"The Blizzard of '01" by Tom Fontana [The box.] Hill: A blizzard is coming, y'all. Heaps and heaps of snow will fall from the sky and bury everything, sidewalks, cars, houses, the ground will grow frozen and slippery. . .dangerous. But here in Oz, we're oblivious to the weather outside. Here in Oz, we're all toasty, cozy, warm. [Em City.] [Murphy climbs the stairs and rings the morning buzzer.] [O'Reily pod.] Ryan: Fuck. Cyril, hey, you okay? Cyril: My hair is changing back. Ryan: Oh, shit. Look at that. Cyril: And my skin. I'm not wrinkled. CO: (pounds on door) Let's go, let's go. [Staff room.] Nathan: Well, none of the other nine prisoners show any long-term or adverse effects when taking the drug. Since we've stopped the testing, their bodies have been reversing back to normal. Sister Pete: Oh, thank God. [Murphy enters.] Murphy: Morning. Sister Pete: Morning. Murphy: Coffee ready? Sister Pete: Yeah. Murphy: Great. Hope we're not running low. Weather channel says a big storm's a-brewing. With our luck, we'll get snowed in with no java. Any word on how McManus is doing? Nathan: Yeah, I stopped by the hospital on my way here. Uh, he's in great spirits. Dr. Nascer says he's doing well and he should be back next week. Sister Pete: Good. Murphy: Wow, great news all around. [FB: Wick's death.] [Infirmary.] Seitz: Dr. Nathan. Jeffrey Seitz. Nathan: What can I do for you, Mr. Seitz? Seitz: I'm an attorney at Downing, McNally and Edima. The Wygert Corporation has retained my firm to handle all the litigation regarding the so-called aging pill. Nathan: Litigation? Seitz: The family of the prisoner who died, Fred Wick, is suing for $25 million. You're named as a co-defendant. Nathan: What, I am? Seitz: Relax. I'm confident that the Wicks will settle out of court. The more serious problem is the State Medical Board of Ethics, a decidedly less predictable group. They want to hold a hearing to determine if there was any malpractice on your part during the drug testing. Nathan: You mean - Seitz: Yes. You could lose your medical license. [Oz. Entrance.] [Nathan is leaving the building and is besieged by reporters.] Female Reporter: The Wygert Corporation says you mishandled the experiment. [Nathan turns and flees back into the building.] [Em City. Quad.] Weatherman (on TV): 15 inches of snow over the next three days. With temperatures below zero and winds at 30 miles per hour, the morning commute will be hazardous. A travel advisory has been issued by the National Weather Bureau - CO: O'Reily. You got a visitor. Ryan: Who? CO: I don't know. Some broad. [Visitor phone room.] Ryan: Who are you? Fitzgerald: My name is Suzanne Fitzgerald. Ryan: Do we know each other? Fitzgerald: Yes, but we haven't seen each other since you were a very small child. Ryan: Look, lady, I'm not real big on nostalgia, so, what do you want? Fitzgerald: Ryan, I because I have something to tell you, and it's something I think you're gonna find impossible to understand. Ryan: Try me. Fitzgerald: I'm your mother. Ryan: My mother's dead. Fitzgerald: No, I'm your real mother. The woman that you thought was your mother - Ryan: (slams phone against glass) My mother's dead! [Bathroom.] [Ryan and Howell fucking.] Howell: (pushes him off) Well, finally! Ryan: Jesus, dammit! Howell: Feels like you've been in there since Halloween. Ryan: Hey, I got a lot on my mind. Howell: Like I give a shit. Ryan: You know, Howell, you are such a cunt. Howell: Look at us arguing like an old married couple. You know, O'Reily, that's the problem. The thrill is gone. Ryan: Meaning what? What, what, we're through? Howell: Yep. Time for me to move on to greener pastures. Ryan: Oh, I'm just heartbroken. [Unit J.] Yood: About time. I'm starving. Basil: Alvin, all you do all day is eat. Yood: So what? I'm supposed to preserve my girlish figure? Basil: Hughes, food's here. Hughes: Fuck you. Howell: Hello there, blondie. You afraid of me? You don't need to be afraid of me. I'm good friends with your brother. I'd like to be good friends with you, too. (squeezes his ass) Cyril: (hits her with a tray) You can't do that to me. Get off me, get off me! [Another CO and Howell force him down.] [Office.] Nathan: Officer Howell says that your brother, without provocation, hit her. Ryan: She's a lying cunt. Nathan: In any event, I've sedated him. He'll sleep in the ward tonight. Murphy: We seem to be coming back to the same problem. I'm not sure what else we can do. Ryan: I don't understand. Murphy: We're thinking Cyril should be transferred to the Conley Institute. Ryan: The insane asylum? Uh-unh, no fucking way! Murphy: We won't decide anything until McManus gets back. John, take him out of here. Ryan: Gloria, don't let them do this. You know he won't survive in there. Gloria, I'm serious! (he is escorted out) [Visitor's Room.] Ryan: Hey, dad. Mr. O'Reily: It's snowing like a motherfucker. They say we'll get maybe 15 inches by Thursday. Ryan: I appreciate you making the effort. O'Reily: What's wrong? Ryan: The hacks are talking about sending Cyril away to the State loony farm. O'Reily: So? Ryan: So? So, if he goes to that shithole by himself, then he's gone forever. O'Reily: What's the difference? This shithole, that shithole. Ryan: Yeah, but at least here in Oz, he's got me. O'Reily: And you've been such a force for good in his life, huh? Ryan: Fuck you. O'Reily: That's my boy. You didn't call me about Cyril. You got some other nonsense going. Now, out with it because I want to get back before the roads get worse. Ryan: Suzanne Fitzgerald. She came to see me. She says she's my real mother. O'Reily: She's a lying cunt. A miserable lying cunt, you hear me? Ryan: Fuck, it's true. O'Reily: I got to go. Ryan: It's true, isn't it, dad? It's true! [Infirmary.] Ryan: A son's obligation is to protect his mother, no matter from who, even his own father. The woman I thought was my mother, I knew she never loved me. Now I see why. Nathan: And Suzanne Fitzgerald. Ryan: I think she's my mom. And, only I chased her out, and I have no idea how to reach her. Nathan: Well, maybe I can find her. Ryan: Would you? Would you do that for me? And this bullshit about sending Cyril away, you'll take care of that, too? Nathan: Ryan, I can't make any promises. This isn't my decision. Ryan: But you'll plead my case, right? Nathan: Ryan - Ryan: Please. Don't let them separate us. Cyril: Ryan? Ryan: Hey, how you doing, champ? Cyril: Better. Ryan: You all right? (to Nathan) I know you'll do what's right. [FB: Hughes' assassination attempt of Devlin.] [Visitor's room.] Mrs. Hughes: So, how are you getting along, Clayton? Clayton: I'm fine. Hughes: And the men in your cell block, who are they? Clayton: They're cops, one was an undercover narc, the other's some yokel from a small town mid-state. Hughes: So, at least you're safe. Clayton: You've got to stop worrying about me. I'm not a little boy anymore. Hughes: I know that. Clayton: My entire life, you and Leo treated me like I was some fragile piece of china. Afraid I'd break at the slightest touch, because dad was stupid enough to get himself shanked when I was seven years old. Hughes: Clayton, don't speak that way of your father. Clayton: All I'm saying is you were too protective of me. Hughes: You'd rather what? That I'd let you run with the gangs? Clayton: Yes. At least then it wouldn't have taken me this long to find my balls. Hughes: Oh, and you found them by shooting at the governor? Clayton: For the first time, I know who I am. My true self, the thing I was born to do. I can change the world. But tucked away in Unit J, I can't do anything. At least not yet. Hughes: What do you mean, not yet? Clayton, what are you planning? Clayton: Nothing. Don't worry. [Unit J.] Robson: Mail. Huh, another letter from your wife, Basil. She sounds worse and worse. I think you ought to let her come visit. Basil: Always grateful for your input, Robson. Robson: A couple of magazines for you, "Newsweek," "Field and Stream," "Swank." Yood: I like my reading to be well-rounded. Robson: Check out the pussy on page 15. Oh, hey, nothing for you today, tough guy. Hughes: Bite me. Robson: Where? Hughes: Fucking cocksucker! (attacks him) Howell: Oh, fuck, Christ, not again. Take off, Robson, now! Robson: Yes, sir! Bye-bye, baby. Hughes: Fuck you, you fucking dickless Nazi fag! Howell: Clayton, Clayton, if you keep this up, I'm gonna have to spank you. Yood: Careful, he might enjoy it. Hughes: You fucking cocksucker! Howell: Put Hughes in his cell! Hughes: (cuffed and thrown into cell) Fucker, fuck it! Uncuff me! Howell: First you got to learn not to run with scissors! Basil: We've got to do something about Hughes, Alvin. We've tried being friendly. Now we've gotta do something else. Yood: Like what? Boil him in oil? Basil: We should talk to the Warden. Have Hughes transferred to Solitary. Yood: That guy's like a son to Glynn. Would you put your son in Solitary? Basil: My son. [Warden's Office. Reception.] [Floria struggles with a desk drawer.] Basil: You've got to - Here, let me show you. (opens drawer) Floria: Thanks. Glynn: John, come on in. Basil: Office looks great. Glynn: Oh, I hope you're not here to ask for a new microwave. Basil: Clayton Hughes. Glynn: Look, I've been meaning to come down to J to talk to Clayton, I've just been so god-damn busy. Basil: How's your wife? Glynn: She's okay. How's yours? Basil: I haven't seen Abby since my trial. Glynn: Why not? Basil: I'm too - mortified. Glynn: John, look - I'm the last one to be counselling on marriage, but trust me, you don't want to push her away. You push once too often, and she won't be there when you need her. [Unit J.] Basil: (on phone) Abby? Please come, and soon. [Box.] Hill: (sings) Oh, the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful, and since we've no place to go, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. [Em City. Quad.] Hoyt: It's cold in here. You guys cold? Pancamo: Put on a fucking sweater. Beecher: When is Busmalis getting married? Rebadow: Tomorrow. Beecher: That's what I thought. Shouldn't we be doing something? Ryan: Like what? Beecher: I don't know. Bachelor party. Ryan: A bachelor party here in Oz? Rebadow: Bachelor parties are one part alcohol, one part strippers. We're in short supply of both. Beecher: Fine, I just thought, tomorrow's a big day for Busmalis - Forget I brought it up. (he leaves) Rebadow: He misses Keller. Ryan: I don't. So, Rebadow, you're the best man, huh? This marriage is doomed. Let's go, Cyril, come on. [Rebadow-Busmalis pod.] Busmalis: Just think, by nightfall tomorrow, I'll be an old, married man. You don't think I am, do you? Rebadow: Am what? Busmalis: Too old to get married? Rebadow: No. Busmalis: You don't think I'm crazy doing this, do you? Rebadow: You gotta be a little crazy to tie the knot, but it's a good crazy. Busmalis: Sure. Well, like you said when I first told you, how's it gonna be, her outside, me inside. I mean, we can't even consummate the vows. Rebadow: I've been saving this as a surprise. I've arranged with Sister Pete, for you and Norma to have use, on the evening of your nuptials only, one of the old hospitality suites. Busmalis: But conjugal visits aren't allowed anymore. Rebadow: Sister Pete pulled a string or two. Busmalis: Wow. Norma and I are gonna romp through Cupid's grove. There's only one thing. Rebadow: What's that? Busmalis: You're gonna have to tell me what to do with Norma. . . in bed. You see, I'm a virgin. Rebadow: O'Reily's right, this marriage is doomed. [Cafeteria.] Mukada: (checks his watch) I'm sure she'll be here any minute. Busmalis: Yep, any minute. Any second. Rebadow: You know, she's not that late. Busmalis: No, 45 minutes is not late late. It's fashionably late. Mukada: Plus, I'm sure that with the snow flurries, the traffic's - it's just gotta be snarled. Busmalis: The snow flurries, of course. Rebadow: She might have even gotten a flat tire. Busmalis: Or a faulty carburetor. She told me she's been hearing a strange ping in her engine Mukada: Well, see, there you go. Pete, did you reach her? Sister Pete: I called Norma's home and got the voice mail. So I called the studio where they make "Miss Sally's Schoolyard," and a very nice man there said that he hadn't seen her all day. Busmalis: My sweetie took off from work to marry me. Sister Pete: I'm sure she'll be here any minute. Mukada: Right. Sister Pete: What with the snow, and - Mukada: Pete, we've been there. Sister Pete: Ah-ha. Well, you look very nice. Busmalis: Thanks. This is the happiest day of my life. [Mukada's Office.] Mukada: Are you sure you want to convert to Catholicism? Gougeon: Yes, father. Mukada: I don't want you or anyone else to think that I'm rushing you into this decision. Gougeon: Does it matter what anyone else thinks? Father, I know in my heart that I want to be baptized a Roman Catholic. Mukada: The Reverend Cloutier - Gougeon: I no longer care what the Reverend Cloutier says or does. Mukada: Okay. All right, Samuel, we'll have the ceremony next Saturday. Gougeon: Thank you, Father. Mukada: Thank you, Samuel. [Cafeteria.] Cloutier: So, Daniel was taken up out of the lion's den, and no manner of hurt was found upon him because he believed in his God. And the King commanded that they brought those men which had accused Daniel and cast them into the den of lions. [Library.] Mukada: Reverend? Cloutier: Yes, Father? Mukada: I hope you're not upset that Samuel Gougeon has decided to become a Catholic. Cloutier: Well, if by upset you mean angry, no. But I am fearful for his soul. Mukada: His soul will be fine. Believe me. Cloutier: Believing. That's the bottom line, isn't it? Mukada: You are one cool customer, I will give you that. Cloutier: Well how would you have me behave, red-faced with anger, gripped by jealousy? No, that's your game. Mukada: My game? Cloutier: When Timmy here left your church to join mine, you started keeping a tally whoever saves the most souls wins? Mukada: That is not true! Cloutier: I think that your head hasn't accepted what your heart already knows. You're baptizing Samuel Gougeon to get back at me. [Unit B.] Kirk: Robson. I need you to take care of a little something for me. Robson: You got cash? Kirk: Uh-huh. Robson: Start talking. [Infirmary.] Orderly: The patient's name is Samuel Gougeon. Nathan: What happened? Orderly: He's been severely beaten, possible head trauma. Nathan: Frank, I'm gonna need you to get me some confines. Orderly: Right away. [Em City. Unit Manager's office.] [Cloutier is brought in.] Mukada: How could you? How could you have Samuel Gougeon beaten? Cloutier: Mukada, I would never do such a thing. What has happened to Samuel, it's anathema to me. Mukada: Are you saying this attack is a coincidence? Cloutier: I pray that it is. But if not, and a member of my congregation is responsible, he will be punished. Murphy: Yeah, well, do me a favour. You leave the punishment to me, you understand? Cloutier: Of course. (he leaves) [Cafeteria.] Cloutier: Tim, tell me the truth. Tell me if you are involved. Kirk: Yes, yes I am. Cloutier: Why? Why would you have him beaten? Kirk: Matthew 26:24, "Woe onto that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed. It had been good for that man if he had not been born." You told us those very words. Cloutier: But you are misconstruing their meaning. Kirk: Gougeon had to be punished for turning his back on the Lord. [Em City. Said-Arif pod.] Mukada: I just wanted to give you the schedule I worked out for clearing the cafeteria for Ramadan. Said: You came just to give me the schedule? Mukada: Yes. Said: And there's nothing else? Mukada: I made an assumption about the Reverend Cloutier, that he was a phony. Said: But he's not? Mukada: This all started when Timmy Kirk decided to convert. I thought that Kirk should be celebrating Christ through the one true church. But if he finds his bliss somewhere else, should I fight to keep his soul in my corner, believing as I do that the faith that he's choosing is wrong? Or should I just be happy that he's found God's love, no matter where? Said: The prophet says, "Let there be no compulsion in religion." Each soul journeys alone. So, you must lead, and you must follow. Mukada: That's impossible. Said: If serving Allah were easy, everybody would. [Quad.] Mukada: Reverend, I've been thinking. This might be a good time for an ecumenical service. Cloutier: Extraordinary. I was thinking exactly the same thing. Father, I accused you of being consumed with envy. Mukada: I was. Cloutier: But I was, too. Mukada: Our sins are our bond. [Cafeteria.] [The inmates are gathered. Mukada, Cloutier, Said, and a rabbi are at the front of the room.] Mukada: The house of God has many rooms. If a person chooses to move from one room to another, we who are left behind must rest assured that the room that we're in is not empty. God's presence fills every room. God's love shines through the entire house. Let us pray. [The box.] Hill: Currier and Ives, Norman Rockwell, they created images of America in winter. Ice skating on a lake, sleigh rides along a country road, fluffy white crystals of new fallen snow. Maybe there was a time when life was idyllic, when children didn't go to school and kill other children. We see the paintings now and we grow nostalgic, nostalgic for a place we've never seen. We long for a time we've never actually been part of. [Library.] Schillinger: I feel like I've hit rock bottom, and another trap door opens up, and I plunge further into despair. Cloutier: God only gives us as much suffering as we can endure. Schillinger: You mean He piles on the shit to see if we'll break? Why? Cloutier: To test our faith, to make us appreciate that we do have. Schillinger: Well, forgive me for saying so, Reverend, but God is a sick fuck. Cloutier: Vern - Schillinger: Hank's wife, Carrie, is about to show up. She's been to see me regular since the day Hank disappeared, since the day she told me I'm gonna be a grandpa. Every visit I tell her, "Don't worry, Hank'll be home soon." Well, now I get to tell her that he's coming home tomorrow, in a box. [Visitor's Room.] Schillinger: There she is. Carrie: Hi. Schillinger: No, no. (hugs her) Carrie: I'm sorry I'm late. I had to scrape ice off the windshield all by myself. Schillinger: You feeling okay? Carrie: I'm feeling fat. Schillinger: What does the doctor say? Carrie: That I might deliver earlier than my due date. Schillinger: Carrie, I got some news, and it's not good. But I need you to be strong, for the sake of the baby, okay? Carrie: Okay. Schillinger: Hank was killed. Carrie: He's dead? Schillinger: Yes. Carrie: Fuck. Oh, fuck. Jesus, no! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Oh, god! Schillinger: It's gonna be okay. Carrie: It's not gonna be okay! How's it gonna be okay? You tell me, huh? How am I gonna live with a baby and no fucking husband? Oh, god, oh, god! (she doubles over) Ow! Schillinger: What's the matter? Carrie: I don't know! Schillinger: Get a goddamned doctor down here fast! CO: Central, this is 41. We need a 68 in the visiting room. Carrie: Oh, fuck, ow, ow! [Infirmary.] Nathan: Carrie! Carrie: Oh, it fucking, it hurts! Nathan: Come on, Carrie, keep breathing. Remember your breathing. Just pant. Keep breathing. Carrie: It's not coming out! Nathan: No, it's coming out, I can see the head. On three, I need you to give a big push, okay? One, two, three, push! Carrie: Oh, fuck, it hurts! Nathan: Keep pushing. Carrie: Fuck you! Nathan: I can see the head, Carrie, I can see the head. Oh, here it comes, here it comes, here it comes. Here we go. [FB: Crime scene.] [In a hotel room, Galson throws his assistant down on the bed and rapes her.] Assistant: No, get off of me, please get off of me! No, no, please, no! Hill (VO): Prisoner #01G359, Colonel Edward Galson. [The box.] Hill: Convicted February 16th, 2001. Rape, assault. Sentence, 15 years. Up for parole in 7. [Em City. Processing.] Murphy: This is Tobias Beecher. He's gonna help you acclimate yourself to your new life. Beecher, this is Edward Galson. Beecher: Hey. Galson: Which way? Murphy: This way. [Beecher pod.] Beecher: So I saw a thing about you on the news. You raped a fellow officer at a military convention? Galson: I've been in the Marine Corps since I was 16, and I have lived by its code of ethics. One night, I failed that code and I'm being properly punished. Beecher: Yeah, well, you may not feel that way after a couple of days in Oz. Galson: I'm used to being in the company of men. I'm used to a strict regimen. I won't have any trouble adapting. [Two prisoners start fighting outside.] Beecher: Okay, then. [Rehab.] Sister Pete: Do you prefer to be called Ed, Edward, Eddie? Galson: Actually, I prefer Colonel. [Ryan salutes.] Sister Pete: Alright, Colonel, you want to tell us about your addiction? Galson: I don't think it's an addiction, really. Because I don't drink that often. Sister Pete: I see. But when you drink too much, what happens? Galson: This one time I lost control. It won't happen again. Beecher: That's easy to say. It's harder to do. Galson: For a weak man, yes. Beecher: Okay, yeah, I was weak, and for more than one time. I probably still am a weakling. But at least I've got the balls to admit it. Sister Pete: That's enough, Tobias. (bell rings) Okay everybody, see you next week. [Em City. Quad.] Gordon Elliot (on TV): John Carpenter, in fact, playing for $100,000. John, welcome. Carpenter (on TV): Thank you. Elliot: Well, we've got somebody here to help you, whose character, Miles Silverberg, on the sitcom "Murphy Brown" defined the word overachiever. Redding: "Murphy Brown," funny show. Elliot: Ladies and gentlemen, Grant Shaud. Grant, welcome. Ryan: I loved Candace Bergen's tits, man. Morales: The other girl was cute. Guerra: Lily Tomlin? Elliot: So the question is, what country has the most number of people who speak English? Cyril: America! Pancamo: No, England, dummy. Carpenter: I'd say the U.S. of A., but for $100,000, it can't be that simple. Grant? Shaud (on TV): My hint is this: Redbook gave this country a rave review. Beecher: China. Jia: I didn't know that. Carpenter: I'm a big believer in fake tv newsmen, Gordon, so I'm gonna have to go with China. Elliot: Well, John, it may not surprise you that more Chinese people than Americans will understand when I say "you've won $100,000." Pancamo: Fucking Beecher always gets the answers. Rebadow: Maybe you should go on the show. Beecher: Yeah, right. "I'm Tobias Beecher, I'm in prison for killing a child, okay, let's play 'Up Your Ante!'" [Psych.] Sister Pete: Tobias, I'd like you to meet Katherine McClain. McClain: Hello. Beecher: Hello. Sister Pete: She's a lawyer with the Alliance for Prisoners Rights, and she'd like to discuss something with you. Come in, sit down. McClain: Mr. Beecher, are you aware that you're up for parole? Beecher: Well, when I was sentenced, I knew I had to serve minimally four years, but all things considered, I figured my record would pretty much cancel out any chance of getting released early. McClain: Well, you may be right. But, um, I've reviewed your case, and I think the extenuating circumstances, I mean, the death of both your wife and son, your daughter, her genuine need for you, your improved behavior over the past six months, the commendations from Sister Peter Marie and Dr. Nathan, might motivate the parole board to look kindly on you. They'll let you go free. Beecher: I, uh - Sister Pete: Tobias? Beecher: I'm okay. What do I have to do? McClain: Give me permission, and I'll set the wheels in motion. In the meantime, keep out of trouble. [Em City. Beecher pod.] Galson: I hear you're a faggot. Beecher: Whether I am or not, what's it to you? Galson: Lights go out, I don't want you getting any ideas. Beecher: Trust me, Colonel, I'm never gonna get that horny. Galson: As long as we understand each other. Fucking faggots are ruining the military. "Don't ask, don't tell," my ass. Beecher: I agree. You know, I think the military should stay the way it's always been, a bunch of redneck he-men who murder children and rape women. Galson: You making a joke of me? Beecher: It seems like you're doing a pretty good job on your own. [Galson attacks him, and Beecher punches him in the balls. The COs come in and drag Beecher off.] Beecher: Wait, fuck, no! Wait, no. You don't understand. Wait, look, I'm sorry. Let me explain, fuck. (he is put in the Cage) Fuck! Fucking, goddammit, motherfucker! Oh, fuck! [The box.] Hill: Fahrenheit and Celsius. Two ways of measuring the same thing. Of course, most of the world is on Celsius, but we Americans remain defiantly committed to Fahrenheit! We'd like to learn the other way, we'd like to change, but we just can't seem to accept that zero degrees is actually warmer than we think. Woo-hah! [Psych.] Sister Pete: So, Jackson, why were you sent to prison? Vahue: The file's right in front of you. Sister Pete: You don't want to say the words? Vahue: Assault. Sister Pete: What else? Vahue: This is bullshit. Sister Pete: It's not easy to verbalize, is it? Vahue: So? Sister Pete: So that's good. It's means that you're not proud of what you did. Vahue: No, it means I didn't do what the bitch says I did. I didn't try to rape her. She came on willingly. (bell rings) Sister Pete: Okay, uh, I want to schedule you for another appointment tomorrow. Vahue: Why? This shit is not helping me. Sister Pete: Well, it's helping me. You see, Jackson, I have quotas to fill, and I have to see a certain amount of prisoners every day or the state just won't pay me. (Vahue gets up to leave.) Jackson, you were tested for drugs just before the parole hearing and you came out clean. Do I need to have you tested again? Vahue: Nah. Sister Pete: I believe you, for now! [Cafeteria.] Vahue: Hey, Redding, I got a complaint. The tits Poet sold me yesterday, they been cut with something. Shit, I can't even get my usual high. Poet: The problem ain't with the product, nigger. It's with the consumer. Vahue: Am I talking to you? Yo, I need some better shit. Redding: What Poet's trying to tell you in his own surly style is that you've been snorting so much every day, combined with the size of your body, you're gonna develop yourself a tolerance. Poet: At least he's tolerant about something. Vahue: Oh, shut up! Look, give me some more. Redding: More is only gonna kill you. No, uh, you need a better way to, uh, what's that word? Hill: Ingest. Redding: Ingest. (hands over a syringe) Only be careful where you stick it. You don't want to be leaving yourself any marks. Vahue: So, what, in my tongue? Redding: Or behind your knee. [Unit Vahue cell.] [Lights go out, and he shoots up. He imagines himself playing pro ball.] Male announcer (VO): Number 17, Jackson Vahue! [Rehab.] Vahue: As a basketball player, my legs are what made me. I know I'm never going to see another pro game, so fuck it, right? What's it matter? But it does matter. These legs took me out of the projects. I made something out of myself. I don't want to forget that. I'm proud of these legs. [FB. Crime scene.] [Daniels stabs Supreme Allah in the visitor's room.] [Processing.] Hill (VO): Prisoner #01D251, Carlton Daniels, aka Tug Daniels, convicted February 20th, 2001 - [The box.] Hill: Attempted murder in the first degree. Sentence: 28 years. Up for parole in 14. [Em City. Quad.] Redding: The time for action has arrived. Tug, you waste Pancamo. Daniels: Done. Jia: I want Morales. Hill: Why are you so hell-bent on killing him. Jia: I made a promise to avenge the death of Bian Yixue. Redding: Augustus, I want you to get word to Omar White in the hospital ward that he's to finish off Supreme Allah. [Cafeteria.] Hill: Hey, Burr. Listen, I've been thinking about this little war we activating. A lot of good men will die. Redding: A lot of them going to die in any case. Hill: But assuming you win, what you going to gain? The hacks will lock down this whole prison. Redding: They can't keep a lid on it forever. Hill: Warden finds out you the ringleader, he going to send you to Solitary. Redding: Augustus, what the fuck's your problem? Hill: You were my father's best friend, right? You and him went off to Vietnam together and you came back alone. And since then, I have followed you. I have done your bidding, never questioning, right? Redding: So now you've got questions. Hill: When I was ten years old, I wanted a real job. Redding: You wanted a paper route. Hill: But, instead, you had me selling smack. Redding: Well, you got to learn the business. Hill: Why? Why did I need to learn how to sell drugs? Redding: Because we didn't have any other options back then. Let me tell you something. I ain't going to apologize for who I am or what I done. Do I wish things had've been better? Sure. Do I wish we'd been born in one of them fancy mansions up there on Catalog Boulevard, sure. But I don't hope, and I don't dream. I take a shit in this world, I see reality, and I make the best of it. Hill: You ain't got to tell me about reality. I live in Oz. I live in this chair. And I wouldn't live here if you'd let me have the goddamned motherfucking paper route. [Em City. Showers.] Hill: The man is like a father to me. Said: Well, there comes a time for every son to leave his father's house. Make his own way. Hill: Even so, I can't betray him. Said: Do you believe what he's instigated is wrong? Hill: For the most part, yes. Said: And do you believe that many people will suffer as a result? Hill: Yes. Said: You know, I've always admired you, Augustus, for being your own man, for keeping, especially in this place, a sense of decency and honour. Hill: What good has it ever done? Said: You get to sleep through the night. [Quad.] Hill: I need to talk to you. Murphy: So talk. Hill: In private. [SORT room.] [The SORT team suits up.] [Infirmary.] White: Yo, bro. Supreme Allah: What you want? White: A sip of water. Allah: I ain't no nurse. White: Come on, I'm so thirsty, man, please. [Gym.] [Pancamo and Morales and their men are playing basketball. The homeboys and Jia enter.] [Infirmary.] [Allah is giving White water.] White: Mmm, it's so good. [Gym.] Pancamo: Up, baby. Yo, throw the ball. [Jia stabs the ball.] [Infirmary.] [White attacks Allah with a shank. Allah fights him off.] [Gym.] [The SORT team enters before the fight starts.] [Infirmary.] [Two SORT members break up the fight.] SORT: Do not resist. White: Okay, okay. [Em City. Quad.] Murphy: Lockdown! Prisoner: Why you gotta bust my balls, Murphy? [The box.] Hill: When I was a kid, I used to love reading Jack London. You know, "Call of the Wild," "White Fang." I remember one story where a man was in the middle of Alaska, or somewhere, isolated and cold. He'd lost his dog team, his legs were broken, he realized he was gonna freeze to death. So, he buried himself in the snow, and simply went to sleep. Terrifying, and yet beautiful. Acceptance of one's fate, the way any man should die. [Death Row.] LoPresti: Giles, get up. Glynn: We're a month away from the date set by the court for your execution. You'll have to decide which way you want to go. Giles: Die old. Sleep. Glynn: Yeah, well, that's not an option. Giles: Peter, Peter Marie. Glynn: I'll ask her to see you. (he leaves) Dyell: Hey, don't you be crying, man. Your crying's gonna bring me down. Stop your fucking crying! [Psych.] Sister Pete: And then there's gas. They put you in a little room and drop a pellet of sodium cyanide, your lungs fill up and that's the end. Giles: Stoned. Sister Pete: Gee, I don't know if that gas makes you high. Giles: No. Rocks. Sister Pete: I don't understand. Giles: Throw. Sister Pete: Wait a minute. You want to be stoned to death? Giles: Shirley Jackson. [Visiting room.] Dawn: Moses, listen to me. As your lawyer, I have to tell you, there's a very good chance that you're looking at another death sentence. Dyell: So, we'll appeal that one, too. Dawn: Yes. But Congress has placed a lot of limitations on Death Row appeals. Dyell: Which means? Dawn: Which means that you will probably be executed for one or both of these crimes. You have to prepare for what might be coming. Dyell: Huh. You see, I ain't thought through that part of the situation. Because, I haven't given up hope. I'm a man of principles, you understand? And I believe down to the bottom of my soul that a man with principles will be exonerated. Dawn: It's always good to hope. But just in case you might want to make some plans, you know? Get your house in order. [Death Row.] Glynn: The State Attorney General has refused your request to be executed by being stoned to death. Giles: Law. Right, mine. Sister Pete: An anti-death penalty group has decided to take up your cause. They're going to sue the state on your behalf. Glynn: This mess will probably drag out for decades. (he leaves) Giles: Peter, Peter Marie. LoPresti: Lights out! Dyell: Giles, psst, Giles! This whole time I thought you were a damned idiot talking in flash cards. But now I see you're a fucking genius. Giles: No, genius, no. Dyell: Yes, genius, yes. You were supposed to die in two weeks, all your appeals dried up. But by asking to be stoned to death, you threw a wrench in the works. Everybody's suing everybody. And like the warden says, this could take years to sort out. Giles: Die, old, sleep. Dyell: Oh, Giles, you are an inspiration to us all, brother. [Visiting room (with phones).] Said: I'm curious as to why you asked the warden to see me. Dyell: I just finished reading your book. It's awesome. Said: Thank you. Dyell: The section on Jefferson Keene, being on Death Row and giving his kidney to his sister, it really got to me. Said: I still hear from Grace. She's very happy, very healthy. Dyell: Well, I want to do the same thing. Give my organs away, let others make use of my insides when I'm done with them. The only thing is, uh, I want to meet the people I'm gonna help. Said: I'm not sure that's allowed. Dyell: You can make it happen, Said. I know you can. Power through faith. Said: I'll see what I can do. [Death Row.] [Giles plays with a rock.] [Em City. Quad.] Tidd: Well, brother, I stood where you are now. And yo, I know the need to be a man. But being a man ain't fueled by drugs or fists or banging your pitch. Being a man starts here. [Upper level.] Arif: Brother Salah's making another convert. Said: Yes. He has a way of talking to people on their level. Arif: You did a great job guiding him. [Library.] Robson: Leroy. Tidd: What you want, Robson? Robson: I'm a patient man, a tolerant man. But my friend Jaz here is not. Hoyt: That's right. Robson: We had a deal: Half the cash in advance for you to whack Kareem Said. But, Said's still walking. You said you had a long- term plan to get close to him. Well, Jaz is feeling the clock has run out. Hoyt: Tick-tock, Leroy. Tidd: First, my name ain't Leroy Tidd no more. My name is Salah Yudee. Second, I know I said I promised to kill Said, but I've changed my mind. Robson: First, in order to change your mind, you gotta have a mind. And, Leroy, you got shit for brains. You don't back out on the Brotherhood. Tidd: Asalaam alaikum. (he gets up to leave) Robson: Don't give me that fucking hocus-pocus bullshit. CO: Robson, you looking for jerk-off time in the Hole? Robson: Uh, no. CO: Then goose-step your butt out of here. Robson: This shit ain't over. [Distribution room.] Said: Salah, you seem troubled. Tidd: My soul is heavy, minister. Said: So talk to me. Tidd: I'm afraid, afraid to speak the truth. Said: Never be afraid of the truth, my brother. Tidd: I lied to you. You see, when I first approached you, saying I wanted to become a Muslim, I had vengeance in my heart 'cause of what you did killing Adebisi. But then the bliss of Allah replaced the vengeance, now I'm a true believer. Said: I knew, the day that I embraced you, that you were lying. Tidd: You did? Said: Mm-hmm. Tidd: Then why? Said: The ways of the Almighty are wondrous indeed. He brought us together at this time and this place so that we could learn from each other. Tidd: You learn from me? How? Said: That day I went to Adebisi and I swore my loyalty to him, since his death I have been struggling with my demons, still do. But you've taught me the world has many possibilities. Tidd: Robson and Hoyt want you dead. Said: I know. Tidd: What we gonna do? Said: As with everything else, we'll leave this in the hands of God. [Unit B.] Robson: If you take care of this, I'll bring you into the Brotherhood. If you don't, I'll feed you to them. Prisoner: I'm ready to do whatever you need. [Cafeteria.] [The Aryan prisoner takes out a shank in line and tries to stab Said, but Tidd steps in front of the blade.] [Em City. Said-Arif pod.] Arif: Imam, Salah is dead. Said: I killed him, you know. I killed him just like I killed Adebisi. I might as well have had the knife in my hand. In these bloody hands. Arif: Kareem - Said: No, say nothing. Arif: But you can't blame yourself. Said: Leave me, because my demons need feeding. Leave me! (Arif leaves, and Said begins to cry.) Hill (VO): They say that every snowflake is different. [The box.] Hill: But how can they really be sure. I mean, think about all the snowflakes that have fallen all over the world throughout Earth's history. The law of averages dictates that at least two of them had to be similar. Like human beings, like the men in Oz, even if they start out unique, they end up the same.