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Email Address: Ldykitwolf

AOL IM: Ldykitwolf

Yahoo IM: Ladykitwolf

Name: Lalia

Race: Elf

Soul name: Rane

Sex: Female

Profession/Position: Trade Guild Masters Daughter

Magic's: Sending, Magic Feeling, Sight, Dreamreading

Weapons: Crossbow

Skills: Riding, hunting, dancing, singing, sailing and others

Age: 98

Height: 5'

Eyes: Emerald green w/ gold flecks

Hair Color: Black

Hair Style: Long pony tail with numerous tiny braids looping up into it

Complexion: Slight tan

Build: Slender and graceful but curvy. Her body belies the strength of her spirit.

Scars: None

Other Marks: None

Clothing summer: Long tunic that's open up to her hips and sleeves which catch at the shoulders elbow and wrist.

Clothing winter: Heavy tunic over britches and a sleeved shirt with a fur lined vest.

Special Possessions: Piece of lodestone set in a silver and gold starburst.

Fears: Becoming a slave of her duties and family

Dislikes: Being told what to do by her family

Likes: Private moments without others asking for thing of her. Usually finds this when riding

Personality: Though gentle and caring she has a wild temper and no

qualms about being as ruthless as she needs to be. Intelligent and a rebellious, can be a real smart butt when she wants to as well. Quirks: She likes to be in control but subtlety

Father: Haldis (A)

Mother: Dalila (A)

Brothers: Open

Sisters: Open

Soul sibs: Open

Children: None

Lifemates: None

Lovemates: Open

Recognized: No

History: Though her father had recognized a good 200 years before she was born and his lifemate and child still live he recognized again. Lalia's mother was an enigma to say the least, she appeared to Haldis from the mist in the forest. There joining was brief and intense and her mother left as quickly as she came. Two years later while in the forest Haldis came upon an infant and new it was his. Unable to find the mother he took the child back to his home. Very few people know that Lalia is not Haldis's lifemats child. Though as she grows in power and beauty more and more suspicion is being raised. Haldis though not unkind is a strict and demanding father. Though he is grooming his first born son to take his place he is dead set that his youngest daughter mate into the family, to keep the startling power contained in there blood. He has gone to great lengths to destroy any hopes of her romances when she chances on them. It is also rumored that she is gifted with the sight, able to see glimpses of the past and future, as well as that she is developing more and more powers faster then she can learn to control. Finding solace from the stairs and whispers has become a difficult thing for her.

~Bond Animals ~

Name: Swiftwind

Sex/Species: Horse /Male

Appearance: Black as night with white blazes on its leg and brow

Personality: Stoic and calm


Name: Rinka

Sex/Species: Female / Curo (think cross between monkey and cat)

Appearance: Tawny gold with black tufts on ears

Personality: Playful and mischievous

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