Other Shifters Mention In Anitaverse

Besides the normal shifters that return in every book, there are still those who receive a guest appearance so to speak. On this page we will meet those who's life was changed a great deal by Anita and the gang.

Here we have one of my favorite guest stars, the eternal living Lamia. It was her bite that let Jean-Claude give Anita the third mark. Richard couldn't let her die so he took her to Jean-Claude for rescuing. He is a Shifter in hiding and so didn't tell Anita how he could have saved her. Don't worry fellow fans, the Lamia turned out to be a good gal in the end and now is currently working at Guilty Pleasures, I believe.

Next we have a fellow who was introduced in book four, Lunitic Cafe. Kaspar Gunderson is a Swanmane, yes you read that right, a swan. Only difference was he wanted to be a shifter and asked a witch to curse him but it back fired. The witch wanted to teach him a lesson so she made him a swan. He ran when Anita finally got out of the cage he put her in. Don't worry fans, Anita got her justice when a certain present from Death arrived, a swan skin. It matched Anita's living room decor.

The repersentive of all the minor shifters in St. Louis is Christine. She is the only weretiger in the city. She is the voice of all the shifters in town who doesn't have a clan to call home. The shifter communities tend to stay with their own kind. Hence the reason why in book ten, Narcisuss in Chains, Anita can no longer be Lupa of the Thronos Rokk clan. Her beast is leopard and cats and dogs don't mix.

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