The Dragon Brood

Angus Shiv; Draco

Name: Angus Shiv
Age/apparent age: 2027/21
Sex: Male
Height/Weight: 5'10" (20'3" in dragon form on hinds legs)/179lbs. (2800lbs. in dragon form)
Species: Weredragon (Dragonlord)

Looks (human): He is muscular but not overdone, looks like he could be anything from a boxer to a bouncer. His hair hangs to just above his shoulders and is black with blue hues in the right light. His eyes are a pale, ice blue in colour. Is comfortable wearing anything from jeans to a tuxedo. Wears a dragon ring on his right middle finger.

Looks (dragon): His eyes remain the same colour except the pupils narrow to slits. Scales are azure in colour and are as hard as steel. Claws are obsidian in colour. He has a wingspan of close to 60'. On all fours he is close to 11' in height. Also his foreclaws are still as dextrous as a human hand. Angus is very large for a weredragon, though no one, not even he, is sure why.

Personality: Angus appears to be very cold, but opens up to his friends. He has a vengeful side, and can be creative in someone hurts his friends or allies.

History: Angus was born in the Irish countryside, the only child of two weredragons. He grew up like any other boy of his time and learned to fight and craft weapons like his father. When he was 25 he left his parents village and travelled the known world, learning as much as he could. He spent his time with other, different lycanthropes, the Vampire Council (only for one year), and he also spent a small amount of time at the unseelie court long before they came to America. Throughout his travels he picked up many different artifacts, some of with mystical properties, all of which he sold in the early 1800's for an impressive sum. In the early 1900's he wrote a book on dragons whcih he published under a false name. The book is still considered one of the best books on dragons in the world, though no one knows what happened to the author. Angus has been involved in many battles throughout history, aiding those whom he believed to be right.

Strengths: Angus is a Dragonlord: the equivalent to an Ulfric in power, immortal, has blue dragon fire: instead of burning things he can freeze them (encase in ice or freeze the liquid in cells), in dragon form he breathes this fire, while in human form he can shoot it from his hands, excellent fighter with both modern and archaic weapons, master blacksmith, above average intelligence (he likes to keep up on the latest scientific developments), not ruled by the moon, he can shift (or partially shift) whenever he wants, can shield himself pretty well.

Weaknesses: Iron, though immortal removing his head or heart would kill him.

Interesting Info: An avid writer of research books, he is one of the world's greatest expert on lycanthropes, though no humans know his. Also all books that he has published are done under a different name every time. ~Played by Lone Wolf

Audrey Harris; Tiamat
Name: Audrey Harris/ Original Name: Aud Hjerolfsson
Age/Apparent Age: 1050 / 21
Race: Dragon

Appearance: human- Long flowing red hair, green eyes, a willowy figure, freckled skin, 5'6, 130 lbs. / in form- deep, dark, purple scales, black talons, wings tipped with black, black eyes with silver flecks, a long deep scar on her hindquarters from a battle with another dragon for status. She has 6 body piercing- two in each ear, one in her naval, and the other is an onyx ear cuff, and a tattoo of a dark purple dragon which spans her shoulders.

Attire: Audrey is affluent from several investments through time, and she likes to dress like it. She shops only by designer label, and she usually chooses bold colored silk tops and flowing capes and gowns. She wears silky fabrics and prefers feminine slacks- the better for a fight.

Personality: Audrey has the stereotypical Viking attitude to life. She's used to getting her way, and when she doesn't…things can get ugly. She's a good person, entirely loyal to whoever she's devoted to- even to death. Audrey has a horrible temper, and when provoked she fights- and wins.

History: Audrey Smith once went by a different name in a different time. Aud Hjerolfsson was a Viking in the year 953 A.D, born to a Viking Lord and his mistress in Greenland. Her father's mistress was a weredragon from a line of Dragon Lords, and she passed it on to her daughter. Her mother died during birthing, and all her mother left her was a ring which twists around the finger in the shape of a dragon, ending with a dragon head with onyx eyes. When she wore it for the first time, she knew what it meant instantly, and she gained her given powers. By age 15, Aud was in full control of her beast, and she had gained all her powers. 

Strengths: Audrey from a line of Shadow Dragons, their main power is that of acid and poison. When in form, she spits acid from her mouth, and her touch passes a poison which can only be cured by dragon's blood. She can also teleport or teleport others, but she doesn't use this skill very often. In human form, Audrey can call on her powers, but can only use them through touch. This sometimes drains much of her energy, but only if she does it repeatedly.

Weaknesses: She can be killed when her head is cut off, or her heart is ripped out. She doesn't heal injuries from iron very easily, but it's not impossible. ~Played by Legolaslover

Atreus Stefanos

Character's Name: Atreus Stefanos
 Sex:  male 
 Flavor:  Lycan/Dragon,beta
 Age and Apparent:  14/14

Physical Description:  Blonde,blue eyed,5'7,lean,medium build

Personality:    Out going,funny,happy go lucky ,wise ass,stubborn,very intelligent,a dreamer,proud and confident, carries himself well History:  Born atop Mount Olympia in Athens to single parent, Alida from a one night stand ,father unknown,  Alida   was   gifted in the arts, majoring in dance,theatre and music,she was once a world known  musician and dancer that just vanished one day from the spotlight. His mother belonged to no clans,she was rogue ,making Mount Olympus her home for her and her son,teaching music,acting and dance in a local high school. Atreus has always known what he was and had spent many moons flying and hunting with his mother from the moment he could walk. Like his mother,Atreus took an interest in the arts as well and his mother taught him to paint,play  guitar,drums , to act and dance.   Aside from being taught  those arts, Atreus was also a black belt in karate and had taken gymnastics,combining both in   gymkata,and could defend himself,his mother also taught him to fight with a sword and knife,seeing that he learned everything he  would need to survive.  When Atreus turned 14, his Mother had gone to market to pick up a birthday cake and never came back,disappeared,that was 3 months ago. Atreus lived off the land to survive.  One night during the full moon,Atreus took on his beast form and flew over the oceans,away from Greece and just kept going until  he reached the United States,attracted to the Colorado mountains,he touched down near a cave which he made his home,the entire town of Xandi in the valley below. Atreus kept to himself for two weeks before he got the nerve to venture below.
Abilities: Shift at will,breath fire,rest unknown,too young to have developed any further dragon skills.  Atreus is an Artist,musician,dancer,gymnast, Black belt in Karate,pretty good with a sword and knife.
Quirks:  Shallow girls that talk to much
Weaknesses:  typical Lycan weaknesses,silver ~Played by Cassius

Taliesin Mandrake; Typhon

Name : Taliesin Mandrake
Age : 3000 (looks early 40's)
Race : Dragon (SkyDragon Clan)
Height & weight : 6'5" & 275lbs

Discription : Tal looks about 40ish but that is because he wishes too. He can look as old as he wants. Long black hair streaked with gray hangs to his shoulders. HIs beard is graying and kept neatly trimmed. He stands 6'5 and is solidly built weighing about 275. The only thing that hints at his non human lineage is his silver eyes. His draconic form is about 100 feet long with a wingspan of the same length. He is midnight blue in color his eyes staying the same silver as in his human form. He can breathe lighnting in diffrent froms from bolts to balls, he can generate both static and emp pulses as well.

History : Tal was born 3000 years ago in the forests of what is now Ireland. Raised by his parents and taught at an early age about honor and loyalty it set the grounds for him to become who he is this day. Taught by the Druids when he learned to control his form he learned about their magick and any others he could find. He learned to be a black smith because he enjoyed working with his hands. It was at that time in his life he learned that he had the abilities to control both magnetic and electrical forces...handy trick when your a blacksmith. When he turned 25 he began to wander and learn. Traveling all over the known world and into the Fae world learning how to better control his gifts and what they ment. He watched the Roman empire rise and fall because of greed he became fascinated by chivarly and knights it produced. Stepping into the world of humans he proved himself worthy of Knight hood by strength of arm and deed. Becoming the champion of kings he helped create the Order of the Dragon, a group of Knights dedicated to honor and the protection of the weak. Unfortunatly for him like most things it became corrupted by power and greed. Exhiled from the Order because he chose to help the weak and poor instead of oppress them he decided to strike back. Under many diffrent names for many years he helped those who tried to help the weak. From the man whom the Robin Hood legands are based to the Celtic King that later became the Authrurian legands hes been at the right hand of those who chose right over might. As the time of chiverly came to an end he left england and ireland and traveled again. Making his way to the oriant he learned all he could there...from their blacksmith trade to the creating of their black powder. Also as he studyied he began to collect books on both science and magick. Some time after the discovery of the Americas he traveled there learning the ways of the Natives touched by the way they chose to live with the land instead of off it. As the Americas expanded he moved farther into the wilderness. Finally he chose to emerge seeing what the new world had to offer. It was there he found out about "machines". With his gifts he fast became a leading engineer working first with trains and moving on from there. Today he is rather knowladgeable about science and engineering. He became fascinated by motorcylces after his first ride and has been collecting and building them every since. He created his own company Iron Dragon Bikes. His collection of motorcylces is extensive containing several originals thought to be lost. Still dedicated to the Codes of Chiverly he does what he can still to help the weak and the poor. Providing everything from money to food to "special attention" to those that feed off of the ones he believes need protection. A powerfull mage his knowladge and library is extensive containing almost every book of or on magic every enclude the verbal traditions he leanred from the Druids and later from Shamans he himself wrote down. Hes been traveling North America looking for others of Dragon blood. Some hes found and befriended...others hes hunted down and killed. He is forever a Dragon Knight sword to help those in need and stop those who believe because they are stronger they can do as they please.