There are many different kinds of Otherkin around the world. They range through various types of phenotypes that you'll see throughout the coming issues, and trust me...i've got issues to next August already mapped out lol. I've decided to put each phenotype into specifc categories that i'll be discussing more in depth in each issue. The overall title for most of the phenotypes is WereCreature. It's not limited to werewolf, which we, hopefully, all know about. You use the term for any type of animal, such as WereDragon or WereLizard etc. The exceptions are the phenotypes that are humanly related, such as the Fae or Angelkin. Another term: Lycanthropy means Werewolf, but there are more than just wolf weres out there. Lycanthropy is still used to denote wolves, however Therianthropy is now the new name to encompass all types of weres, using Therian for short.
This issue is going to focus in on Dino Otherkins, mainly Raptoric. I'm going to add bits of facts, comments people have made about raptors, raptor articles and interviews from them. At the end of every issue, i've asked a friend of mine to write up a brief article about themself, and how it's been living as that certain phenotype. This issue's guest is my best friend Holly; she's an unknown raptor otherkin. Well hope you guys have fun, and get some real knowledge out of all this. I hate meeting close minded Pagans who refuse to accept the fact that Otherkins exist, as it's a Pagan belief as well. It's not fair for us to discriminate against Christians if we become the same close minded people that some of them are. Raptor Info: 1) raptors likely hunted in large packs, most likely of over 7 individuals. small species may have run in mobs of over 20. 2) it's uncertain if they even moved in packs at all. many theropods would band together only long enough to attack prey. allosaurs, a direct ancestor of raptors, seem to have done this. 3) they were not monkey-level intellect. in fact, it's likely they were pretty stupid. there is NO evidence of advanced pack strategies, nor is there evidence in any way that the large brain was large for any other reason than big optic lobes. 4) feathers. while no raptor fossil is well enough preserved to show feathers or lack thereof, there is fossil evidence of feathers in almost every other maniraptoran dinosaur. according to the principle of phylogenetic bracketing, this means it is likely that they too had feathers. most likely covering their whole bodies. 5)movement. You likely couldn't get a real raptor to move like the beings in JP without a LOT of sedatives. these were small, lightly build and, most likely exceedingly hyperactive animals. i've seen cold monitor lizards exhibit more birdlike movement. WereRaptor Interview:
Guest Interview: Life as a Raptor My name is Holly Elizabeth Johnson. It's a normal average every day name. At first glance you would think me just another average person, you wouldn't know how wrong you are. I may be average looking on the outside, and I may have a normal average human name. But I am not human. I am of a classification of a race who call ourselves Otherkin. I was asked by my best friend to write this, and I hope that you will enjoy reading this as I did writing it. I am a Werecreature. In the Otherkin/Were community I go by the name Silverback, no I'm not a Gorilla, the name Silverback came to me in a dream where I was in my wolf form running free through an enchanted looking forest. In the dream I was a Timber wolf with cream-colored fur with some streaks of red and silver, with the silver colored fur covering my entire back. But that isn't the part of me that I will be focusing on talking about. Besides being a wolf, I am also a Dinosaur, a Raptor of an unidentified species. I discovered my Raptor side about a year ago, in the summer/autumn of 2001. My awakening process started about the time that I suddenly started to have an interest in dinosaurs again. I have been an avid lover of dinosaurs ever since I was in preschool, I would play dinosaur and chase people around the school, while listening to the people I was playing with laugh and giggle, and pretend to scream, those were the good old days.. The world accepted me at this age, I was free to act as I was, I could run around and screech, eep, and squeak all I wanted and my friends would just laugh giggle and run around. As time passed I was no longer allowed to do these things, my parents were very strict about such things, and basically made me "grow up" was their choice of words I believe. I did as I was told or else I was punished for not "acting normal" by my parents. Finally they forced me to hide myself inside, they took me to a psychiatrist and I was diagnosed by him with A.D.D or Attention Defecate Disorder, and put on a medication called Ritalin, that I was forced to take several times a day, and my raptor side retreated and went into a hibernation type state. My parents satisfied that the medication was doing its job made me continue taking it until the 7th grade. There is only one time that I can remember my raptor side coming out of hiding between this period of time, and that was in the 5th grade. A well known school bully was threatening one of my "only friends". He loved to provoke me, to see me get mad… you know the old saying about ignoring them and they will go away?..never worked with him. I don't remember everything, but I do remember that he hurt that friend, and that I jumped onto his back with a loud shriek, if I remember right I bit his spine too.. I didn't get suspended though thank god.. I didn't know it at the time being to young to know what had come over me from out of nowhere, but I had one of those involuntary M-shifts that you hear about every so often. I didn't hurt him so I didn't get in trouble, if I remember right I was in a headlock about 2 seconds later when the teacher came… That is the only memorable time that my raptor side came out of hiding while I was on that medication. I discovered my raptor side after I had been soul searching for a while, I was going through one of those times when you question your sanity, its not fun but I hear its good for you. One night during this time, I had another dream, I was running through a prehistoric tropical rainforest, the air was warm and moist with humidity, and the leaves of the ferns glistened with the morning dew. The rainforest had sprouted out of nowhere and engulfed the house with plants. A volcano could be seen out of the upstairs window, and the screeches and bellows of an unseen raptor pack could be heard all around me. A raptor jumped out of nowhere with a screech and jumped not on me, but into me.. and that dream ended.. another dream happened around this time, I was walking down the hall of what looked like an expensive classy motel, the carpets were of the finest red velvet, and the walls had a quaint décor about them. A large claw foot mirror stood at one side of the hall next to a spiral staircase that went downstairs. An anthro leopard came out of one of the halls, she looked at me with a warm look, and beckoned me to look into the mirror. I walked forward and stepped in front of the mirror as she requested, and I saw my soul. Somehow there was a transparent looking raptor, looking back at me, the same with a wolf who was somehow me as well. Then that dream ended… This was the beginning to the awakening to my raptor side. After these occurrences I did some serious soul searching, I delved deep into myself, and found the raptor, and let it out. Not just to stretch from its long years sleep, but to awaken fully. After this I learned quite a bit about raptors, through both M-shifts, reading, and the rare but occasional phantom shift. I discovered things that not even scientists know, or have ever written to date as a fact about raptors. I will tell you a bit about the raptor species. Since it is still unknown what species of raptor I am, due to the fact that my dreams, and phantom shifts don't match any known species at this time, I will tell you what I know. All raptors are playful by nature, whether they are of the Velociraptor species, the Utahraptor species or whatever species I am. I have yet to meet a were-velociraptor, but I do know of several Utahraptors who are friends of mine. Besides being playful, we are also extremely curious, think of us as cats with scales in this respect, lol. Life can be very stressful not knowing what you are, I thought that I was a velociraptor until I had my first phantom shift. The size and some body structure was all wrong for a velociraptor, due to the fact that despite the popularity of the Jurassic Park raptors, velociraptors are only about 2-3ft tall, and about 6ft long. The species that I am is about 6-8ft tall, and about 14ft long from snout to tail. So it had to be impossible for me to be a veloci. And I couldn't be a Utahraptor because the head shape was wrong, the snout too short and broad as well. I finally brought this up on a werecommunity message board, and someone emailed me saying that I could either be a hybrid, or a so far undiscovered, or unnamed species. I thought about this for a while, and soon found myself agreeing with this theory. I went through an extremely annoying time when a Werecreature who I will keep unnamed here when around and started ranting about the existence of were raptors and why we can't exist and such. If you frequent any of the more well known were message boards you may have even read it. This was a hurtful time for many of us raptors as we tried in vain to explain ourselves. But this unnamed individual kept poking and prodding at us, calling us roleplayers and fakes no matter what we told of ourselves to convince him that we were as real as any other species of were. This got him mad, and he started posting everywhere about us, and brought up the topic all the time. Most of us went to seek friendlier weres and messageboards. Thankfully this individual seems to have stopped his ranting and raving about our existence, and we have since moved back into some of the more populated boards. As well as created our own for the raptor community, though its not limited to raptors. I will give the link to it at the end of this, which is quite close now. I'm sure that you may be wondering exactly what I know of the appearence of my species, to answer your question picture a raptor, a two legged predator with a narrow snout filled with small dagger like teeth. The eyes are like golden street lamps that glow with intelligence, humor, and of course the famous raptor curiousity. Imagine this creature to have deep forest green pebbly skin, with spider-web like bright green lines zigzagging across the skin, to break up the raptor's shape, and add to the ability to camoflauge into the bright green ferns and shadows of towering palms. A swanlike neck curves gracefully into the back and shoulders, and a striking purple feather crest sways in the tropical breeze, and seems to melt and dissipear into the nape of the neck. Red-brown proto-feathers dust the top of the back, and end at the base of the tail melting into the myrad of green colors of the pebbly skin. The arms are thin but muscular, and are tucked to the side, forward instead of backward like a bird, though this is possible as well, but not a preferred arm position. The hands end in three fingers with hooked shiny black claws, and the legs are strong looking and are designed like that of a cat, curving into the feet. The feet have three toes, one on each foot which has a scythe like retractible claw, that causes the toe to curve upright instead of straight like the others. And the tail is strong and rod-like in apearence, and narrows down to a dull point. The elbows have about four redish feathrers sprouting from their back. And a small bony like armor covers the top of the snout from between the eyes to the nostrils. Thank you for taking the time out to read this. Blessed Be - Silverback |