The Forest of Hands and Teeth Generations after the Return (the disastrous invasion of living dead that forever changed life on earth), Mary lives in a small isolated community surrounded by the Forest of Hands and Teeth. Villagers continuously work to guard and repair the fences that separate their home from the Unconsecrated, and children are brought up with fighting lessons and plans of how to find refuge in case there is ever a breach. Their lives are centered around survival and continuing the human race, so long after life as we know it has ended. But Mary grew up hearing and sharing stories of the ocean passed down by her mother. Mary stuggles with the unpopular, even sacrilegious, questions of what else might be out there, of whether or not there is anything beyond the Forest of Hands and Teeth. When Mary notices the arrival of a stranger from the forbidden pathways beyond the village, she hopes that she'll finally be able to know the answer. Instead, she's faced with even more questions than before, wondering why the Sisters who govern the village are keeping this a secret and just how many other secrets they've been keeping locked away all this time. |