Penny Dreadful

Name: Penny Dreadful

Legal name: Persephone Landry

Player: Red

Flavour: nephilim

Age: 19

Occupation: collage sophmore / witch-animator

Apperance: Penny is an athletic young woman with a lithe build her limbs strait and supple, by most she could be considered slight at first glance especially because of her height at 5' tall. Her hair falls in a curtain of golden and brown just past her shoulders, and her complexion is a pale translucent cream. Her features delicate, large intense angel blue eyes fringed by soot dark lashes and accented by arched brows. A delicate nose, a lush cupid's bow mouth, and graceful cheekbones and chin. Very Cajun-Creole as her grandmere would say.
A former street kid, Penny's clothing still holds a trace of the former skater punk she was when she lived on the streets of New Orleans. Though it tends to be neater now. She tendes to dress in baggy jeans, what ever top at the time suites her mood, and skate sneakers either Osiris or Muskas, with a priest style trench coat. Though she isn't unknown to wear a dress with sandals from time to time.

Personality: She is very intelligent. She tends to be a pretty easy going person unless someone hurts her. Some times she is too compassionate for her own good.

History: Penny was born in the recesses of New Orleans. She was desended for a long line of psychics and witchs, though she didn't know this till later on in life. Her fifteen year old mother gave birth to her on the streets and then left her at the door of St. Louis Cathedral. Because of her abilties budding; no one wanted a child who raised dead animals around, she raised for the first time when she was five after the death of a fellow orphan; she was in and out of foster homes and on and off the streets till she was fourteen. That was when her Grandmère had ben located. She was finally placed with her mother's family in Lafayette. From her Grandmère she learned that her mother hand ben a wayward child, head strong and man hungery, and weak in the family gifts. It was her mother's down fall. From her Grandmère she learned her family history and decided to follow in the steps of her past relatives of her mothers family, learning the ways of the witchcraft and necromancy. She became a scholar, specificly of magick and the petrenatural, and after her grandmere's death, went to school for preternatural studies when she was seventeen in New Orleans. There she caught the attention of the Master of the City, much to her dread. Fearing that he would try to place the marks of a servent on her she has come to Werewood to go to school and hopefully get away from one of the few people she fears.

Strengths/Abilities: Her power is very vibrant and strong. She bares traits of it in her apperance vivid eyes, and an aluring draw. One could almost say angelic.
Magick: speciality necromancy and life magick, psychic.

Empathic Healer: she heals through touch, and feels the pain of her subject

Spark of Life: She heals faster, and can heal from wounds a normal person couldn't. Her healing magic works faster. Vampires draw twice what they would normally from her when it comes to blood and can become addictive ( this can be good or bad). \ While she can heal most wounds if she takes enough damage she can be killed.

She has stopped ageing.

Spirit-Dead Magnet:She tends to draw attention from spirits and ghosts and zombies and even at times vampires, both postive and negative in nature. This can both hinder or help her spellcasting and life. She doesn't really look for trouble, it just seems to find her.

Interesting Informaton: Though she gets some of her power through her mother's blood it is through her father that the majority of it comes from.
Fields of study: Specialties: necromancy, arcane magic, kitchen magic, preternatural studies, preternatural biology, demonolagy, theological studies, psychometry, herbalisum,skateing, snowboarding, kendo, yoga, archery, riding, firearms, vampire lore

Languages: Cajun,English , Latin, Hermetic,Egyptian, Gaelic, Coptic, Spanish, French.