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History of Updates

2000 / 2001 / 2002 / 2003/ 2004/ 2005 / 2006

January 24, 1999

Romantic Midis (added)

Delphi Message Board and Chat (added)

Hollywood History on Phantom of the Opera (added)

January 30, 1999

Books and Movies on Beauty and the Beast (added)

Hollywood History and Books on Phantom of the Opera (updated)

Prologue, Act 1 of the Libretto of Phantom of the Opera (added)

Joined The Beauty and The Beast Tunnel Ring

February 6, 1999

Romantic Midis (updated, 9 new midis added)

History of Updates (added)

Picture Gallery 2 in Beauty and the Beast (added)

Movies and Books on Beauty and the Beast (updated, 2 books added)

February 7, 1999

Act II of the Libretto of Phantom of the Opera (added)

February 14, 1999

Words of Wisdom (added to Beauty and the Beast site)

February 15, 1999

Pet Memorial (added)

March 8, 1999

Links added to artists websites. Found in Of Love and Hope and More Poetry web pages.

Featuring Sonia Corral and Helen Charlotte Hunt

March 9, 1999

Web Ring link added to Homepage called Breaking The Silence. It is about all forms of abuse and its survivors.


No Updates

September 7, 2001

As you may have noticed it has been a while since I've done anything with my site. LOL

I'm now using a new web site provider and I've had to make some changes in my links pages. Part of my absence has been due to some personel problems and computer problems resulting in loss of data.

Hopefully I will be adding some new pages, but it will take some time, Thanks for your patience.

September 9, 2001

About Me! (added)

Pet Memorial (updated)

September 14, 2001

Homepage (updated)

American Flag symbol and page added in memory of those who have died on

September 11, 2001

September 21, 2001

Sound Bits of OLAH (added)

September 23, 2001

12 new pictures added to Picture Gallery 2 in Beauty and the Beast site

Art of Greg Hildebrandt in Phantom site (added)

September 25, 2001

Episode Descriptions of Beauty and the Beast (added)

September 29, 2001

Picture Gallery III in Beauty and the Beast (added)

October 1, 2001

The Love Tester Game in B&B (added)

The Tarot Game in B&B (added)

New Guestbook (added)

October 3, 2001

Picture Gallery IV in Beauty and the Beast (added)

October 7, 2001

Beauty and the Beast episode poll (added)

Pass it On feature (added)

Beauty and the Beast Homepage (reformatted)

October 13, 2001

The Crystal Cave info on crystals and gemstones (added)

October 15, 2001

Disney's Beauty and the Beast pages (added)

October 21, 2001

Tarot Gallery (added)

May 16, 2002

Updated Delphi Chat Room link and Breaking the Silence link

Updated Artist links in More Poetry

Updated My Favorite Links Page

Changed Email addy

May 19, 2002

Web building help links page (added)

Background and Gifs Gallery page (added)

Homepage (reformatted)

May 23, 2002

Petition Link to bring back B&B (added)

May 26, 2002

Four B&B screensavers on Screensaver Page (added)

May 29, 2002

Hollywood History and Books on The Phantom (updated)

Phantom of the Opera Screensaver (added)

Disney's Beauty and the Beast Screensaver (added)

June 22, 2002

Joined The Linda Hamilton/Ron Perlman Beauty & the Beast WebRing

Screensaver 2 added to Phantom of the Opera Screensaver Page

June 23 2002

David's Video Reviews (added) My husband's contribution to my website, the opinions expressed here are solely his own and in no way reflect my own opinions which in some cases is quite different from his. LOL

July 9, 2002

Joined Erik's Realm (Phantom of the Opera WebRing)

Video update on Dave's Video Review Page

July 10, 2002

Fairy Tales of Beauty and the Beast (added)

Joined Grandma's Disney WebRing

July 11, 2002

Due to Angelfire/Lycos cuts in Free Web space I had to temporarily remove all screensaver downloads and wav files. As of this date "Sound Bits of OLAH", "B&B Screensavers", "Phantom of the Opera Screensavers" pages have been removed, as well as the Disney Screensaver.

July 17, 2002

Phantom Gallery page reformatted. There will no longer be click on picture for larger views available. This was changed in an effort to consolidate and gain webspace.

July 18, 2002

Beauty & the Beast Gallery 4 reformatted. For reason as stated above.

Beauty & the Beast Gallery 3 reformatted. Same reason as stated above.

August 2, 2002

2002 B&B Convention Reports with Photo links page (added)

Beauty & the Beast FanFic page (added)

August 10, 2002

David's Video Reviews - Removed per my husband's request. He just lost interest in continuing.

Beauty and the Beast Web Ring - Another web ring I have joined

October 21, 2002

New Halloween FanFic by Ms. Wemmick added to FanFic Site

2003 Con & Fan Reports updated and added to

Joined the Disney Princess WebRing and the Phantom WebRing

March 29, 2003

Placed new Banner link to my Screensavers & Graphics site (new) on Main Page.

Site is called Venus' Muse

This Fan site has been reformatted. It will no longer contain Graphics, Animated Gifs, and Web Building Links Pages.

Those can now be found at the secondary website.

April 9, 2003

Total overhaul of entire web site's appearance completed.

April 19, 2003

Added some special graphics to some of my pages. My new hobby is making virtual snowglobes.

I spent alot of time looking for some globes to use on my site but couldn't find what I wanted. So I took it upon myself to learn how to make them. Its now become a new passion of mine.

May 24, 2003

Main page updated with a summer look.

I removed all my Wav files regarding OLAH on my secondary site Venus' Muse. They just took up way too much web space. The Screensavers are still there and will be for a while yet.

June 22, 2003

I've been given an award for my web site and placed it onto my main page.

I have also updated both of my links pages as well. I try do this on a consistant basis. Nothing is more frustrating than to use a links page and have half of the links no longer good.

August 4, 2003

Updated links and removed the page for 2002 Con Reports

September 25, 2003

Updated my Pet Memorial page, About Me page and Main page

December 1, 2003

Updated Main Page with Winter Theme

Updated links in 9/11 Memorial Page and in My Favorite Links Page

B&B Screensaver Page added

December 20, 2003

New artist (Neal Benge) featured in my Snowglobes and Waterglobes site.

Screensavers have been removed from the site Venus' Muse

The Beauty and the Beast Screensavers will remain in this site Venus' Realm

September 22, 2004

Updated information on my About Me page,which was removed a few months ago and has now been put back.

October 22, 2004

I have had to remove my screensaver page in the Beauty and the Beast area, due to the fact that Angelfire no longer allows downloading of .exe files. Also removed the Petition for B & B as well since it is no longer up and running. As of this date the 2 games (Tarot and Lovetester) are not operating due to difficulties Angelfire is having in getting these games back in operation. Hopefully the problem will be solved shortly.

January 6, 2005

Participant in the Winterfest Online Treasure Hunt.

Both games are working great. Angelfire solved the problem!

January 8, 2005

Updated Hollywood's Movies and Books for Phantom of the Opera Site. New pictures and writeups on the new movie that has been just released, starring Gerard Butler.

Also added in the Phantom of the Opera site a Picture Album with photos of both the movie and musical.

In Disney's Beauty and the Beast site, Picture Album has replaced the Picture Gallery.

December 5, 2006

Updated About Me page and Pet Memorial page.

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