Non Playing Characters of the Game


Name: Hannah Tyler.
Age: 23
Height: 5’4” Weight: 105 pounds.

Hannah has shoulder length blonde hair that she normally wears up in a ponytail. She was all around quiet in high school and was not so outgoing. One night while she was walking home from soccer practice, a leopard attacked her. Since she joined the pard she made a lot of new friends and became a very open person.

Strengths: The Normal were alpha stuff

Weaknesses: Normal stuff

Owner: Trace

Playing Guide Lines:
2)No one may play her but Trace
3)She can be tagged
4)No one may play her but Trace
5)No one may play her but Trace
6)No forced interaction with her in the game
7)No one may play her but Trace

Angelique Autumn

Name: Angelique Autumn
Sex: Female
Age: 21
Species: Wereleopard
Height/Weight: 5'4" / 115lbs

Physical Appearance: Long blond hair and spring green eyes. She's athletic but still has the hour glass curves. She has claw like scars that run the length of her sides; midthigh to midstomach. She wears leather pants and always carries her leather duster around. She is always seen with a black collar around her neck and gold hoops in her ears.

Streagths/ Weaknesses: She's an alpha and a fighter. Never backs down even if she is wrong. She feels like she must prove herself no matter what. She has a short temper which prompts her into fights. Along with this short temper she can forgive just as easily. The only time she will hold a grudge on a person is if that particular person has wronged her one to many times. She has the normal allergy towards silver.

Powers: She can call flesh through touching.

History: Angelique was born into the shifter world when she was fourteen years old. She went on a camping trip with her girl scout troop and they were attacked by a rouge shifter. She was the only girl to survive the attack. She was taken in by the local pard and the attacker was killed for his crimes. Angelique watched and still feels bad to this day for the man's death.

Her mother and her Alpha leader married and Angelique was raised by the both in a very sheltered atmosphere. She never was aloud to date and any major dances she was escorted by one of the pard. Everything that she learned about life was through TV and Books. She left her pard a few months before she turned 21 with the help of her rich grandmother. Angelique feels the need to roam and wants to find a place that she can call home.

Owner: Lochness

Playing Guidelines:
1)She can be forced to interact as long as you stay within her boundries as a character
2)No harming unless I give you say so
3)You may also tag her if you want

Kael Battaci

Character's Name: Kael Battaci
Flavour: Human, empath/psychic
Age and Apparent: 24 but looks about 18.

Physical Description: Through neither tall nor muscle-bound, Kael makes effective use his slight stature (5'8" 149lbs), relying more on speed, agility and quick thinking then brute strength. However, the young man certainly is not a weakling. His lithe body is comprised of pleasing muscle tone he earned (and maintains) through his swordsmanship. His triangular face is a fetching combination masculinity and elfin allure (though he had no Fey blood). Large, expressive blue-green eyes make him appear younger then he is. Wavy strands of burnished copper (threaded with natural gold highlights) flow about his sweet face and down a little past the shoulders.

Personality: If Kael was to be described by a single adjective it would be SHAMELESS. Kael loves to touch and be touched and he is very comfortable about his body. He loves dancing and closer, more suggestive the better.
For the most part he is very open and giving up himself, going to far as to offer help to a stranger for no other reason then it looked like they needed it. He is very relaxed around paranatural boogies and is intensely curious about anything out of the ordinary. Kael also possesses a very hot temper, thankfully however, it takes a lot to get him mad. His worst (or perhaps his best) feature is a smart mouth. Being very bright, he can turn that intelligence on others. While his quips are very humorous (at the expense of another) he will go to far and get in trouble for it. So far it hasn't resulted in permanent harm being done to him.
Kael has a fondness for bladed weapons and tends to collect them whenever he has the money. He takes part in local SCA tournaments and can use is swords and knives in real fight, though as of yet it's never come to that.
It should probably be mentioned that Kael is bisexual (though doesn't have a lot of experience with either sex) and appreciates beauty (both the physical and that found in the soul) of both men and women.

History: Kael's story is a pretty normal one. He grew up in Seattle, WA and remains very much a city boy. In highschool his best friend, Jerod, received a bad dose of lycanthrope vaccine. When their mutual 'friends' descended on the afflicted youngster's house, Kael got a first hand view of what fear does to people. Kael's response was to open the door and take Jarod's hand in his own. Together they faced down their hostile peers as Kael called them gutless cowards. Needless to say, that didn't go over very well. Kael ended up getting the shit kicked out of him but he gave as good as he got. It wasn't the first fight he'd been in and it certainly wouldn't be the last but he resolutely stood by his friend and never now keeps in contact with him. In his grade twelve year, the young man met with an alluring lady by the name of Elsee McVaer. Elsee lived on the wild side of things and was all the more so for being a vampire. Kael could 'feel' something odd about her and when he asked she laughed and said she was a vampire. Despite this he decided to get to know her. Luckily for him, Elsee had morals and would never do more then snack on him even when he asked her too. They also had a sexual relationship as well as a budding friendship. Through her he gained enough insight into the realm of vampires to understand how unique his friend was. They only stayed together for three months before she vanished, leaving him on a simple note saying that they would meet again in the future.
Upon graduating from high school, he went directly into university in the pursuit of a bachelors degree in paranatural biology. During those years he searched out someone to help him learn how to control his various abilities. A local witch worked with him and pronouced that he had enough power to be annoying but not enough to be really useful. That suited Kael fine. However this resulted in yet another commitment of his time. What with having school, the SCA, martial arts and sword practice as well as learning to use his talents it's amazing the young man found time to sleep let alone socialize but some how he always managed it. When he achieved his bachelors degree he was offered a job in Xandi as a consultant with a private detective company, which is flying him out to new city. When not working, Kael can be found taking part in the local SCA events, relaxing with friends or burning energy of the floor of a dance club.
Abilities: Kael has weak powers of psychometry, and as such has to hold and concentrate on an item for five minutes before he can pick up even the most simple bits of information about it. His power of empathy is moderate but not that impressive compared to what's out there and but what he does have is under conscious control. Because of his empathy, he keeps his thoughts tightly shielded so as not to unduly influence those around him. Kael also has two odd-ball abilities. The first is a knack for 'feeling' what another is (human, vamp, lycanthrope, etc. But he has to have met said type of beastie in the past or all he get is a general feeling of weirdness without knowing why); all that is required is that he be in the same room as the person. It is a spontaneous ability and is always 'active.' The second ability is...well...odd. Through brief physical contact, Kael can learn the history of another creature. He doesn't, however, experience it. In Kael's words, "Its like getting a summery report of someone's life zapped into my head." As with the psychometry this power is also under conscious control, so he has to WANT to know someone's past.

Quirks: Kael NEEDS to be touched. He can't make it through a day without at least some casual contact. He is very tactile in his daily life, but he's also very sensitive (though not ticklish) and even a light touch can be very erotic for him.

Weaknesses: His mouth. Kael always seems to know exactly what to say to piss people off, unfortunately he doesn't always know when to shut up.
Streangths: He's a martial artist of decent skill. He can hold his own in a fight (within reason; he is only human). He is also a member of the local SCA chapter and knows how you use his daggers, knives, dirks, throwing blades and swords in a real fight as well as a mock battle, though he hasn't ever had to kill anyone....yet.

Owner: Trace

Playing Guide Lines:
2)No one may play him but Trace
3)He can be tagged
4)No one may play him but Trace
5)No one may play him but Trace
6)No forced interaction with him in the game
7)No one may play him but Trace


Hight & Weight:5'5 and about 110

She's thin with long blond hair mostly kept in a bun and bright blue eyes. She's meek and mild very sophisticated and business like. She's Kat's assisant.

Playing Guide Lines:
1)She can be Tagged
2)She can't be maimed,killed or otherwise abused
3)No forced interaction
4)She can be used for hook ups with Kat and that's about it