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Name: Lanen Kaelar (Far-Traveller, Long Wanderer)

Lanen is a tall and ambitious young woman who has given herself the name Kaeler to describe who she is and who she wants to become. She has always been fascinated by the songs and stories of dragons and longed to meet them someday.

Gift: a type of Farspeech that allows her to communicate mind to mind with dragons in the "Language of Truth"

Song In The Silence by Elizabeth Kerner

In this book, Lanen is 24 and finally gets the chance to travel to the island where dragons are said to live. She meets a dragon there who has longed to get to know one of the humans, felt the need all of his life for the bond that can be created between dragon and man.

The plot of this story is somewhat complex and there are many things left open in the end to lead readers into the sequel. This can still make a good stand-alone novel, however, for it's rich detail and the incredible inner beauty and pure heart of it's heroine. Don't read this book and expect to find plot conclusions. Read this book for the beauty and remarkable things that happen in the story. Read this if you are a girl who loves dragons.

Her interactions with the dragons are very interesting, especially the part where she helps a baby dragon to be born. Perhaps I shouldn't have given that part away, but it's one of the most exciting points of the story and it's the point in the story when I said "I'll always love this book."

***Please note: this is the Young Adult version of the book. Look for the regular-sized paperbacks if you want to know what happens next, as this is the only book of the trilogy that's been abridged for younger readers.