Game Rules

1) There is a character limit of six. I believe one person can keep up with that many characters durning a game.
2) ALL POSTS must be written in third person. This game is like an on going novel.
3) ALL POSTS will have a header at the beginging. Place: In-Game Date: Character(s):and Author(s): In other words Place=where your character is at in the city; In-game Date=what day we are on; Character(s)=who is being played in that post; and Author= who is writing this character's actions. 4) Plot lines of characters are important, so keep them moving. I ask that you at least post three or four days out of the week.
5) If you want to join an on going plot, please ask to be invited in. Best place for that is on the OCC Board. (When you join you will get the address for that site.) Don't get upset if you are not let in. Just find another plot to join or create your own.
6) NO killing, maming or hurting another player's character without his or her consent. If that happens you will be warned. SEX scenes are okay here but please keep it at a PG-15 RATING.
7) I will go by the four strikes your out. If a player causes to many problems, I won't hesitate to ask them to leave.
8) ALL character's must be original creations. I don't want Anita or Death showing up to save the day.If you have an idea what your character looks like fill free to send along a picture with you character's profile. It can be a nonsexual photo or a drawn picture. All are accepted.(Please, no pronographic pictures.)
9) Sunrise/ sunset will be every two weeks. So if a plot is slow moving, after the change of the sun everything will be coinsidered a backpost.
10) THERE WILL BE NO UPLOADING TO THE GAME SITE. All characters and their owners will be put into the archives by the owner or the moderators. If you have something that needs to be fixed let one of us know and we will be happy to fix it for you.

Want to join? Click here for more information. To join the game.

Any other questions or complaints send them to

Have fun, be merry and read plenty of Laurell K. Hamilton and Anne Rice novels.