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The Pegasus

Movement through a green dappled glade,
A flash of white off a sparkling mane,
Golden hooves move with grace,
Across spring flowers with measured pace.

Her head held high the wind whispers true
A being of mystery and dreams for you
Her whitened coat flecked with gold and silver
With only the wind that can come near her
She delicately steps with honor and pride
Towards the waters where she cannot hide
Mist curls around as she dips her head
Takes a sip of waters fed

From springs and waterfalls
And magic known only to this beautiful roan
The suns gentle rays enhance the peace
As her deep brown eyes find your souls release
A sound causes startlement her wings spread wide
And with a giant leap the pegasus takes flight
Into the sky so blue and clear
Your left with wonder that she was so near

Unknown Author

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