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Hello! Welcome to October's Issue! This issue is going to focus in on Feline Otherkins, mainly Tigers. I'm going to add bits of facts, comments people have made about felines, and feline articles. At the end of every issue, i've set up a brief article by someone who is that phenotype and would like to share with us about themselves, and how it's been living as that certain phenotype. This issue's guest! lol, i'm a siberian fire tiger. I've also asked another friend of mine who is a snow leopard to write something, but i haven't seen her for a while, so we'll see. Have fun!

Feline Info:

1) Some feline otherkins do look like their animal. Some girls look like cats, others have roundish, poked ears. Some people even have cat eyes, or changing eyes that are really mysterious.

2) Since childhood, they've had some type of toy that was their animal, or they've had a really strong bond to a certain animal that they just loved. Small cat personalities are low-down, kind of calm and peaceful, and like things simple and kewl. Big cat personalities are more out there; calm with a temper, very defensive and protective, and not intimidated.

3) Feline otherkins act like cats. From meowing to roaring; whenever they get mad or someone does something they don't like, a nice hiss or growl is in order. Others don't like standing erect or bipedal; being close to the ground is their primary choice. Other cats remain child-ish-y throughout life, and have tendencies to plays with moves or chase things that move, or swat at strings, and have fun with simple things.



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