

Dislikes: Cheaters. Being too dependent on people. Canines. Liars.

Likes: His cousins and friends, stormy weather, as long as he doesn’t have to be sailing in the middle of it.

Dreams: His parents coming back, but he knows that will never happen.

Personality: Gentle and generally kind, if a bit shy around strangers. He embarrasses easily, but has no temper to speak of, unless someone threatens someone close to him, but is fairly strong mentally when you get right down to it. He’s very protective of his cousins, not that they need it. Very girl-shy, so to speak, with a tendency to stutter around someone he has strong feelings for. He doesn’t pick fights or look for trouble, but with cousins like his, he tends to find it anyway, and has learned to deal with it. When he gambles, it’s mostly for the fun of it, not the money.

Quirks: He’s fancied a falconer friend of his for several years now, but whenever he opens his mouth to say something about it, he turns bright red, and starts stuttering or lapses into a sudden coughing fit. ;p

Father: Terin

Mother: Heeli

Brothers: None

Sisters: None

Soul sibs: Open

Children: None

Lifemates: Open

Lovemates: Open

Recognized: (Elves only) None yet.

Cousins: Talia and Resha

History: Aidos was abandoned as a baby. His parents left him on his uncle’s doorstep then vanished, poof, without a trace. He grew up fairly happy, bonding wonderfully with his cousins when they were born, but because of his parents, he always had a terrible phobia of being alone and his cousins, though they loved him, were always closer to each other then to him. His aunt and uncle died, and he became very protective of his younger cousins, going so far as to become a crewman on the barge they inherited.

~Bond Animals ~

Name: Nimaya

Sex/Species: Female/Tiger

Appearance: Large, sort of orange-red in color with black stripes. Big claws and teeth. ;p

Personality: Grounded and very calm, with the tendency to treat everyone, elves and humans included, like they’re unruly kittens that need to be herded.


Name: Meshinka

Sex/Species: Female/Falcon

Appearance: Small, with dark brown wings, back, and head and a cream colored breast.

Personality: Playful when alone, with Aidos, or, oddly enough, the falconer friend that trained her for him. Very subdued and withdrawn the rest of the time.

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