Summery of what is Happening in the fair city of Xandi.

Summary to date:

It was a long month thank the gods for a blue moon. It took Jonathan and Corrie a couple weeks to find out that Eddie lied about Marcos' demise. (Should have seen his face when he realized that Marcos was alive.)The ever faithful Melandria was able to track Juddas into the forest and find Marcos in the cave he had him tied up in. It took the combined efforts of the few remaining wolves loyal to Marcos and the entire Pard to bring Marcos back to full Heath. Thankful for his life and good heath Corrie can now let out that she is pergnant with the Ulfric's child. The question now is she able to carry to full term?

She may because it turns out that Angel Rhodes is a doctor and might be able to help her with the pregnacy. But will he have the time. It seems that his long lost daughter as returned to him and he is trying to seduce Kat, the Nimir-ra of the pard to be his wife and his daughter's new mommy. Is Kat ready to seattle down? Read and find out my friends.

The Dark Forest Clan has had a sad month. Their leader Logan has past on. Now Elizabeth is the new Oba. The clan will only accept her if she leaves the leadership of the Coyotes. Now Elizabeth is in turmoil, mourning the loss of her heart's desire taking control of the Hyenas before chaos erupts in the city and now sadden that she needs to leave the Coyotes and give up the bar she has so pain stakingly brought to great hights. How will the coyotes take the news of their belove leader abandoning them? Read to find out my Xandi fans.

New vampires sent from the council to bribe Jean-Luc to take a side on the Council disbutes. Well, the new additions to Jean-Luc's kiss was a welcome but it wasn't enough to make him leave his famous neutrality. Now that desision has cost him. He has recieved news from the Council that they will be sending an enterage to the city to talk with Jean-Luc. But what is the true nature of the Council's arrival? No one knows and many are speculating that is might be his punishment for something the Council fears?

What could that fear be? It might be the fact that Jean-Luc as yet again lost another servant and hasn't died in the process. Ana was killed trying to hide her new boyfriend from the vampires during the city wide black out from the winter storm. Another asassin was sent to back up Delcroix and well she succeeded. Good thing Duncan, Raja of the Tiger's Durbar was near. Jean-Luc managed to take Duncan as a servant in Ana's stead. Is that the reason the council is here? Read and find out my fans.

The Fey has caused mischief in the city my friends. It seems a little fey by the name of Kaelan has did a bit of magic on the Xandi zoo's wolf population and in doing so added a werewolf to the mix. Greta St. James was pregnant when she arrived in Xandi, unknown to her, when the spell hit her it caused a nasty little side effect. Her pregnacy got off with leaps and bounds. within one months time she managed to carry her twins to full term. But the babies are still growing and the poor mother now with the father at her side are worried that within a short time they will see their children grow up and grow old before their eyes. Will this little family find Kaelan in time to reverse this spell? or Will we have heart break on our poor little Greta? Read and find out Xandi Fans.

Now there is a new company moving into the outskirts of the city on the mountain side. A Pharmusuitcal company has come to town. Why to solve that age old question, can Lycanthropy be cured? or Better yet can it be controled? That is the main reason they came here. Xandi has such a divers shifter population that the city is easy pickings for test subjects.

But could that be the true reason the company set roots into the city? Well my fans you have to read to find out.

So that roughly sums up what has been happening in our little world. Come and read to find out what happens next.

Old plot summaries: The full moon has come and gone in the fair city of Xandi. But this cycle of the moon was not a pretty one. Marcos was attacked the day of the moon by the returning Ulfric. Well he thought he was the Ulfric. The asshole known as Edward Lopez along with his little group was released from jail and he returned to take his pack back. But like any true asshole he didn't call Marcos out like any true challenger should have. He jumped Marcos at the Lunapar with his crew and beat the crap out of our beloved Ulfric. Well, we can say that Marcos will now remember to take his guard with him on regular basis. Edward now claims the Snow White Clan thinking his buddies finished the job of killing Marcos. The question is does Edward know about Juddas' past? Edward's best friend from the joint could be into torture, one will have to read to find that out?

This little change of leaders brought forth an uproar to the wolf pack. Our beloved Bolverk, Ralph, was killed trying to keep Edward from taking over. But a new wolf stepped in to help out the pack. Jonathan newly transformed by the Druid gods into a wolf and protector has come to our Lupa's, Corrie, rescue. Jonathan has manage to negotiate a pack split. All who were faithful to Marcos as followed Jonathan and Corrie save one. The pack's Vagamore, Melandria, who has fallen for one of the bad guys so to speak. What is a sixteen year old Mage to do when her chosen mate walks into her life at the wrong time? Stay with him and watch over the remainder of the pack. But our little Mage has a secret. But what could it be? Read and find out.

Now those of you who have followed Autumn's and Ralph's on again and off again relationship wonder how is she dealing with the loss of Ralph? Well, it seems she has no clue since Bryan has successfully taken her from the city. Poor Autumn now in the hands of the Druid High Council.

Now we come to the Pard which has grown by leaps and bounds. A lost pard from Scottland has made a home with the Luna Mystique Clan. Angel, the Nimir-Raj of the group, is the long lost brother of the twins, Jericho and Dakota. He has finally found them and intends to stay. But the question is who will be the ruler of the pard, Kat or Angel?

The Dark Forest Clan has had a sad night. Their leader Logan was severly beaten by a group of drug dealers. He may not make it through the night. Especially, when Edward decides to kill Logan himself. Logan was the reason why Edward was sent to prison. Will Logan survive to stand up to Edward once and for all? or will his injuries leave Elizabeth the new Oba? Read to find out my Xandi fans.

The Kiss has grown powerful. Of course any City Master would enjoy that. New vampires sent from the council to bribe Jean-Luc to take a side on the Council disbutes. Well, the new additions to Jean-Luc's kiss was a welcome but it wasn't enough to make him leave his famous neutrality.

Out of all the new additions one of them did please Jean-Luc. Guy has a knack for seduction being a part of Belle Morte's line. This one vampire has given Jean-Luc a chance to put his servant in check. Ana the reluctant servant. Who in all her life has been the outsider of things pard and court alike; not welcome in Fearie and not trusted in any pard. She has finally found love in a would be assasin. Good thing Jean-Luc's Tèmoin, Nicolai, knew the fey. Now the assasin is locked up in a room and Ana is upset with Jean-Luc. But will Jean-Luc's plan for Guy's seduction of Ana work? Read and find out my fans.

Talking about Fey, we have an interesting group here in the city. Making mischief when they can. We even have royalty in town. The question is who is chasing her and keeping her from joining in on the race for the Unseelie thrown? Only Kudran the royal princess' knight in shining armor will be able to answer that question.

Now here is a new slice to our ever changing family. Two new groups have made Xandi their home. A Dragon Brood as made a roost on the outskirts of the city in the mountain side and opposite them a Durbar, a tiger group, has moved into the city. Now why have these groups decide that Xandi was the place for them? Well my fans you have to read to find out.

So that roughly sums up what has been happening in our little world. Come and read to find out what happens next.

Due to my severe laziness I, the Game Mistress, have been lax in keping the readers up to date. Well, I shall sum up the last two truns of the sun. Druid high council, on the advice of Bryan, have dispatch four very powerful elementalists to test Autumn. Ralph's and Autumn's relationship, for those who keep track, are on speaking terms again. But there seems to be discourse between Marcos and his two new cubs. The question is will Marcos let them stay or force them to go?

Speaking of Marcos, where did he go? and Who the hell let Edward, the pack's old Ulfric, out of jail? Why is he in town and why his he moving into Marcos' home with his gang from jail? Keep reading to find out.

Melandria had several bad spells so to speak. The Mage/Vagamore has gotten herself involed in old magic she can't control. Will this little slip of a girl be able to learn the control these attacks?

Fearies are hiding in the dark shadows of the city. Two assasins have a arrived but the question is who are their intended victimes?

The pard is growing like a weed. Many new kittens have join Kat's pard. Some of them are a different flavor of cat. Could Jean-Luc control them as well as the Leopards and Jaguires?

The Kiss has grown some as well. New powerful masters have come to town to seek solice in Jean-Luc's territory. Some have come to seek allaninces for their Master's. Can these new ones be trusted? Especially, now with part of the Theater damaged in fire that sent many vampires to crowd in under the Mountain Tavren with the City's Master to live until repairs are made.
Through another turn of the sun we find our selves yet again in turmoil. Poor Nimir-Ra, Kat, she had lost one of her cubs. Now I tell you readers never get into a truck with a stranger. Especially, if that stranger drives a crazy semi that talks like he was born a centery to late.
Dakota and Troy decided to go bar hopping. They hitched a ride with Billy Bob and went to a biker bar. Billy Bob was sent by Human's First to check out the place and report back. When the old geezer realized that Troy was a vampire he made it his mission to save Dakota's soul. He managed to get Troy mixed up with a bad crowd so Billy Bob could take Dakota. He took Dakota on the pretense that he was taking the young man home but in reality he was taking Dakota to Paradise for the Blessed. A Human's First camp ground for saving the human way of life. Another brain washing facility for creating barbaric humans to fight the undead.
Don't worry my readers, Kat with the help of Jericho, Dakota's twin, and two Feys, Gabrielle and Bluesky, found Dakota and brought him to safety. The only damage that was made was to poor Billy Bob's truck. To Bad Troy didn't get to see the action of the truck going up in flames. After two suicidal attempts, Kat took pity on the vamp who got her cub in trouble. She tucked him safely inside a trunck in her Jeep sleeping away the daylight and missing the barbaque.
Marcos made the Snow White Clan stay together. Making sure his people were not attacked again in this matter. Through all of this Autumn decided to to make the wrong choice in pissing Marcos off. He quickly put her in her place but a broken pride always has its conciquences.
Jonathan a fellow Druid and slowly becoming close to his animal side of things went and talked with Autumn and her misguided ways. Was it the right talk? Did it help Autumn accept her beast? Or is she just waiting for the right moment to get back at Marcos?
Ralph on the other hand tried to defend Autumn and got into an argument with Marcos. It didn't pane out Marcos and Ralph went to fists over it. Then Marcos decided on a whim to make Ralph Bolverk of his pack. Was it the right thing for the Ulfric to do?
The right thing that did happen from all of this was Marcos making Ralph take Cassius on as his charge. Ralph will have this young cub ready in no time in defending himself.
Meanwhile, apologies are made and Autumn and Ralph are speaking once again. Ralph is now the teacher of two. One a cub in need of a lot of learning the other a woman full of life wanting to learn to control and trust her beast right along with learning how to control the new developing powers.
At the Ugly Coyote poor Elizabeth is trying to make her world back into rights. First, her place of business was attacked by rioting humans. The humans were under control of a new menious in town. What is it exactly? One cannot tell it stays to the shadows and has a Fey, Bluesky, hunting it down for taking away her child.
Jean-Luc is happy again. He has found yet another kitten to call his own. But that was interupted by his jealous servant Ana and also by the fact he must depart from them both to find the creature who has been the menious of the were community. Thanks to Darius Synclair and his fellow employees. Jean-Luc is one step closer in catching this being.

The city as gone through another day and no new news of the Coyote's pack mates killer. So far the police see it as an open and shut vampire case. Elizabeth confronts Jean-Luc, the City's Master, and demands paymaent for Moriah's death, But Jean-Luc is as confused as she is about the insident. Is this a rogue vampire or could it be one from his kiss?
The wolves are in for an interesting show. It seems one of their new pack members realized she has more powers that she thought she had. The new wolf, Autumn, as come into her druidic powers which has alerted her old boyfriend. He has come to town to try and take control of her once again. Is Autumn's and Ralph's relationship going to suffer because of this new development?
But first thing first to solve the devestating murder of the Vagamore's Uncle. So the young lovers will have to put their romance to the side and help their pack find who done this drefull thing to the young orphaned Mage.
New allencies have been made. The Pard as declared allegance with the pack should their be any problems with the Kiss in the city.
A new club has opened in the city. Owned and operated by the Fey. Seems that there is more trouble heading towards the Master's Servant, Ana. Queen Andais of the Unseelie court wants her dead and had sent Assassins after her. As Saturn, the queen's nemicess, arrive in time to train Ana in the ways of the Fey or is she to late and the assassin made it into Ana's life?
Another attacker is on the lose. Not only have their been two more vampire muders left unsolved in the city. A young girl as been severly attacked to death had it not been for the heroics of Lizzie, the Coyote's alpha, youn Mia would be lying dead in an alley. Looks like the young girl was infected with Lycanthropy through the question is what flavor will she be on the next full moon?

A Master Vampire and his army enters the city out to steal the new powerful Servant Ana, whom Jean-Luc cherishes, so he could bring chaos to the Feary Kingdom. During all of this commotion Ali, Jean-Luc's human servant was able to find a powerful Mage, Melandria, to preform a spell to split the Master of the City and him apart. He had fallen in love with a shifter, Kirra, and wanted to grow old and die with her. They are now living happily away from the Master. Liendra an old power shows up. Her ablities were surpressed from her old Master and when he died she found out she herself was a Master Vampire also. She arrived in Xandi hoping that maybe another Master could show her how to control her powers. Jean-Luc sees Liendra as a good power source for his small Kiss. He lets her in with promises to help her. He spices it up by making her second, since the only one capable of that are a pair of pranksters twins, Armand and Damian, who spins more time in a silver cross chained coffin then out.

Meanwhile, Marcos, Ulfric of the Snowwhite Clan goes on a punishing spree. SO bad that he kills his Sköll and replaces him with Kissandra, a vampire hunting werewolf. Several new wolves join his pack and one of the newest, to shifter form and pack, kills Marcos' Hati. (See what happens when a man forces a woman into a sexual position.) Marcos waves the new pup from taking the high rank, because she didn't want it in the first place, and haves her taking care of the old Hati's sixteen year old sister Mia, who is human and doesn't know about the shifter world. Then in steps the Falconer twins into Marcos' life. Corrigan takes Marcos' breath away. Her spirt and her beast touches him where no woman has ever done before. He takes the chance and finally takes on a Lupa for his pack. (The pack is still excited that they have a Lupa now.)Along with the powerful Corrigan is her twin sister who matches strength with her sister's power. Cassandra is then offered the open position of Hati. (Still waiting on the answer for that one.) When the two sister's had arrive they had jumped in to help the Master of the City fight off the army that Black Shadow had with him. It turns out that Marcos was short handed because his second, Dimitri, was suffering from a silver knife to the gut and his third, Alesksei, the twin brother was trying to help stop the blood flow. Kissandra, the only medic of the pack, didn't like how things were going and didn't care for the vampires, turned her back on her Ulfric to aide the hurting duo.

The culprit in all of this chaos is the Nimir-Raj,Kei McLoud, of the Luna Mistique Clan. He had found Ana. She wouldn't take his offer of queen so he decided to have her killed. He tried to do it himself but Jean-Luc had interfered in the unfair fight. (Four against one is very unfair.) So he called a former friend that was looking for the young woman. That call caused much unrest in the pard. Hannah, who was hoping to be chosen as Kei's mate, ran to the arms of a human, Kael, because of all the neglect Kei had given her. When Kei found out he practicly through her out. Kat has know returned and sees how Kei as made a mess of things. SO she made sure to slap some sense into the guy but Kei won't bow down and see the error of his ways. Instead Kat and Kei battles to the death in the passageway contecting the Theartre des Vampyre, Jean-Luc's Theater resturant, and the Mountain Tavren, Jean-Luc's resting place. Kat proves herself victorious to Kei's expense. She also learned that Hannah had forgiven Kei's tyranny and Kei had forgiven her of her misjudgments in mates.

Lastly, we come to the remander of the city's preternatural community, The Hyena's and Coyote's. Logan is the Oba of the local Hyena pack he has finally decided to let Elizabeth prove herself worthy of his mate. Elizabeth, who is alpha leader of an aquired Coyote pack, is deleriously happy and is doing her best to make that happen.

But now we come to a new problem of the city, it seems that one of Elizabeth's pack mates as been killed by a vampire. Could it have been one of the vampires from Jean-Luc's Kiss? Or is there another rogue vampire in our mist?