The Magick of Flowers
Here is what each flower represents.
- Acacia - friendship
- Amaryllis - Beauty, timidity, shyness, love
- Anemone - Abandonment, forsakeness
- Apple Blossom - Preference
- Arbutus - Fidelity, true love
- Aster - Variety
- Bachelor's Button - Hope, patience
- Beech (Fire Element) - Personal finances, gambling, money
- Birch - (Water Element) - Dreams, astral travel
- Buttercup - (Fire Element) - Ambition, social matters, riches
- Camellia - Gratitude
- Red Carnation - Poor Heart, forlorn
- Pink Carnation - Deep Love
- Striped Carnation - Refusal
- White Carnation - Purity
- Cedar - (Fire Element) - Goals
- Cherry - (Earth Element) - Intelligence
- China Aster - Variety
- Red Chrysanthemum - Love
- White Chrysanthemum - Truth
- Cinnamon - (Fire and Water Elements) - Business, logic
- Clematis - (Earth and Air Elements) - Soulmates
- Cock's Comb - (Fire and Water Elements) - Partnerships
- Coltsfoot - (Fire and Water Elements) - Political Power
- Cyclamen - Diffidence
- Daisy - (Fire and Water Elements) - Swift movement, a decision
- Dahlia - Dignity and elegance, or instability
- Daffodil - Unrequited love, or high regards
- Fern - (Earth Element) - Wisdom, fascination
- Fir - (All Elements) - Manifestation
- Forget-Me-Not - Remembering, clinging to the past
- Fuscia - Taste or frugality
- Geranium - Preference, Friendship
- Gladiolus - Strong character, strength, integrity
- Hazel - (Earth Element) - Communication
- Heather - (Earth and Air Elements) - Beauty
- Hemlock - (All Elements) - Protection
- Heliotrope - (Fire Element) - Success
- Hibiscus - Delicacy, beauty, fragility, temporary pleasures
- Holly - Questioning
- Hyacinth - Constancy
- Iris - (Water Element) - Reincarnation, a message, travel
- Ivy - (Earth and Air Elements) - Friendships
- Jonquil - Desire
- Lavender - (Earth Element) - Healing, faith
- Purple Lilac - First emotions of love, obsession
- White Lilac - Youth, children
- Lily of the Valley - Happiness, good luck
- Marigold - (Fire Element) - Health, affection, or constructive loss, rebirth
- Morning Glory - Affection
- Moss - (All Elements) - Binding
- Motherwort - (Water Element) - Imagination, creativity
- Myrrh - (All elements) - Binding
- Narcissus - Egotism, self love, self concept
- Nasturtium - Patriotism, paternal love
- Nightshade - (All Elements) - Death, rebirth, lunar activity
- Oak - (Fire Element) - Personal finances, wealth
- Orris Root - (Water Element) - Psychology, subconsciousness, psychicism
- Pansy - Thoughts, reflection, memory
- Peony - Shame, bashfulness, unrealized desires
- Pepper - (Fire and Water Elements) - Energy
- Periwinkle - (Earth Element) - Memory, Education
- Pine - (Fire and Water Elements) - Courage
- Poppy - Consolation, avoidance of problems
- Pink Rose - (Earth and Air Elements) - Romantic love
- Red Rose - (Fire and Water Elements) - Passion
- White Rose - (Water Element) - Silence
- Wild Rose - (Earth Element) - Simplicity, honesty
- Yellow Rose - Unfaithfulness
- Sage - (Earth and Air Elements) - Artistic ability, protection
- Sweet Pea - A meeting
- Sweet William - Gallantry
- Thyme - (Fire and Water Elements) - Swift movement, action
- Tulip - Fame
- Vervain - (Water Element) - Feminine power, women's power, abilities, problems
- Violet - (Earth and Air Elements) - Artistic ability, faithfulness, fidelity
- Water Lily - (Earth and Air Elements) - Harmony
- Willow - (Water Element) - Psychology, psychic powers, psychicism
- Wolfsbane - (All Elements) - Neutralization, balance, temperance
- Zinnia - Absence, lost friends
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