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Email Address: sailor_Anubis_75

AOL IM: Rynn Avian

Yahoo IM:

Name: Deren

Race: Elf

Soul name: Zael

Profession/Position: hunter

Magics: Gliding, sending, magic feeling

Weapons: spear, net

Skills: hunting animals, tracking

Age: 435

Height: 5 foot 5

Eyes: brown with gold-green flecks

Hair Color: brown

Hair Style: shoulder length

Complexion: lightly tanned

Build: slender, but muscular.

Scars: none

Other Marks: birthmark on his left shoulder blade

Clothing summer: lightweight light blue tunic, brown shorts, slip on shoes

Clothing winter: heavy light blue long sleeved tunic, brown pants, boots

Special Possessions: a gold necklace he wears around his neck that was his mother's

Fears: unknown as of yet

Dislikes: being shy

Likes: flying, watching the ocean and the sky

Dreams: of being a father one day

Personality: Quiet, a deep thinker, but friendly, helpful

Quirks: tends to float even when he's not thinking about it

Father: Kesin (deceased)

Mother: Tessa (deceased)

Brothers: none

Sisters: none

Soul sibs: none

Children: none

Lifemates: none yet

Lovemates: open

Recognized: not yet

History: Deren was born to a Recognized couple, and he was their only son. He was doted on and very well loved. Kesin was also a Glider, and that's how Deren got his powers. Kesin died during a fishing trip when a storm came up suddenly and washed him overboard. He drowned. Deren was only 142 then.

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