Greater Sabbats


There are eight religious holidays called Sabbats which are celebrated by most Wiccans,Witches,and Pagans throughout the course of the year.

These Sabbats make up the "spokes" of what is known as the Wheel of the Year.

As each Sabbat is celebrated,so does the wheel turn.It is a perpetual cycle in complete harmony with the Earth and the Magick of the four seasons.

The wheel is therefore symbolic of the sun which rules over each changing season.

It also represents the never-ending cycle of birth,death,and rebirth.

In Most,but Not all Traditions,The year begins at Samhain...Thus we begin our journey

SAMHAIN: The festival of the dead,dedicated to our ancestors.In some traditions,the Wild Hunt emerges from Faerie and the God assumes his aspect as their leader,the Horned God.Candles are lit in the windows to provide guidance .

IMBOLC: Imbolc is a festival of light and fertility celebrating the earliest stirrings of spring.It is associated with purification,cleansing,and spring cleaning in many traditions.Typically,all the torches,lamps and candles are lit just after sunset.The young God,in his aspect as Forest King,is named and armed by the Goddess.

BELTANE: Bel-tane means Bel-fire.This is the festival of fertility celebrating the union of the God and Goddess.This festival has always been linked with sexuality and includes such activities as Maypole dances and gathering flowers.Bel-fires are lit on the tops of hills.There is also the tradition of decorating trees to celebrate the God and Goddess becoming lovers.

LUGHNASADH: The festival of bread and harvest.Summer is passing and the God begins to decline.The fest is also associated with marriage.Traditional activities include baking bread and makng corn dollies.