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Captain Blackwind

Email Address:

AOL IM: Sweetleaf theelf

Yahoo IM: Sweetleaf_elf

Name: Captain Blackwind

Race: elf

Soul name: Mara

Profession/Position: Captain of the free trade ship Windrunner

Magic's: Sending, minor magic feeling, Wind shaping

Weapons: two cutlasses, dagger

Skills: navigating the sea by sight and starlight, trading, running a tight ship, has the total loyalty of all the men, woman, human and elves on her ship, her swordsmanship, mapping, swimming, singing

Age: 200 years

Height: 4“ 5’


Hair Color: pure raven black

Hair Style: loose wavy to the middle of her back if she knows that she is going to be in a fight she puts a bandanna on to keep the hair out of her face.

Complexion: tan

Build: quite curvy, strong lean muscles under the curves

Scars: one longish scar on her left thigh from a sword fight. Several faint whip scars on her back.

Other Marks:

Clothing summer: black boots that when folded go to her knees when unfolded go mid thigh. Black pants that lace up the sides, outside of the legs are bare but for the lacing, thick red silk belt, White cotton loose shirt that is tied right below her beasts, long sleeves with a slit from shoulder to the cuff at her wrists.

Clothing winter: same boots, thick leather black pants, white shirt and thick fur lined coat w/ hood that tucks under the red belt

Fears: being imprisoned, shackled or losing her mens’ lives

Dislikes: Slavery and pirates

Likes: to live life to it's fullest to take some bit of a risk

Dreams: to have a fleet of trade ships under her command

Personality: At a party she lets her hair down, she has taken some risks in her life and they paid out well. Has a quite temper with pirates.

Quirks: when in middle of a battle she has been known to start laughing from the sheer joy of life

Father: unknown trader

Mother: Seabreeze (d)

Brothers: open

Sisters: open

Soul sibs: Aya

Children: no

Lifemates: no

Lovemates: open

Recognized: no

History: born to a sailor her mother and an unknown land traveling trader who recognized her, both bloods call for her but the call of the sea is the strongest. She was raised on a ship since the day she was born. When she was 25 the ship she had been raised on had been hit by pirates. In that battle she lost many things, Her mother, her home, her virginity and her freedom for 25 years. During those years many bad things happened to her and she will not speak of them exempt to maybe a soul brother or sister. When she got away it was with the best ship that the pirates had, the slaves whom hearts she had won and the pointy ears of the slave/pirate ship captain on her belt. When she was 100 she learned about her Wind shaping ability and with this she is one of the fastest ships around when she is running under full sail. An elf might win her love for a night or even a few years but so far none have challenged the love of her sweet sleek trading (once raiding) ship Windrunner or the sea and won. Blackwind worked hard on her ship as a slave, she won the respect that the humans and elves who work at her side on her ship have given. in fact she has won more then their loyalty but she has won all of their hearts. When she was a slave of Clipear (once known as Deathsong) he had raided a slave galley bringing aboard the black haired Aya, the two of them became friends and soon they had exchanged soul names. with Aya's help she planed an escape from the pirates. Right now there are 15 humans (one of them new born) and several elves, of all ages.

~Bond Animals ~

Name: Talon

Sex/Species: female raven

Appearance: a black raven that is about a foot high

Personality: a lover of shiny things, a little bit of a thief, surprisingly good hunter.

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