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Character Information Sheet

Email Address:
AOL IM: ElfStormStriker
Yahoo IM: thunderstrikerforever

Name: Morgan
Race: Human
Profession/Position: Wyvern owner (respectable inn) and also the secret leader of the movement against elves
Weapons: A boot throwing dagger.
Skills: Is very competent in knife-throwing and owns the best inn in town. Is the main cook himself and is very good.
Age: 32
Height: 5’ 11”
Eyes: A deep penetrating amber
Hair Color: Jet black but already has some silver streaks showing through.
Hair Style: Is cut to where the back falls just below his ears.
Complexion: Olive colored skin. Considered good looking.
Build: Very muscular but not quite bulky. He’s anything but small and has wide shoulders
Scars: A scar across his left shoulder and three stripe scars on his thigh from an attack by a puma during his travels as a child.
Other Marks: Has a black design tattoo on his left cheek and a wyvern tattoo decorating his back. (Wings spread on shoulders, tail ends at base of spinal cord)
Clothing summer: Black pants and a silky white button-up shirt.
Clothing winter: Black pants and a red long-sleeve shirt of sleek fur. Has black gloves and a black hoodless cloak.
Special Possessions: A chain made of a strange red metal. He bought it on a trip as a child from money he stole from his father. Hoped it would protect him from his harsh father.
Fears: His father coming back to town.
Dislikes: Elves and elven magic.
Likes: The respectability of his inn and the services provided there.
Dreams: Of being free from all the elves
Personality: Morgan is usually a nice guy, but he despises elves. He believes they would do anything to get rid of humans so he plans to rid the World of Two Moons of the pointy-ears first. He’s kind to most people who come through his inn, and keeps his contempt for the elves hidden. He doesn’t like trouble makers and makes it well known throughout Thundercove. He enjoys trading with the Windrunner but dislikes Blackwind.
Quirks: Sometimes forgets orders when he’s thinking… something he does often.

Father: Mannanan (disappeared- adoptable)
Mother: Cassandra (living- adoptable)
Brothers: Forol (disappeared w/ father)
Sisters: None
Soul sibs: None
Children: None
Lifemates: None
Lovemates: Cassima
History: Morgan’s father was a trader but not by choice. He used to take Morgan and Forol with him on his trading trips. He often got drunk and beat Morgan, who was the younger brother. Once, Morgan stole money from his father’s pouch and traded it in for a chain of red metal. It was forged by elven magic and was supposed to protect him from his father, but that night he was beaten worse than ever. The next day, he and his father ran into a puma, and Mannanan threw Morgan at the cat to distract it while he ran away. He has three claw stripes from the beast, but is happy he got rid of his father. He hates elves now because he believes their magic did not protect him (even though his father disappeared the next day). He went with another trade caravan to the town his mother lived in and opened a inn there. There are rarely any fights in his inn and he has an upstairs business for the men. He does keep a few female elves too, because, despite his hatred of them, they bring good business. He never mistreats his employees… at least, he hasn’t yet. Cassima is one of his wenches (though that word is not used in his inn) and one he thinks often of settling down with. She’s the one whom he talks with about ridding Thundercove of the elves. Together they’ve started an uprising against the elves… though no one knows exactly how many people have joined them.

Name: Torra
Sex/Species: Female, cat
Appearance: Is a pure white cat, very sleek and with short-fur
Personality: Torra hates other wolves and dislikes those who cause trouble in her human’s inn. She lets them know with a quick lesson in cat agility and claw sharpness. She gets great satisfaction out of outwitting the wolves and dogs that chase her, and has yet to get caught by any of them. She and Morgan are close but she doesn’t like Cassima.

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