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AOL IM: FaeriePrncess83

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Name: Kahleara

Race: Elf

Soul name: Tal

Profession/Position: occasional mercenary, rogue, amazing swordswoman, unintentional troublemaker, brawler, occasional thief and smuggler (when she was sailing)

Magic's: sending, animal bonding

Weapons: broad sword, many daggers

Skills: lock picking, boosting, smuggling, gambling, fighting (sword)

Age: 208

Height: 4” 5’

Eyes: green

Hair Color: auburn/coppery

Hair Style: worn down, hanging to her mid back in loose curls, sometimes pulled up in the front, to keep stray curls out of her face, but rarely succeeding

Complexion: pale, with a light dusting of freckles on her nose

Build: busty and feminine with a healthy layer of muscle underneath

Scars: a few on her arms and hands, one on her lower back which was almost fatal.

Other Marks: a tiny birthmark on the back of her neck, slightly darker than her skin color

Clothing summer: Short tunic, belted at the waist. The sleeves are long, but open from the shoulder to the elbow, then tucked into leather wrist guards. She wears knee high brown boots.

Clothing winter: White shirt, black vest (form fitting and showing off much cleavage) Brown breeches and the same boots. On really cold days, she’ll wear a brown or tan cloak.

Special Possessions: her sword

Fears: meeting the one person who can break down all her walls

Dislikes: merchants, snobby rich daughters

Likes: joining with whoever is willing, drinking, brawling, and surprisingly, cubs

Dreams: of finding someone she can truly love, Recognizing

Personality: loud and boisterous, always starting trouble, but usually not meaning to.

Quirks: Loves to challenge men to drinking contests, because she will always win.

Father: unknown (raised by human sailor named Marigan)

Mother: doesn’t know her name, barely remembers her

Brothers: possibly

Sisters: could be

Soul sibs: Siobahn

Children: nope

Lifemates: maybe someday

Lovemates: open to anyone and everyone

Recognized: maybe someday

History: Kahleara was born to a poor baker's lifemate, who Recognized an elf she didn't know. Her lifemate (the baker) accepted Kahleara as his own. Both of her parents died from the wasting sickness when Kahleara was only three years old. After that, she was raised by a backward human sailor, named Marigan, who found her on the street. He treated her like a daughter, and she spent the first twenty years of her life learning to be a wonderful swordswoman, (also to steal, drink, gamble, and smuggle) She picked up all the bad habits of the sailors. After Marigan died, Kahleara went out on her own and has been doing odd jobs and stealing to keep herself alive.

~Bond Animals~

Name: doesn’t have one, is referred to as ‘the stud’

Sex/Species: Male/horse

Appearance: large solid bay stallion

Personality: easily excitable and spooky


Name: Max

Sex/Species: Male/cat

Appearance: solid black

Personality: friendly, but protective of Kahleara and the stud. rides on the stud’s back, behind Kahleara Loves Siobahn, much to her dismay and will not leave her alone if she's around.

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