Melandria Cannon;Vagamore

Name: Melandria Cannon
Age: 16
Race: Human/Mage; Vagamore for the Snow White Clan
Heigth and weight: 5'6" and 120lbs

Physical Description: She as midnight black hair with dark green eyes. Her skin is albaster which is due to her Irish ancestery.
Personality: She is a strong indiviual who thinks and act her mind. She will do whatever it takes to keep herself happy but won't go to any extremes that will harm anyone. She speaks her mind and loves to play with her magic and learn new things.
History: She was orphaned at a young age. Her only next of kin was her uncle Wayne. He is a werewolf in Xandi and that was where she was sent. Her powers didn't really start to show until she was 12 years old. That was when she threw her uncle out a window and held him in mid air from the ground. All the while speaking in a language she did not know she could speak. Marcos, the Ulfric, noticed the potintal in the girl asked if she would become his Vagamore. She said yes and has been learning her magic side by side with the pack.
Streangths and weaknesses: She is human so whatever can harm one can harm her. She is still growing in her powers. Learning all that she can devour. ~ Played by Lochness

Veanea Hondo; human servant to Mia and Miku

Name: Veanea Hondo
Race: Human Servant to Mia and Miku Takagatchi
Age: Looks nine but is really over 600 hundred years old
Place of Orgin: Canterbury England

Physical Description: Veanea stands at about 4ft1 inches, so she isn't that tall. She has long curly blonde hair which she usually wears in pigtails or her favourite chopsticks. Blue eyes with dimples,

Personality: Veanea is about as cute as they come but underneath that child like personality lies a darker side. Veanea can be ruthless when she wants to be and has a sharp tongue usually when it comes to her arguements with Miku. She likes her dresses but perfers the silks from the orient and usually sleeps with or near Mia with her teddy, Drake. She likes to play at parks whenever she is permitted to and also likes to dance. Although she has seen many things in her long childhood, Veanea is very thoughtful and likes to ask questions to learn new things.

History: She is the human servant to both vampires but Mia is by far Veanea's favorite. Mia was the one that found Veanea shivering in a corner all alone in England, dirty, hungry and alone. Mia took care of Veanea and loves her like a little sister and is also very protective of her. Veanea never leaves Mia's side for long and perfer's her company to Miku who seems to dislike the girl somewhat. But then again Miku hates everybody *S* Little is known about Veanea. Born in Canterbury England, she rememvers little of her childhood and only time she has ever been happy is being around Mia. She had no parents when Mia found her, both killed a long time ago. Veanea had been living mainly on the streets and a play thing for a rich merchant man. For that reason veanea fears most men, she does not like their company most of the time and will not stand to be alone with one. Mia does not blame her. After she was made a human servent Veanea travelled the world and has finally begun to really smile again. She can usually put anyone in a good mood if you are around her long enough.

Powers: As a human servant Veanea is bound to her mistresses and therefore has extra strength, speed and energy. Her gift is her song and her unique ability to play the piano. If need be Veanea can fight and is very good with her twin blades that she carries at her side.

Weaknesses: Being Alone. A scary thought for Veanea :) ~ Played by Amanda

Samual; Servant to Concertina

Samuel (NPC- Just refered to)
mortal age: 26 (though made ageless by being Julian's human servant)
270 lbs

Description: brown hair brown eyes

Samuel is the human servant of Julian. He was sent with the Concertina and Guy to protect them. Years of abuse from Concertina has made him reluctant to speak. He protects her only at his master's command. ~ Played by Ruinswalker

Khalida Ray

Name: Khalida Ray
Age: 17 or 18 (Born: March 17th)
Race: as far as she knows, human
Height & Weight: 5’6”/98lbs

Physical Description: She is an almost-white-platinum blonde with fair, Anglo-Saxon skin. Her eyes are ocean blue. She is malnourished and has dark circles under her eyes from lack of sleep. She doesn’t have acne, but sometimes shows one or two zits (after all, she is still a teen). She wears clothing that looks like it would be in a homeless gift bag: faded shirts, three-times-mended jeans, and generally does not wear a coat. She tries to find blues and greens to wear among what is offered at the shelters. Most of her clothes are long-sleeved due to the attempted abduction two years ago, and boys’ cut as well because they are easier to run in; she has a prominent scar on her left arm from someone swiping at her, and on her chest is a scar from being slashed at with some sort of sharp object. It begins above her left breast and ends somewhere below her right one. She has a small Eye of Ra tattoo on her forehead right below her hairline and hides it with bangs.

Personality Traits: Khalida is one of those deer-caught-in-the-headlights. When she was ten, she was isolated because she was such a “freak.” She is timid and shy, but she warms up after a while, even if she doesn’t trust others easily. She also has a very strong will and uses it to get where she needs to go. Generally, her reaction is flee rather than fight, but she knows what she is doing during the rare argument.

Brief History: Her mother is a rich Chicago lawyer who works for a large corporation, and her father was in graduate school for history when he died. Khalida’s parents were members of the Secret Order of Ra, Chicago Branch, an Egyptian-based tradition. She was conceived during a sex ritual that was designed to create a Child of the Sun. Her parents ran into trouble several months later when there was a fight in the alleyway shortcut they always took home after dinner. Her father died and her mother barely got out alive, but Khalida was touched in a strange way by the supernatural fight that was taking place. At the age of nine, a holy age in her family’s religious tradition, she was initiated into the Secret Order of Ra and a few days later, the black tattoo appeared on her forehead. When she was ten years old, she invoked the Guardians of Water and somehow fused herself with the element; her mother immediately had her put under lock and key with only a tutor to keep her company. At the age of sixteen, the tutor (who had been paid a lot of money to keep anyone from finding out what he was doing) ran into the Master of the City of Chicago. Somehow, the whole things spilled out, resulting in Khalida’s expulsion from her house. She has been running for nearly two years now, and the list of people after her keeps getting longer (several powerful necromancers, a couple dozen animators, some new age people who think she is Jesus, several very important vampires, a few were-creature packs, some fay…). And, due to her sheltered life, she doesn’t know much about the world beyond her forsaken bedroom. But she might stay in Xandi longer than she thinks… no one can run away forever…

Strengths & Weaknesses: She can manipulate water's healing, purification, strength, and power, summon weather as long as she gets a good night of sleep, and she is under the guidance of the Egyptian god Ra and the Greek god Apollo. However, a lot of things are going against her. She has no idea what is going on because she has been so sheltered, and her social skills are not what they should be. Along with the boons of water, she gained its weaknesses: she is very emotional, has out-of-control empathy (no idea who is feeling what, especially pain), and, basically, most of the flaws of her sign, Pisces (which basically means she is like a big, emotional black hole). Many of the dark gods and goddesses hate her. Oh… and she is also mentally not-all-there from everything that is happening; she thinks the leader of the hunt for her is a deranged, psychotic lunatic.