Duncan O'Leary;Raja

Name: Duncan O'Leary
Age: 28
Species: Alpha Siberian Weretiger

Description: Is 6'2" and 210 lbs. Very, though not overly, muscular build and medium complexion. Shoulder length black hair with red highlights and blue eyes. Dresses very casually, usually t-shirt, jeans, and combat boots. Wears leather coat in winter. When in tiger form, black fur with dark brown stripes.

Personality: Usually dark and brooding but does have a lighter side. Does not trust too easily. Is mostly a loner. Looks at things very matter-of-factly and with emotional detachment. But when it comes to his Durbar he will protect his people with a fiercness of any wild tiger.

Occupation: Was a Freelance assassin for the military. Now looking for something fun to do.

Strengths/Talents: Typical were abilities, save one. He is a weapons and demolitions expert. He has computer skills. Can fly a helicopter and ride a motorcycle. Trained in martial arts and combat survival.

Weaknesses: His passion for his people.

Quirks: Is a little into D&S and loves to dance for females.

Background: Was oldest child of abusive parents. Had a younger sister who died as a result of the abuse. Always in trouble growing up, got arrested at 18 for gun possession. Given the option of joining the military or going to jail, he opted for the military. Joined Marines and became top sniper. After military was recruited by Van Cleef. Struck out on his own after dispute between them. Became weretiger when bitten while on mission in Siberia.

Delilah Ghost; Fakir

Name: Delilah Ghost
Age: 25
Race: alpha weretiger (hereditary), psychic/empath
Height & Weight: 5' 6, 145lbs

Physical Discription: Shoulder length red hair, pale white skin, blue-green eyes, very fit and trim, tattooed around her forearms are blue flames that go up to her elbows (pic base would be Gillian Anderson) Personality Traits: always very calm and peaceful (and slightly stoned), twisted sense of humor, generally quiet but has her obnoxious moments, doesn't trust others easily but is unwavering in her loyalty if she thinks you deserve it, brutally honest, doesn't see anyone as superior to her unless they can prove it, always up for a good fight, loves a good party as long as the music doesn't suck, sometimes picks a good book over the company of other people

Breif History: Delilah was born into a mixed pard in Maine, inheriting her lycanthropy from her weretiger parents. When she was 17, a Master Vamp slaughtered her entire pard for refusing to serve him, her empathic abilities kicked in, and she felt the death of everyone she grew up with as she watched from her hiding place. After the vampires left she staggered home, shoved as much as she could into a backpack and ran. Her steps dogged by the spirits of the dead thanks to her new psychic ability. Not comfortable with her new psychic/empathic ability, Delilah wandered the country, keeping to herself as she attempted to learn control. Surviving by taking the odd job here and there, Delilah has found herself wandering into Xandi, curious to see what sort of place it is.

Strengths and Weaknesses: The usual were abilities, can sense non-humans, heal by touch if the injury isn't too severe, force the change in other weres, an excellent fighter but no formal training in a particular style, senses the emotions of others and can broadcast her own emotions if she wants, can see and interact with the spirits of the dead. Delilah has picked up a few tricks in her misguided life, lockpicking, picking pockets, and if she invites you to join a game of three card monte...run the other way. Silver won't kill her like normal weres, but will make her heal human slow. She can't control her psychic ability and often wishes the dead would leave her alone. Delilah's control over her empathy is good, but if another's will is strong enough they can use it to control her. Another weakness would be her weed habit. Need a joint? One can almost always be found in Delilah's pocket.

Mia Rogers; Rajkumira

Mia Rogers
Date of Birth: 8/05/1973
Height: 5'6" tall
Weight: 125lb in human form: 350 lb in tiger form

Background: Mia enjoyed a normal childhood with her younger sister Sara, and parents, Richard and Judy, in suburban Chicago. She dated, graduated from high school, and went to college, where she studied liberal arts, and social sciences, with a view to becoming a social worker. She was married when she was attacked by a mugger downtown Chicago one night, at the age of 25. The symptoms of her cat lycanthropy didn't show up right away.

It was almost two years until she shifted for the first time, as a result of having to have an emergency hysterectomy. The hormonal change brought on by the removal of her uterus brought on the change while she was at home recuperating from surgery. The only person to witness this change was her then fiancé Mitch. He gave her up to a government contact for a substantial amount of money, after which she was kidnapped and taken to the lab, where she spent a hellish six months being treated as a lab rat. Painful and humiliating experiments were performed on her and on five other shapeshifters on behalf of the military, who hoped to use them to advantage.

Mia and the five others escaped from the lab, killing all of the scientists, and eating them, but Mia was the only shifter to survive the aftermath. She has moved around the country, taking aliases, running from the government, and the cleaners sent to wipe her out, but she has so far killed all the cleaners who were unlucky enough to find her. She wants to live out the rest of her life in peace, and she wants more than anything to find a man who will love her the way she is, and not reject her the way her late ex husband did.

Hair: long, wavy, tawny ash blonde

Eyes: Brown, with gold flecks.

Skills: Mia can control her beast. Rage, lust, fear, and other strong emotions tend to call her cat, but Mia chooses when to shift. She also has experience in several forms of martial arts, including Tai Chi. She does meditation, yoga, Pilates, and other non combative forms of exercise to maintain her calm. She also has a calming effect on others. This may not be the case when she finds a mate, but she'll cross that bridge when she comes to it.