Gaberielle Stormakker

NAME: Gabrielle Stormmakker
RACE:Elemental Hunter
HEIGHT: 6'11"

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: He has waist length hair. The color is Jet Black. He has rainbow colored eyes with purple being the dominant color. He has alabaster skin. With lush full red lips. His nose is slim and gives him an arogant continace. His check bones are high and sculpted. He is like a male versin of Snow White.

PERSONALITY TRAITS: He is sweet, loyal, loving and manipulative if needed. He has a dry sense of humor and no idea his afect on people unless he is trying to make them want him. He has a strong sense of vengance and yet he will forgive minor slights easily. But he will seek the justice until it is given no matter the cost to himself.

STRENGTHS: At 5000 years old he has the advantage of age over his apponents. As an elemental he can conjure anything with a tought. He is wealthy from all the years he has lived and invested wisely. He can fly and disapear or reapear any where.

WEAKNESSES: If he goes without sun or pure water for more than 4 days he becomes human like in his weakness. But his main wekness is beautiful men. Often falling for a pretty face and forgetting his mission.

Darius Synclair

Name: Darius Synclair(mostly called Syn)
Age: Appears 35 actual age is 400 years old give or take a decade.
Race: Faerie (Half Seeligh half Unseeligh)
Height & Weight: 6'3 220 lbs

Physical Discription.: Darius has a lean but muscular physique. Long dark hair hangs to his waist most the time pulled back into a tight braid. His eye color varies by his mood ranging anywhere from a light blue to a dark vivid green. He mostly wears black jeans boots and a mock turtle neck no matter the weather. He is never seen without his leather duster. Be it on him or carried over one arm.

Peronality Traits: Darius has one of those dry and cynical senses of humor. Though he is generally a light hearted guy he does go into fits of depression. He is driven to find his father...his mother was of the Light Court...captured and raped by a warrior of the Dark Court. He wants to meet his look the man who created him in the eyes...and remove his head from his shoulders. He can be very intense sometimes especially if on a case, to the point where he almost ignores anything else going on around him untill it effects him personally. All in all he is a down to earth person...with a mischeivious streak inside him....but as he is half Light Court he is also half Dark. He can be merciless if angered though he does show regret when the rage passes. So far he has been able to control himself when far.

Brief History: Darius works for a detective agancy, Oniell Investigations. He is part of the Special Investigations Force. Gwydion Oniell is the owner, and is also known as the Rebel Bard. He takes any contracts from finding dogs to paranormal investigations. The SIF also take contracts from the US Government though that is not widely known. Darius is one of the lead investigators due to his uncanny ability to track matter what the distance as long as he has something that belonged to that person. Raised in the Dark court as a servent he has suffored some of the worst fates a bastard child. He survived and became helps people as much as he can if asked for help he cannot say no.

Strengths and Weaknesses: His strengths include faster reflexes and greater strength..something he prides himself on. He has taken martial arts for hundereds of years finding the focus and the discipline favors his tracking abilities. A rumor is that his Father was a member of The Hunt..and that is where he gets his tracking that is true or not remains to be seen but his tracking abilities are phenominal. If he has an item that has been on the person for more then 48 hours...IE a watch jewelry or the like he can establish a link no matter where they are and track them no matter the distance. He is also a powerfull empath...using his powers in ways not many think of. Unfortunatly for him that can also be a draw back. He is a trusting person...and will look for the good in people before the bad. He is not stupid in trusting everyone....but an honest face and an honest soul...he will go to the ends of the earth to help them if they need it. He is a Shadow Dancer...dancing between light and dark....if provoked he can lose his temper and go into a rage...and when he does that he has to fight hard for control. It is rare but it can happen. His greatist weakness though is children. He has a very protective manner towards them. It has been used several times against him. When a child is in trouble he focuses to the point of ignoring everything including his own safty.


Name: Knochen
AKA: Knochen Damon, Knochen Torturer, and Bone Torturer
Age: 4000
Height: 4 feet 6 inches Weight: 75 pounds
Race: Bone Demon

Physical Description: Knochen is very short, and his skin is black and red mottled. He is also completely hairless and his skin is very smooth. He has two horns that start just above his eyes and curl back over his head, then curl back towards the front, underneath his ears and come to a point beside his cheeks. The end in sharp points about an inch out from his cheeks. His arms are disproportionately long and when they rest at his side, the tips of his fingers hang to the bottom of his calves. If he needs to move quickly, he will go down onto his knuckles like a monkey, but any other time he walks upright. Knochen’s fingers are also very long and slender, but they are extremely dexterous. His eyes have a slight red-tinge to them, but when he is causing pain they take on a blood-red color and glow dully. Besides his arms, the rest of his body is in proportion, and the muscles are in the right place.

Brief History: Knochen has been around for 4000 years and in that time he has seen and done much torturing. When he was a very young demon, Knochen was worshipped as a god by a small group of jungle tribes for over 500 years until he grew tired of it and he tortured them all to death. He traveled the world for a millennia torturing and killing humans, vampires and lycanthropes and studying what made them different. He studied their pain thresholds, how their bodies reacted to pain, and also he studied physiology of their bodies. As of right now, Knochen would be considered one of the top doctors in the world if he were to choose to heal people instead of hurt them, but he chooses not too. It’s much more fun to cause pain. When he was a little over 2000 years old, the Vampire Council contacted him and asked them to join him as their torturer. He spent almost 1800 years with the Vampire Council, giving punishment to wayward vampires, and finding information out. He has recently been sent to Jean-Luc in Xandi as a gift for taking the vampire Imira off their hands.
Strengths: He is very strong; his strength is the equivalent of a vampire or lycanthrope, and his special demon powers.

Weaknesses: The only weaknesses that Knochen has found are sunlight and religion. He does not die by sunlight, but he is weakened considerably by it and he cannot use most of his demon powers. When a person stands up to Knochen and uses their faith, he cannot attack that person. A person he is torturing can scream out god help me, but he is not hampered by it, but the moment a person has the conviction behind their faith he is useless against that person.

Powers: Knochen is able to feed off the pain and fear of the victims that he tortures, but he does need to eat solid food at least once a week as well. He is able to teleport, but only between dark places and it cannot be more than 10 yards apart. When he does teleport, it is soundless but it gives off a bad stench of death. His major power is that Knochen is able to extrude bones from his body. He may run out if he does it too many times in a short period of time, but he has never yet found it. He can force the bones of anywhere on his body, and the small amount of pain it causes him can be used to feed himself. If Knochen has enough time, a minimum of 20 minutes he can fashion a suit of bone armor around his body, and it is strong enough that it can stop lesser caliber bullets. If the bones are still attached to his body, Knochen can draw them back in, but if they have been broken off or pulled out, they cannot be brought back in.

Name: Silvus
Age:300 looks 25
Race:Fey (Sidhe/Pixie)
Hight: 7'8"

Physical Apperance: He has a slight lavendar tint to his skin. His hair is knee length and dark purple. HIs eyes are tri-colored with variations of silver with gold around his puiple. He has a slender physic but is strong.

Personality:He is very loyal to his king. He has a very dry sense of humor. What he thinks might be funny may not be by the next guy. He is very passionate in everything he does and his club shows it.

History:Silvus moved from Bakersfield to Xandi when his King worried about the well being of his daughter,Ana. He has watched over her for many months and will continue to do so until other wise told.

Strengths:He can call some plantlif to life. His hand of power is to be able to control willow o' wips.

Weaknesses:His passion for drink and life itself.