Cruel and Unusual Punishments
Written By: Tom Fontana
Directed By: Terry Kinney
Original Airdate: August 18, 1999
Transcribed: October 14, 1999. Last Revised: November 25, 1999.

Oz is the property of Tom Fontana, Barry Levinson, Rysher Entertainment, and HBO. This page is not authorized by any of the above. Absolutely no copyright infringement is intended and no profit is being made from this page.

(Hill narrating.)

Hill: Life in Oz sucks, and only a fool or a Republican will tell you different. But the punishments they got going here is nowhere near as fucked up as in olden days. Zeppo, the guy who drank too much. The constable will make him wear a drunkard's collar, which was a whiskey barrel with holes for the head, the arms, and the legs. (Shots of Cyril boxing with Ryan in the gym.) Then they'd make the drunk walk around the town square where everyone would call him names.

(In the gym.)

Pancamo: Yo, retard! (He knocks out the guy he's boxing with.) You're next.

Ryan: Keep punching! Fuck him! C'mon, let's go. Keep punching. Fuck him!

(In Em City.)

Murphy: Pancamo's tough, man. Got a heavy hand, a good chin, and he's a mean son of a bitch. The only advantage your brother has is speed.

Ryan: Yeah?

Murphy: You don't seem too worried.

Ryan: I got faith.

Murphy: Hmm. Faith's a good thing. But I'd put my money on Pancamo.

(In a classroom.)

Ryan: Cudney.

Cudney: What do you want?

Ryan: Hey, you working bedpan duty today?

Cudney: Yeah.

Ryan: Great. Look, I need you to steal me some more of that Chloral Hydrate and then I'm gonna put it right in here, huh? (Holds open a Bible with the interior pages cut out.)

Cudney: No.

Ryan: Whoa, whoa. We had a deal, remember? You sneak drugs out of the hospital, I give you nice green fed notes.

Cudney: Stealing is wrong. Today I confessed to the Lord in front of my brothers and promised to sin no more.

Ryan: Fine. You're not the only fish in the sea of Gallilee.

Cudney: I figured out what you've been doing with the Chloral Hydrate.

Ryan: Oh, yeah?

Cudney: You've been spiking the fighter's spritzers so they'll be drugged in the ring.

Ryan: That's crazy talk.

Cudney: I've made an appointment with the warden to tell him. My soul is in jeopardy. So's yours. By turning you in I'm gonna save you.

Ryan: Not if I save you first.

(In Em City, Kosygin's pod. Ryan knocks and comes in.)

Ryan: Look, I don't got a lot of time. Rumor is, you're the most ruthless hitman in Little Odessa. That's gotta mean a lot 'cause you Russian mob guys, you're a bunch of crazy fucked up motherfuckers so... I need a job done, I need it done pronto. Just tell me when to stop, k? (Starts counting out money.)

(In Em City at morning count. COs are calling out inmates' numbers.)

CO: 99C124. 99C124! Cudney! Cudney!

Murphy: What's the problem?

Mineo: I don't know. Cudney! Cudney, get out here! Shit, look at all that blood.

Murphy: He's dead.

Mineo: Look at these two small holes.

Murphy: Stabbed in the neck.

(In Kosygin's and Stanislofsky's pod.)

Stanislofsky: Yuri. Yuri,
(says something in Russian.)

(Says something in Russian.)

(In the gym. Ryan spikes Pancamo's water with heroin, then rubs the excess on his gums.)

(The fight between Cyril and Pancamo.)

Referee: In this corner, Chuckie "The Enforcer" Pancamo. (Cheers and boos. Pancamo throws off his head guard and Ryan takes off Cyril's in response. The referee tries to get them to put them back on but the crowd and McManus say to let them fight without the guards.)

(During the fight, Pancamo knocks Cyril down as the bell rings. Pancamo drinks the spiked water and it slows him down so Cyril lands several punches. Pancamo lands another hit that knocks Cyril down but he gets up. Pancamo drinks more spiked water and Cyril starts to pummel him until he knocks him out. Cyril wins the fight.)

(In Cyril and Ryan's pod.)

Ryan: What'd I tell you, huh? You gotta believe in yourself. When you focus, when you put your mind to it, you can do really big things, Cyril.

Cyril: Yeah.

Ryan: Yeah.

(Stanislofsky knocks and comes in.)

Stanislofsky: Here's the money I owe you for betting on Pancamo. Good fight.

Cyril: Thanks.

Stanislofsky: Cyril, would you mind if I talked to your brother alone for just a moment?

Ryan: Why don't you go downstairs? It's almost time for Miss Sally.

Stanislofsky: Close the door, please. (Cyril leaves.)

Ryan: What's up?

Stanislofsky: I understand Yuri Kosygin did a little job for you.

Ryan: Job?

Stanislofsky: Kosygin is dangerous man. Unpredictable, unreliable. He's making sounds like he's going to tell the authorities about killing Cudney.

Ryan: He killed Cudney? Hmm.

Stanislofsky: Ryan, Ryan, I'm here as your friend.

Ryan: Yeah.

Stanislofsky: I'm telling you, Kosygin must be eliminated.

Ryan: You know, we got a little saying in this country, maybe you've heard it before: You can't shit a shitter. You want Kosygin dead. You come here, you say he's making sounds, you're hoping that I'm gonna take care of it for you. No chance.

Stanislofsky: I do like you, O'Reily.

Ryan: Well, then like this. Here's some free advice for you: You want Yuri's balls? Have the Sicilians do it.

Stanislofsky: The Sicilians?

Ryan: Uh-huh.

(In the laundry room.)

Stanislofsky: Mr. Pancamo?

Pancamo: Yeah?

Stanislofsky: May I approach?

Pancamo: Sure, approach.

Stanislofsky: Recently, you and I had a conversation about Yuri Kosygin.

Pancamo: He's very disrespectful.

Stanislofsky: Da. He is also... I bet on you. I lost very heavy. He won very heavy.

Pancamo: Yeah?

Stanislofsky: He told me he spiked your water with heroin. In order to, how do you say, fuck you up.

Pancamo: I knew it! Goddamn, I fucking knew it!

Stanislofsky: I hope you don't mind me telling you this.

Pancamo: Nah, I don't mind. I appreciate it. In fact, I owe you one.

(In McManus' office.)

Pancamo: We gotta do the fight over.

McManus: Oh, bullshit.

Pancamo: I was drugged out!

Murphy: What's your proof?

Pancamo: Have me tested.

McManus: I'm not gonna spend the time or the money to have you tested just 'cause you're a sore loser. Now get the fuck out of here!

Pancamo: McManus...

McManus: Out!

Murphy: C'mon. You heard the man, let's go!

Pancamo: Fuck!

(In the stairwell.)

Ryan: Yo, dumb move, man.

Pancamo: What?

Ryan: Letting the hacks know you know Kosygin did the dirty? Now if Kosygin dies they're gonna blame you, bro.

Pancamo: That's right.

Ryan: Look, I know you're pissed off that my brother won the fight, all right. But in the name of good sportsmanship, I got a small suggestion for you.

Pancamo: What's that?

Ryan: The next best thing to having someone killed is having them sent to solitary for the rest of their lives. Or better yet, death row.

Pancamo: Yeah?

Ryan: When Kosygin finds out Stanislofsky snitched on him, your problems are solved.

(Hill narrating.)

Hill: In the 1600's, snitches and gossips were made to wear something called a brak, which was an iron helmet placed on the head, enclosing it in a kind of cage. There was a front plate, covered with spikes, which was placed inside the mouth so that if you tried to talk... well, you get the idea. You're gonna be keeping your mouth shut.

(In the library.)

(Says something in Russian.)

Kosygin: You're in America now, Nikolai. Let's speak American.

Stanislofsky: All right. We speak English.

Kosygin: Unlike you, in Russia I was not a criminal.

Stanislofsky: No?

Kosygin: I was an educator. After the Soviets fell, things got so bleak in Moscow. I decided to leave, to come to America.

Stanislofsky: For a better life, right?

Kosygin: Yes, for me and my wife. But we did not find a better life. We couldn't get employed teaching.

Stanislofsky: Must have been terrible.

Kosygin: Then I got this job painting a house, the house of Leonid Roginsky.

Stanislofsky: He was in the Organizatze.

Kosygin: Yes. He treated me like shit, always making fun. Calling me Professor, then ordering me to clean his toilets. One day, he kicked me with his boot in front of my wife. I strangled him on the spot.

Stanislofsky: It's closing time?

Kosygin: Yes.

Stanislofsky: All right. I'll go.

Kosygin: Not 'til I finish my story.

Stanislofsky: Strange, Yuri, here all this time you've barely said two words. Now you're a regular
(Says something in Russian.)

Kosygin: It takes me time to warm up to people. Nikolai, I feel very close to you. (Stanislofsky tries to leave and finds the doors locked.) I was possessed by guilt for killing Roginsky, but I got a reputation for being ruthless. The Organizatze hired me to exterminate someone else. The second time was easy...

Stanislofsky: Yuri, please. I don't want to hear this!

Kosygin: The third time was no problem at all.

Stanislofsky: Yuri, please!

Kosygin: At last count, I murdered at least 49 people. You have the honor of being my 50th.

Stanislofsky: No! No, you wait now!

(Says something in Russian.)

Stanislofsky: Guards! Guards!

(Kosygin attacks him as he screams in Russian for help. The CO's rush in and save Stanislofsky, hauling Kosygin off. Stanislofsky is rushed to the hospital.)

Nathan: OK, I need to get his record and find out what his blood type is. Let's start an IV, get me a suture set, and let's get him some Demerol. Fifty milligrams.

(Kosygin is thrown in the hole as Stanislofsky is taken to the hospital.)

(In Em City. Pancamo and Ryan share a drink of Stanislofsky's vodka.)

Ryan: No hard feelings?

Pancamo: About?

(In Em City, watching Miss Sally's Schoolyard.)

Ryan: Oh, man. Nooter's a fag.

Hill: What makes you say that?

Ryan: Look at the way he's always grabbing Pecky.

Hill: They're fighting.

Ryan: Yeah, all I'm saying it's a lot of body contact, man.

Hill: That's the stupidest thing I ever heard of, a gay puppet.

Keller: One of the Teletubbies is gay.

Hill: What?

Keller: Falwell, the reverend somebody, says that Twinky Dink or whatever his name is, he's a butt pirate.

Hill: That's nuts. You gotta have a cock to be gay. Teletubbies don't have cocks. The puppet doesn't have a cock.

Keller: Where does it say you gotta have a cock to be gay? All you need is a mouth so you can suck cock.

(In a stairwell.)

Alvarez: O'Reily.

Ryan: Yeah.

Alvarez: Hernandez wants to see you.

(In Hernandez' pod.)

Ryan: Hey, hey.

Hernandez: Alvarez, what am I always saying about our friend O'Reily here?

Alvarez: That he's no dummy.

Hernandez: That's right, he's no dummy.

Ryan: Hey, feeling's mutual, Raoul.

Hernandez: That so? Then how come you always acting like I'm an idiot? You know Adebisi and me are working with the Sicilians now. We're running the tits everywhere in Oz.

Ryan: Yeah, I know.

Hernandez: But you keep selling on your own. Man, what's up with that?

Ryan: Me? No. A little, sure, but there's no way I compete with you guys. C'mon.

Hernandez: Man, I don't care. I want you to stop.

Ryan: Huh. Have you talked this over with Adebisi and Pancamo?

Hernandez: My word ain't good enough, man?

Ryan: No, man, your word is plenty good. I'll stop. Right away.

Alvarez: Give us what you got.

Ryan: Now?

Alvarez: Yeah.

Ryan: Can I keep a little for my own personal use?

Hernandez: You don't use no more, man.

(Ryan reaches into his pockets and hands Hernandez the drugs.)

Alvarez: Bullshit. Assume the position.

Ryan: What?

Alvarez: Assume the position.

(Alvarez pats Ryan down and takes the drugs he had stashed in his sock.)

Ryan: Oh, you know, I completely forgot about that one.

Hernandez: No shit. No more, O'Reily. Comprende?

Ryan: Yeah, comprende. (Leaves Hernandez' pod and stops Murphy in the hall.) Hey, you wanna bust Hernandez? Now's the time.

Murphy: (Calls over some COs.) Hey, hey! C'mon! (Alvarez sees the COs coming and takes off.) Hernandez, turn around. Hey! Turn around. Empty your pockets. (He takes the drugs from Hernandez.) Thank you. Cuff 'em. (Hernandez, Ricardo, and Guerra are taken away as Alvarez and Ryan watch.)

Ryan: That there's a real heartbreaker, Alvarez.

(In Sister Pete's office.)

Alvarez: I been thinking. I wanna see, I wanna see what I done to Rivera.

Sister Pete: Well, you will, when you see him face to face.

Alvarez: When I stabbed him, I walked away. I didn't look at him in the eyes. I wanna see what I did that day. I wanna see what it looked like that day.

Sister Pete: You mean like a photograph?

Alvarez: I used to work in the hospital and they used to take photographs of all the prisoners that came in with serious shit, just for the, for the courts, whatever. I wanna see a picture of Rivera.

Sister Pete: Miguel, I don't know if that's a good idea.

Alvarez: You asked me what happened and I couldn't tell you because everything was just a blur, you know, and there was all shouting. Every fucking day that I get up, I look in the mirror and I don't see me. You know, I don't see, I don't see me. I just see this other guy who did this.

Sister Pete: And a photograph will do what?

Alvarez: I don't know. Just make me, make me forget about that other guy, just let me be alone with myself again.

Sister Pete: I'll see what I can do.

(In the lobby.)

Tina: There you are.

Sister Pete: Tina, what's the matter?

Tina: You gotta stop this.

Sister Pete: What?

Tina: You gotta stop Eugene from coming here.

Sister Pete: What's wrong?

Tina: It's like I said, bringing up all this shit from the past. It's made him crazy.

Sister Pete: OK, let's go to my office.

Tina: He's not acting normal anymore.

Sister Pete: I'm really surprised to hear you say that. Because when Eugene is with me, he seems very calm. He seems open and ready to face Alvarez.

Tina: No, it's an act, I tell you. At home, he says nothing. He just sits there all quiet.

Sister Pete: Are you sure it's he who's not talking? Well, maybe he's afraid that since you didn't want him to be in the program, you might not be supportive.

Tina: Don't tell me I'm not supportive. I have been there for him.

Sister Pete: I know.

Tina: Through the surgeries, by his bed, day and night. I rearranged the house, my whole fucking life!

Sister Pete: I know what you've done. Eugene told me he never could have made it this far without you. He also told me he's thinking of committing suicide.

Tina: What?

Sister Pete: So that you can have a life.

Tina: Oh. Oh, sweet Jesus.

Sister Pete: You know, years ago I was married and my husband was murdered. So for a very long time I wallowed in grief and anger until that's all I had. Tina, Eugene knows that he only has two choices now: to move on or die. Now, you've helped him this far. Go the rest of the way.

(In Sister Pete's office. Miguel is looking at the photographs taken after he blinded Rivera and crying.)

(In Nappa's cell. He's recording his memoirs as his new cellmate comes in.)

Nappa: Who the fuck are you?

Ginsberg: Nat Ginsberg. Your new roommate.

Nappa: OK, new roomie. You listen up and listen good. This is my cell. You just sleep here.

Ginsberg: Got a name, tough guy?

Nappa: Nappa. Mr. Nappa.

Ginsberg: Mmm, I love to eat Italian.

Nappa: I ain't no fag.

Ginsberg: Don't worry. I won't hold that against you. You a writer?

Nappa: I'm doing my memoirs.

Ginsberg: Are you Antonio Nappa? The mob guy?

Nappa: Yeah.

Ginsberg: Must be some book. You naming names?

Nappa: Names, places, felonies.

Ginsberg: You don't by any chance need a Boswell, do you?

Nappa: Boswell?

Ginsberg: Secretary.

Nappa: Sure. What's your name again?

Ginsberg: Nat.

Nappa: Short for Nathaniel?

Ginsberg: Short for Natalie.

(In Em City, Pancamo's pod. One of the gays knocks.)

Pancamo: Come here. What do you know? (The gay guy nods.)

(At the phones.)

Pancamo: Yeah, he's writing some fucking book about his life. And from what I hear, he tells everything. Uh-huh. OK. (He hangs up.) Once we get the book, we take care of Nappa.

Sicilian: Fuck.

Pancamo: Yeah, fuck.

(In Adebisi and Wangler's pod. Wangler is tied face down on his bunk.)

Wangler: Why don't you just kill me?

Adebisi: Oh, Kenny, Kenny, Kenny. You know, in Africa, the elders of the tribe used to teach the young warriors not just how to fight, but how to live. I am the chief of this tribe and I'm gonna teach you the right way to behave.

Wangler: You a sick motherfucker, Adebisi. (Adebisi grabs and twists his arm behind his back.) Oh, shit! Ow!

Adebisi: First lesson is in respect.

Wangler: God, I do respect you! I respect you!

Adebisi: (Releases Wangler's arm.) Yeah? Get ready. We have to prepare breakfast for our brothers.

(In McManus' office.)

McManus: Your wife is murdered, you find out she's been cheating on you. That's a lot to handle emotionally.

Wangler: We grew up in the same hood, went to the same grade school, same junior high together. I was supposed to take her to the prom but I got arrested the day before. I had the tux rented, corsage bought. I feel bad that she missed out 'cause of me.

McManus: Look, there's something else that we're gonna have to deal with. Your son. Now that he has no mother, he's gonna depend on you, he's gonna need more from you as a father.

Wangler: What you saying? I love my kid.

McManus: Sure. But the time that you spend with him needs to be more focused. I want you to join the parenting program, establish an ongoing relationship with your son so that when you get released, he'll know who you are. What do you say? Will you join up?

Wangler: I guess. Anything for my kid.

(In the visiting room.)

Wangler: Hey, Mom.

Wangler's mother: Hey, how you doing?

Wangler: Hey! Hi, it's your daddy. Hey, Jordan! C'mere. (Picks his baby up.) What's up? How you been? You been with Grandma? Huh? Hey. Why he act like he don't know me?

Wangler's mom: Well, he hasn't seen you for a while.

McManus: Take your time.

Wangler: Hey, Jordan. What did Grandma tell you? (The baby starts crying.) Stop. Don't cry. Stop crying! No, stop crying! Be a man! (He hands the baby back to his mother and leaves.)

McManus: Where you going, Kenny?

Wangler: I got things to do.

(In Adebisi and Wangler's pod.)

Adebisi: McManus was just fucking with your head, little brother. The way all white men fuck with our heads. But I got a plan, Kenny. A way to break McManus.

Wangler: What good is that gonna do?

Adebisi: We force them to bring someone else to run Emerald City.

Wangler: Who will be just as bad.

Adebisi: Who will be one of us.

(In the library. The Aryans start laughing at Hughes.)

(In the gym.)

CO: All right, SORT, we're gonna work on cell extraction, non-cooperative prisoner.

(Hughes watches the SORT team train.)

(In the staff break room.)

Mukada: And the governor said the crime rate is down because of longer prison sentences.

Hughes: You ever think about going SORT?

Diane: They're not big on women.

Murphy: Besides, when you sign on to SORT they remove all the human parts of your body.

Hughes: Well, don't you think that's the way they gotta be? I mean, we're supposed to have a day to day relationship with the prisoners but the SORT guys, their job is to go in there and shut an ugly situation down.

Murphy: I know that, and I appreciate that. But it takes a special kind of hardness to be SORT.

Hughes: And I don't have it?

(Howell enters and the conversation stops.)

Howell: We out of Sweet 'N Low? (Everyone ignores her.) Y'all deaf?

Wittlesey: What you did to Tim McManus sucks.

Howell: What I did to Tim McManus was suck his cock. And for that, he treated me like a shitball.

Wittlesey: Accusing him of sexual harrassment? That's an insult to women who have been abused.

Howell: Like you?

Wittlesey: Yeah, like me.

Howell: You know what your problem is, Diane? You wanna be everybody's best pal.

Wittlesey: And your problem? You wanna be everybody's worst nightmare.

Howell: Oh, look. Sweet 'N Low. (She leaves.)

Mukada: Now, she's the right type for the SORT team.

(In solitary. Howell is counting heads.)

Howell: O'Brien. Vavilliqua. Giles. Giles! (She sees him lying face down on the floor.) Face 4, this is radio 24 requesting backup.

(Hill narrating.)

Hill: Drawing and quartering. A man was tied to the tail of a horse and dragged over the ground to a gallows where he was hung 'til he was half dead. Then, brought down, his body cut open, his entrails taken out and burned, then his head cut off, and his body sliced into quarters. After all that indignity, the hangman would hold up the dead man's heart and yell, "Behold! The heart of a traitor!"

(In a hallway as Glynn comes in.)

Mukada: Leo!

Glynn: Yeah?

Mukada: I just wanted to talk to you about Clayton Hughes.

Glynn: Yeah?

Mukada: Well, uh...

Glynn: What'd he do now?

Mukada: Nothing. I just had a little conversation with him and he seems to need to know if the guy that stabbed his dad is still in Oz.

Glynn: Look, I told him to let it go. He's young, he won't listen.

Mukada: I dug around the files a little and there are 26 inmates who were here 17 years ago who may have seen something. I just wanted to tell you that I was gonna talk to each one of them.

Glynn: What good would that do? We interrogated them all at the time. We got nowhere.

Mukada: Leo, I'm not telling you that I'm gonna find anything out. It's just that after all these years maybe someone's willing to give up some information.

(In the hospital.)

Mukada: Hi, Glo.

Nathan: Hey.

Mukada: I hear you have William Giles here.

Nathan: Yeah. He suffered a mild heart attack so I have him under observation.

Mukada: Is he still talking in Morse Code?

Nathan: Uh-huh. He seems to do well with yes and no questions.

Mukada: May I?

Nathan: Yep.

Mukada: Thanks. (He approaches Giles' bed.) William? Remember me? Father Mukada.

Giles: Yes.

Mukada: How are you feeling? Better?

Giles: Yes.

Mukada: I've been meaning to come and see you in solitary. Would you mind if I asked you a question?

Giles: No.

Mukada: Do you remember 17 years ago a CO named Samuel Hughes?

Giles: Yes.

Mukada: Do you remember that he was killed here in Oz?

Giles: Yeah.

Mukada: Were you there in the cafeteria when he was killed?

Giles: Yes.

Mukada: Do you know who killed him? Do you know who killed Samuel Hughes?

Giles: Tell bye-bye die.

Mukada: No, you won't, I swear. You'll be back in solitary where no inmate can hurt you.

Giles: No.

Mukada: There's a young man, Samuel Hughes' son Clayton. He needs to know what happened to his father. I've talked to all the other prisoners who were here then and no one will tell me anything. William, please. Which prisoner killed Samuel Hughes?

Giles: No. No prisoner.

Mukada: Not a prisoner? Then who?

Giles: Leo Glynn.

(In unit B.)

Wittlesey: Morning, Glen.

Lopresti: Yeah.

Wittlesey: It's so nice and quiet. I wish we could leave 'em like this.

Lopresti: Especially now since Schillinger's son OD'd.

Wittlesey: Yeah, I heard. I thought Andrew was in the hole.

Lopresti: He was.

Wittlesey: So how'd he get the drugs?

Lopresti: Beats the shit out of me.

Wittlesey: Is Glynn investigating?

Lopresti: Yeah, but on the QT. Doesn't seem all that anxious to find out. See you tomorrow.

(Wittlesey rings the morning bell and the prisoners start waking up. In Robson and Schillinger's cell.)

Robson: How you doing there, Vern?

Schillinger: I knew a guy who had one arm. He told me when he dreams, he still had both arms. Every morning he'd wake up and have to realize all over again one arm was missing. Every morning it was like the first time they told him his arm was gone. My son is dead.

Robson: What you did, giving him the heroin, that was the right thing. You put him to the test. He was weak. He was not one of us.

Schillinger: No. The way I figure, it was euthanasia. Keller and Beecher were gonna fuck with my boy. By killing him, I saved him.

(In the cafeteria.)

Keller: I'm asking McManus to put me back in your pod.

Beecher: Don't.

Keller: Why? Andy's dead. He ain't coming back anytime soon. (He puts his hand on Beecher's thigh under the table.) Look at me, Beecher.

Beecher: Please take your hand away.

Keller: Beecher.

Beecher: Please. Take your fucking hand away. (Inmates at another table stare.)

Keller: What the fuck are you looking at? You wanted revenge on Schillinger. I helped you get that.

Beecher: You did it for us?

Keller: Oh, yeah.

Beecher: When are you gonna figure it out? You and me. We're never gonna happen.

Keller: You love me, Toby.

Beecher: (He stands up to leave.) Fuck my ass.

(In a hallway.)

Keller: Sister Pete! I'm gonna see you today, right?

Sister Pete: Three o'clock. You visiting one of your ex-wives?

Keller: Yeah.

Sister Pete: Which one? Kitty or Angelique?

Keller: Bonnie. Wife number two and number four. She's the best. There she is, there she is.

Sister Pete: Aha. A redhead.

Keller: No, the other one. (Shot of a rather obese woman in the visiting room.)

Sister Pete: Chris, she's...

Keller: Huge.

Sister Pete: Well, did she gain some weight after the divorce?

Keller: No, she was that way when I married her. Both times. Bye.

(In Sister Pete's office.)

Sister Pete: You and Schillinger were together at Lardner when you were how old?

Keller: Seventeen.

Sister Pete: He saved your life?

Keller: Mmm-hmm.

Sister Pete: Did you have sex together?

Keller: Yep.

Sister Pete: Did he force himself on you?

Keller: Vern likes the power part of sex so I let him think he did.

Sister Pete: Do you enjoy sex with men?

Keller: I enjoy sex. Don't you? You told me you were married before you became a nun. Did you and your husband have great sex?

Sister Pete: Chris...

Keller: I can tell you did. I bet you were wild. (He reaches over and picks something off the front of her sweater.) Lint. Do you miss it? Sex?

Sister Pete: I miss my husband.

Keller: Sure. You ever have sex with anyone other than him?

Sister Pete: Chris. You know, everytime we have a session together and we get to a topic you want to avoid you somehow manage to turn the discussion around to me.

Keller: Hmm. You noticed, huh?

Sister Pete: I just want to get to the heart of why you did what you did to Beecher.

Keller: You saw my ex, Bonnie? When I met her, she was all alone, very unhappy. So I knew it would be easy to get her to fall in love with me. But what I didn't know, was that after I broke her heart, would she still love me. See, I'm a piece of shit. I am worthless. As bad as they come. And to have someone keep loving me, no matter how bad... You happy now? You got me to open up, spill my guts all over your table. Breakthrough.

Sister Pete: So you went along with Beecher not in the same of the Aryan Brotherhood, but to see if he would love you no matter what.

Keller: At first I wanted unconditional surrender, then I wanted unconditional love. But Beecher don't love me.

Sister Pete: And that's killing you inside.

Keller: Yeah.

(In Em City, Keller watches Beecher praying in his pod. The camera moves up and we see Said praying in the pod above.)

(In a classroom.)

Said: This room is reserved.

Beecher: I know. For the Muslims.

Said: Our study group.

Beecher: I was raised Episcopalian. Which means we thought about God once a week for an hour. But you, you think about him all the time.

Said: Yeah.

Beecher: Why?

Said: I want to know him.

Beecher: Me too. I want to know him. I want to know God. I want him to know me. To know I'm here. Still in this place.

Said: He knows.

Beecher: When I came to Oz, I read the Bible from Genesis to Apocalypse.

Said: Great book, the Bible.

Beecher: May I borrow this? The Koran?

Said: Of course. (Arif and Khan come in.) Beecher, would you like to stay? Listen to our discussion?

Beecher: Yes.

Said: Have a seat. Come on in, my brothers.

(In the cafeteria.)

Khan: What are you doing, allowing a non-believer into our study group?

Said: A non-believer? You mean white man.

Arif: He doesn't belong.

Said: Beecher is a lost soul searching for the truth. He has every right to be there to receive instruction.

Khan: No!

Said: No?

Khan: Ever since I came to Oz, I've listened to you rationalize your actions. You are no longer fit to lead us. We need an Iman who's above reproach.

Said: And who's that, Khan? You?

Khan: Yes.

Said: Never.

(Says something in Arabic and the other Muslims stand and leave.) Nasim, come. (Nasim stands up too and leaves with Khan, leaving Said alone at the table.)

(In Em City.)

Beecher: So it's true, what I heard?

Said: Yes.

Beecher: I still want you to teach me about God.

Said: I'm not sure that I can.

(In Glynn's office.)

Glynn: Said's out.

McManus: Beecher came to my office and asked me to move Said into his pod.

Glynn: And you said?

McManus: Sure.

Glynn: We need to set up a meeting with whoever took Said's place. What's his name?

McManus: Hamid Khan.

(Hill narrating with flashbacks of Hamid's crime.)

Hill: Prisoner number 99K515, Hamid Khan. Convicted March 6, '99. Aggravated assault. Sentence: Ten years. Up for parole in five.

(In Em City. Said moves out of the pod he shared with Khan and in with Beecher.)

Ryan: Moving in with the white folk, Kareem?

Pancamo: Hey, lovebirds.

(Hill narrating.)

Hill: My all-time favorite punishment? It's called riding the stag. The wittiest person in town would be put on a chair, carried around the streets by his fellow townspeople while he banged on a bucket and yelled out dirty limericks condemning the accused. Being made fun of, being humiliated in front of everyone else in your community. That may be the cruelest punishment of all.

(In Beecher and Said's pod. Beecher wakes up to hear Said crying and takes his hand.)

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