Jean-Luc, Master of the City

Name: Jean-Luc
Appearant Age: 28 real age: over 800
Master Of the City
Heigth/ Weight: 6' and 175lbs

Physical Description: Long black hair and silver eyes.He is built like your average male model.

Personality: He is quiet and very watchful. Nothing escapes his eyes.

History: Much is not know about him except he lived long with the council. He has a human servant named Ali. Jean-Luc rescued him from the Spanish Inquiton.

Strengths and Weaknesses: He has the ablity to fly, roll minds, invade dreams and he can call cats. Silver has little effect on him but fears religion with a passion. He will go to great lengths to make sure any churches or church groups are far away from his day time resting place. ~ Played by Lochness

Nicolai; Témoin

Name: Nickolai aka Nick
Race: Vampire
Age: Looks late twenties, actual age close to 5000

Physical Description: 6'3", fairly muscular, dark grey eyes, hair so pale it's almost white, hair is shoulder length and very straight, looks Russian (which he is), pale skin even after he feeds, cross burn next to his adam's apple from another vamp's human servant, prefers to dress in pale colours.

Powers: Master vampire, calls wolves, can easily hide his age and aura from those that are much younger than him, easily lies, flying, rolling minds, stronger and faster than many vampires, can face crosses.

Strengths: Adept at using almost any handheld weapon, hand-to-hand combat, can speak many ancient and modern languages fluently.
Weaknesses: Regular vamp stuff, cocky, arrogant.

Brief History: Nickolai was a warrior for his home villiage, he was very good in battle. This is what drew his master to him in the first place. She hoped to use him as an enforcer/threat for weaker vamps if he grew strong enough. She didn't have her own territory so for his first 2000 years as a vampire they travelled around Asia and Europe. When a began to grow as a master, she dampened his powers. Not enough to hide them completely, but enough so that he wouldn't pose a threat. When he was 2000 she sent him to the council in hopes to earn favor and receive her own territory. The council impressed with his fighting skills allowed his powers to grow more. When he was strong enough they used him to take out rogue vampires and to enforce their threat. During his time with them he lost his Russian accent in place of a more French one. The cross burn came from the servant of a rogue vampire he was sent to kill. Around 300 years ago he broke free of the council and ventured out on his own. Over the past 300 years he has made acquired a fairly decent fortune by hiring himself out as an assassin to those who could meet his price. In recent years he has grown tired of all the killing and has decided to settle down in a quiet, little town far from the council. This town: Xandi, Colarado.

Weapons: His weapon of choice is a silver/steel alloy, double sided battle axe, but he also carries a 7" knife in a sheath running upsidedown down his back so that the hilt is facing towards the ground. ~ Played by Lobnewolf

Name: Armand
Age: 400/looks 20
Height:6' weight:190lbs

Physical Description: He has dark brown eyes and black hair. He is some what muscular but its over kill for a vampire.

Personality: He is friendly and talkitive. Always looking for another prank to drag his brother into.

History: He was brought over with his twin brother during a riot in Spain. The king didn't realize that a master vampire was causing this uproar for one prize, Armand and his brother Damian. The two brothers served for 150 years with their mistress untill she became bored and gave them to another master. The two were past from master to master until Jean-Luc stepped in 50 years ago.

Strengths/Weaknesses: He can mezmerize with ease. He can speak to his brother without speaking aloud. He can fly but has problems levitating. He can strike at a distance. His greatest weakness is his anger. He can not control it very well. Only his brother Damian can calm him. Played by Lochness


Name: Damian
Age: 400/ looks 20
Height:6' weight:190lbs

Physical Description: He has dark brown eyes and black hair. He is some what muscular but its over kill for a vampire.

Personality: He is quiet and shy around new people but when you get to know him he can be a prankster.

History: He was brought over with his twin brother during a riot in Spain. The king didn't realize that a master vampire was causing this uproar for one prize, Damian and his brother Armand. The two brothers served with their mistress for 150 years until she got tired and gave them to another master. The two were past from master to master until Jean-Luc stepped in and took them 50 years ago.

Strengths/Weaknesses: He posses a power to read minds and talk with his brother through thoughts alone. He can levitate and fly. He can throw power like it was a ball. His greatest weakness is beautiful things and his caring heart. ~ Played by Lochness


Name: Imira
Age: 3000years/looks 25
Race: Vampire

Physical Description: She has long black hair. Blue-green eyes, she has a tattoo of Ra on her lower back. She always wears a golden ank on a golden chain with the symbol of Ra in the center.

Personality traits: She is very quiet. She will only speak when spoken too. She is a very loyal person when she learns she can trust a person. She will bend over backwards to please her master.

History: She was born a slave. Her father was someone important in the pharaoh's palace. She was separated at birth from her mother. Given to priests to be raised in a temple of Isis. She worked hard and never caused any trouble. She learned when she was old enough of her birth place so she never aspire to rise above her station in life. During a great famine she was taken by the priestesses she lived with to be a sacrifice to another God. The God was a drinker a blood. The people hoped she was pure enough for the famine to be taken away. The God took her and left the land never looking back. She was brought over several days later. She lived in Romania for several centuries until the rise of the family Dracul when her master thought it was time for them to leave the land. Her master traveled back to Egypt, this being a thousand years later, to be worshiped by a band of desert thieves. She lived in the desert until present time. Her master thought it was best to dampen her abilities and only giving her enough power to survive with him. Then one day a band of relic hunters broke into the chambers of their resting place and took out her master. He died the instant his coffin was opened. The bandits ran for fear of curses. That was the only reason she didn't die with her master that day. The council arrived three days later when they did not here from the master vampire and found her. She managed to live off of a few almost dead servants. Not knowing how to hunt by herself. The council took her in but did not want to teach her. She was to quiet and none of the other masters could break through her silence. They got bored of her quickly and sent her to the first place they could think of, Xandi.

Strengths: Not much is known about her strengths, do to the fact her old master always kept them confined. She can levitate and fly. She has the normal vampire skills for mind rolling.

Weaknesses: She doesn't know about crosses because she never was around any religious people. She is deathly afraid of anything silver and automobiles. Of course she has the typical weaknesses of a vampire, burning with sunlight and if staked she would probably die. ~ Played by Lochness


Name: Michael Simon AKA Mikey
Age: 25. Has only been a vampire for 5 years
Race: Vampire
Height: 6’6 Weight: 365 lbs

Physical Description: Everything about Mikey screams one word. Badass. Before he was turned, Mikey was a professional bodybuilder, and he has not lost any of the size. His chest and his arms are in fact so big he can’t cross them on his chest properly. He used to keep his head freshly shaved, but since he has become a vampire, he does not need too. His baldness works to show off his tattoo to perfection. Starting at his head, he has a Chinese dragon done in a deep black and bright red with green to highlight the tattoo. It starts at the crown of his head, and winds around before moving down the back of his neck. Where it meets his shoulder muscle on the right side, it curls around the neck and then down his pec muscle, and then curls around to his back where it moves sinuously and curls in a circle, then up and over his left shoulder and down his upper body until it ends at his belly button. The red ink of the tattoo stands out violently against the pale of his skin. Mikey is never seen without a pair of black wrap around sunglasses, that are dark enough to make his eyes invisible to normal humans. Unless he is trying to provide an impressive picture, he always wears a black t-shirt that molds to his upper body, showing the muscles to perfection. And to finish the ensemble, Mikey is always in a pair of blue jeans, and has a pair of black cowboy boots. If Mikey is forced to remove his sunglasses, he has a pair of blue eyes and when he speaks, his voice is a pleasantly deep rumble. Think James Earl Jones, but slightly deeper.

Personality Traits: Michael does not have a short temper, but if someone pushes him far enough, he will snap. He is not a master vampire, and will never be considered one, and as such, he is only muscle for Jean-Luc’s kiss. Mikey doesn’t mind fighting, and is more than willing to wade into the middle of a fight and throw some punches. He thinks swords are for wusses that can’t handle feeling someone’s bones turn to mush beneath their blows, and doesn’t really like guns but knows how to use them if he has too. Mikey knows his place and it doesn’t bother him when the more powerful vamps order him around, but if a lesser vamp tries it, they are in for a beating. Although he doesn’t have a short temper, Michael does have a bit of a vicious streak in him, and as such he enjoys causing pain in people when he fights.

Brief History: Michael has lived all his life in Xandi, and from the time he was 14 he started to work out religiously. When he turned 16 he started to compete competitively in bodybuilding competitions and he was the youngest person to ever win the Mister Universe competition when he was 20. Only two months after his victory, Michael was turned by Jean-Luc and since he became a vampire he was forced to retire from bodybuilding professionally, because it was against the rules. Although he retired in the beginning of his prime, Michael doesn’t have any regrets and is glad to be immortal.

Strengths: Michael is very strong, in terms of pure strength even for a vampire because of his weight lifting. He is still in the early stages of developing his talent, and it seems to be towards flying and levitating, but it’s only in the early stages.

Weaknesses: Mikey is a very weak vampire, and as such any of the master vamps can order him around. In fact most of the vampires in Jean-Luc’s kiss can order him around, and he can’t do anything about it. He also has the normal vampire weaknesses, and since he is so weak he finds it very hard to do anything when faced with a cross.


Characters Name: Sybille DeBeaujeu
Gender: Female
Race: French/Vampire
Mortal Age:10
Immortal age: 300
Height: 4'3 Weight:63lbs

Birthday: Dec 18,1705

Birth Place: Paris France

Personality:Sweet and charming and quite pleasent to be around until you cross her,she can be just as cold and heartless as Ashton.Like Ash she is intelligent,and has a love for the arts,she can play piano and dance ballet.childes body,was embraced before puberty.

Physical Discription:Eyes: sparkling baby blue Hair: long black,baby fine ringlets of curls

History: Sybille was born and raised in Paris France to a family of poverty,but a happy home nonetheless. When Sybille was 6 she lost both parents to the plague. A madame that ran a bordello found the small girl and took her in,there she earned her keep running errands,making beds and cleaning,thats where she met Ash,they became the best of friends until Ash's aunt died and he was sent away. One night a man entered Sybilles room and took her by force,He had hurt her bad and she was dying. Ash came to her that same night,a monster of the night and killed Sybille's rapist ,promising her no one would ever hurt her like that again,Ash took her to his Mistriss and begged her to not allow Sybille to die. As a gift to her child,the Vampiriss embrased Sybille with her kiss and gave her to Ash for his own .When they had turned 25 they had become a couple and spent allot of time traveling all over Europe with her master along with Ash's master where they learned to paint and dance and appreciate the finer things in life. Recently, Ash's maker vanished ,some say she took off and embraced the dawn,others say she was killed by vampire hunters, Ash

Pets: Rotweiller named Lucifer/guards his resting place ~ Played by Jamie


Characters Name: Ashton D'Amour
Race: French/vampire
Mortal Age:10
Immortal age: 300
Height:4'4 Weight:70lbs

Birthday:October 31,1705
Birth Place:Paris,France

Physical Discription:Eyes: emerald green Hair:dk Brown/straight/shoulder length

Personality:Highly intelligent/Genius,has no patience for stupidity.He is I'll tempered and has an angry disposition to match his bad attitude,wise ass,very arrogant and can be very cruel and violent when cornered.A sadist at heart and loves to hunt and kill with no remorse.He has a soft spot for Sybille Always reading books to better himself and has mastered his computer skills,Bilingual, speaks many languages ,childes body,was embraced before puberty.

Hobbies:Ash has a thing for art,rare paintings and artifacts.He loves to paint in oils.He loves the fine things in life Museum gallas,the opera and the ballet.Has been known to steal rare art work to add to his private colletction

Description:see pic/small in stature and thin due from malnutrition in his mortal years, considered to be at the lowest percentile for a boy of his age.

History:Ash was born and raised in Paris France to a family of great poverty.Mother died while giving birth to Ash,His father blamed the boy for his wife's death. His fathers young sister a whore raised and cared for the young boy where he spent his days and nights in a bordello.Ash taught himself to read and write he was highly intelligent.At the age of 9,just before his 10th birthday his Aunt was killed in a brothel fight that broke out and Ash went to live with his father ,Whom was out of work and a drunk.His father was a very cruel man and beat young Ash often,still blaming the boy for his wife's death.Ash's father got mixed up in espionage,working for the English and was later captured and sent to the guillotine and beheaded while his young son watched,The boy fell into fits of laughter,many thought him to be quite mad.A vampiriss found great amusement of the boys laughter that filled the town square that night and saw right off that the boy was a victim of his environment that made him into a cold heartless and evil child,and she felt sorry for him and having lost a child one time her self and had never gotton over her loss, she took the boy against his will and made him into a vampire and taught him everything he would need to know to survive, A few months had pass and young Ash longed to see Sybille,another child that had lost her parents to the plague and the Madame at the same bordello had taken her in.where she ran errands and would clean to earn her keep and some day she too would become one of the whores when she came to age. She and Ash had become good friends and he missed her. Ash would sneak to her window at night and watch her sleep and one night while looking in on Sybille he heard voices in the street,the Madame and a man were talking and he seem to have taken an interest in young Sybille. This disturbed young Ash a great deal but the dawns coming forced him to leave. Ash returned the following night to find that man in Sybilles bed,She was crying and fighting to force this large man off her small frail body.Ash saw red and attacked,killing the mortal man,not a wall was left with out his blood splattered on it. Nicole was bleeding internally,he had hurt her bad. Ashton scooped her up into his arms and he took her to his Mistriss and begged her to not allow Sybille to die. As a gift to her child,the Vampiriss embrased Sybille with her kiss and gave her to Ash for his own. When they had turned 25 they had become a couple and spent allot of time traveling all over Europe with his master where they learned to paint and dance. Recently, Ash's maker vanished ,some say she took off and embraced the dawn,others say she was killed by vampire hunters, Ash

Weapons:vampire strength,smart wit

Pets: Rotweiller named Lucifer/guards his resting place ~ Played by Jamie


Characters Name: Jacque Armand Lissette
Character's Gender: Male
Character's Race: French/vampire
Mortal Age: 19
Immortal age: 150
Eyes: Sparkling Sky Blue
Hair: Blonde, wavy, long down the middle of his back
Height: 6’2
Weight: 180

Character's Sexual Preference: Men
Birthday: June 21 1832
Birth Place: Paris, France
Occupation: Prostitute/Stripper
Personality: Jacque stand 6 foot 2, weighing at 180 lbs, tall and lean. Jacque is more pretty then he is handsome and has fine chiseled angelic features and eyes of the bluest spring skies, always a sparkle of mischief that danced within them like sparkling sapphires , He has a full mane of hair that shimmers like spun gold that runs down to the small of his back in waves like a silken river, a soft smile formed on the edges of the two fleshy folds that formed his mouth that harbors sharp vampire fangs, he looks like a Greek statue come to life as if he had been kissed by the very gods themselves. His nipples are both pierced and he has a fetish for leather, loving its essence. He wears a ankle length black leather trench coat which is usually unbuttoned revealing his attire underneath, black leather pants that lace up on the sides , clinging to his narrowed hips like a second skin, lacing in front, defining his swell, a white poets shirt tucked into his pants the laces loose, revealing the crevices of his muscular chest, around his neck he wears a piece of raw hide that holds an arrow head and a diamond stud earring gifts from different lovers, last but least a black pair of high polished motorcycle boots.

Description: Jacque is a wild and reckless soul that loves to have a good time. He has a great sense of humor, he's wild, flirtatious, charming and oddly a bit of a romantic when it’s the right guy. He is very a sensitive artist and a very trusting soul, maybe too trusting, his answer to everything is sex, typical for the nymphomaniac that he is, Jacque is mischievous and Jacque is known to have a lover at every port and city which tends to always get him into trouble and when he doesn't find trouble, it usually seems to find him..
Jacque fears rejection, hates to be alone and is a submissive male from having endured abuse at the hands of his master when he was a child slave forced into prostitution and now as a vampire when feeling threatened by an elder or any powerful being, he becomes a abase, cowering and trembling at their feet and will do and say anything to assure he can safely walk away with a minimum of damage, He has been raped dozens of times and has grown to the point where he no longer fights it. As mentioned earlier, Jacque is an artist, painting in oils and uses it to lose himself and relieves stress and anger.
Jacque takes great pride in his appearance and is quite vain; one might say he is obsessed with his appearance. Jacque spends about as much time in grooming and dressing as does most females, he loves clothes and has quite an extensive wardrobe and is always adding onto it, He has done some modeling for his Mistress Sybille’s fashion shows in return she makes him clothes.

History: was born in 1832 and raised in Paris France, coming from a large family, one of great poverty. His stepfather sold him into slavery when Jacque was just shy of 13 years of age bought so his family could eat and pay their taxes on their shack. A cruel and wicked man bought the boy and Jacque was forced into a life of prostitution, where he bedded both men and woman. His master was a very cruel man and would beat Jacque often and many times he went with out food, this went on for years.
At 19, in the year 1851 Jacque took to a life on the stage as an actor in a Theatre, unbeknownst to his master, along with whoring, he moonlighted in the theatre, Jacque got the lead role as Romeo in a Shakespearean play and doing an excellent job, unbeknownst to the young whore, two child vampires watched and became fascinated with him. When the play came to an end that evening, the young whore returned to the streets to get as many clients in as he could before going home, for fear if he came home short his master would beat him. Out of boredom the young vampires followed Jacque, only to find out he was actually a whore that was moonlighting. Looking deeper into things the two child vampires learned that Jacque was actually a slave that had been forced into prostitution by his master and that his master would beat him and refuse him food. Sybille begged Ash to figure out a way to embrace the larger man and take him away from this abusive life. Ash did come up with an idea and the two small vampires approached the young man, befriending him, winning his trust.
Coming up short one night his master bound Jacques hands above his head, gagging him, tearing his clothes from his body and horse whipped Jacque good and left him hanging alone and bleeding, left to die. When Jacque didn't show up at the theatre, the young vampires went looking for him, finding him so near to death, they offered him their gift and the blonde whore agreed to being embraced, Ash and Sybille placed their wrist together, placing a knife between them and cutting both simultaneously ,a mingle of their blood like a cocktail, spilling into the whores open mouth and he drank, making him their child, each vampire let him feed from their wrist. The next evening they brought him his first victim, the blonde whore's own master and Jacque got his revenge. Along with the young vampires and Mistress Josette, The four of them went off to see more of the world.
Over a recent period of weeks, Josette began to act strange, she was nervous and jumpy, like she were hiding from something or some one, she made plans for Jacque and his makers to follow should she just disappear, told them to go to Xandi and seek out Jean Luc, Josette and Jean Luc were old friends from the same kiss, Josette said he would protect them, Though the two of them had a fallen out cause he himself was against the embracing of children, but Josette had said her friend still owed her a favor.
Not but last week Josette had vanished, never to return to their chateau, some say she took off and embraced the dawn, others say she was killed by vampire hunters. Ash believes it was the vampire counsel, since they didn't approve of Josette's giving the kiss to children, but she had some connections in high places and the child vampires were allowed to continue to exist and told never to bring anyone else over. Ash packed all their things in crates and had them sent ahead, then he and Sybille, their child Jacque and two large rottweilers Lucifer and Sadie were also packed up in crates, mailing themselves to Canada because they figured the one that took Josette would come after them next and the first places watched would of been the train stations and airport. strengths: Jacque is a master of seduction, mind manipulation and illusion, making the unsuspecting humans he preys on think their being visited by an angel with large wings and a heavenly glow, hence his nick name Angel of Death, sometimes an Angel of Mercy, cause he will feed from the sick and dying and will gently ease them into a peaceful death. Troy suffers the arduar of lust, the sweet smell of vanilla expelling from his pores, an essence that has a power all its own and has turned mobbing crowds into orgies and he feeds off their lust .Troy has been whoring for over a 150 years and is a master in bed, there isn't anything he hasn't tried or done and is always open to suggestions.

Quirks: People that have no fashion sense, he prefers tall strong men that want to take care of him, having been a kept man his entire existence, he cant take care of himself, He hates unnecessary cruelty and violence and will avoid it at all cost, but loves little games of slap and tickle.

Weaknesses: Jacque has vampire strengths but not equal to another vamp his own age, a draw back because he was embraced by children. Sex is his only weapon and he will strike deals of pleasure to get himself out of bad situations. Jacque hates closed in places and being bound. ~ Played by Jamie

Chin Lee

Name: Chin Lee
Age: 150 years old looks 19
Height: 5'7" & Weight: 145lbs.
Race: Vampire

Physical Discription: He has long dark hair. It rests most of the time on his shoulders. He wears part of it back. He had dark brown eyes. His body shape is lean not much muscle is their. Kinda femine at first glance but on closer look you can tell he is a man.

Personality: He is a true fledgling. He worries much about his place among the Kiss. He can be a hot head but at times he can care very much about things. He is submissive and will do anything to please his masters.

History:He has been a part of Jean-Luc's Kiss for only the last decade. A gift to the MotC for helping a fellow Master retain his territory from a wild group of shifters.

Strengths and Weaknesses: His abilities tend to be strong only for hunting purposes. Anything else he is still weak. It takes a master to make sure he rises every evening. ~ Played by Lochness

Christina Bouillet

Name: Cristiana Bouillet
Race: Necromancer/vampire
Age: 23 yrs.
Height and weight: 5"0, 100 lbs.

Physical description: small build, but deceptively strong. Long blue- black hair, thick and wavy. Small straight nose,, large blue eyes- a deep blue that changes from deep, deep blue to cobalt, to black with blue. Full lips.

Powers: powerful necromancer trained in vaudun; can hear thoughts, empathic, can hypnotize with voice or thoughts, is lethal with knives

Personality: friendly, outgoing. Makes friends easily;can be seductive

History: Born in Louisiana, her parents refused to help build, or control her powers. A rogue vampire that wished to use her to kill the Master of the City of New Orleans kidnapped her.When she refused to help him, he and his small group of vampires killed her entire family in front of her. He then bit her hoping to control her mind.Sick, she went to a voodoo priestess and bargained to be cleansed. She was at a high price. In turn, she became a pupil of the vaudun, growing very powerful. She hunted down 3 of the killer vamps and destroyed them. The rogue vamp is after her for killing his small kiss. She was told of Xandi, of it's sanctuary, and of a hunter there that would help her. Upon her arrival into Xandi, her power drew her to Nicolai, a master vampire, and he made her a human servant. During the binding process, Nicolai took too much blood and turned her, and that was very recent. She is a brand new vamp with vampire powers, and necromancy powers. She is no longer his human servant, but he is still her master.

Strengths: normal necromancer stuff ,( vampire powers are a little more powerful than someone freshly turned due to her being the human servant to Nicolai) has immunization against crosses, bite is pleasurable, can fly, and appear invisible to humans if focuses, can slash power at enemies from distance

Weaknesses:hot-headed, little to trusting; slightly arrogant, impatient, jealous nature ~ Played by Amanda


mortal age:19
immortal age 700+
Black hair
blue eyes
Height and weight: 6'1 180 lbs

Born in France

Made a vampire over seven centuries ago for his boyish good looks and natural charm,Guy is the original flirt. He is witty, handsome, and carefree. Or appears to be. His intellegence and charisma make him an alluring, his blood thirst and loyalty to his master make him dangerous.His powers are over the realm of desire; his animal to call, the raven. He and the wicked but beautiful Concertina are the lutienents for their master, Julian, an ancient and powerful vampire. Guy is the consumate tease. Though he seems frivilous, he watches everything with great care. And what he sees, his master knows.... ~ Played by Ruinswalker

Mortal age: 18
Immortal age 1000+
Blond hair
grey eyes
Higth and weight: 5'6 110 lbs

Born in France

Known as the merciless, Concertina has a thirst for pain and lust. Her porcelin beauty hides the blue cold of her unbeating heart. Her powers are over desire; her animal to call, the wolf. Sadistic, ruthless, and most of all powerful, Concertina takes great pleasure in her roll as tortureror for her Master, Julian. She often travels with Guy, serving as proxies for their master. The two are notorious for their visciousness and beauty; most vampires over the world tremble with more than fear at the mention of their names. ~ Played by Ruinswalker


Name: Soonie
Age: 349
Species: Master Vampire
Occupation: Pretenatural detective

Physical Appearance: Dirty blonde hair and greenish grey eyes. She is about 5’8 and has long stylish legs that looks as if she should be a model in Vouge. Her hair is wavy and reaches her buttocks. Her chest aren’t too big, so they need to be helped by a pushup bra if possible. But she does have quite a figure.

Personality: Soonie is almost like the voice of reason within the group or to anyone. With her British accent she seems to always make sense. She and Star Hawk fight on a constent 24/7 bases. But the love eachother like sisters. She is always thoughtful and doesn’t like to jump into violence if not needbe.

History: Soonie grew up and Britain and used to be a vampire slayer, until she was caught and turned. She had fallen inlove with a human at one point in her life but then he had betrayed her and tried to kill her. Soonie’s history is very blurry, there isn’t much to tell about it.

Abilities: Able to slip in the minds of others when the sleep and control a body in the day while she is I her coffin. She can raise her slain and bring the to her when called.

Weapons: Only uses a sword that she keeps inside a cane like stick. It is gold tipped. The sheath is obsidian, and gold tipped also, and the handle is in the golden shape of a lion’s head.

Strengths: anything that comes with being a Master Vampire.

Weaknesses: Her friends, fire, and vampire fears.

Quirks: She isn’t a street racer like her friends but she can create bombs. For an old vamp, she is pretty high in technical urgencies.

Mia and Miku

Names: Miku and Mia Takagatchi
Race: Master Vampires
Age: Looks 22 really 950 years old

Place of Origin: Kyoto Japan

Preference: Miku prefers men or woman but Mia only likes females. Physical Descriptions: Both have short dark hair, with brown almost black eyes. They have pale complexions of course. Standing at 5ft7 inches, they both weigh around 125 pounds. Miku has silver almost white streaks in her hair and has a scar that starts below her collar bone and traces it's way down to underneath her left breast. Mia has a small cross burn on her left shoulder. Miku is the sluttier of the two, she likes to wear anything that shows skin. Her fave footwear is stiletto's. Mia is the more conservative, skirts sometimes but mostly pants she likes to wear clothes from her earlier years in Japan.

Personal Attributes: Hmm how to put this Miku is the bitch of the twins. Rude, vain and deadly Miku always gets what she wants, not caring if she has to tear a few throats out along the way. Mia on the other hand is the complete opposite. Conservative, Judgmental at times Mia is more down to earth then her sister. But remember appearances can be deceiving... *S* Powers: Both are master vampires, but since they are twins they can call forth the same animals. Which in this case are wolves. Levitation, ability to harm from a distance, they also live off peoples fears.. at times.

Background: Born in Japan during the war torn age Mia and Miku were born to a wealthy general who had an affair with lovely Geisha. They grew up fast and by the eve of their 12th birthdays, the years of war were coming to a standstill.. Or so they thought. On a dark night bandits and a evil warlord raided their village and although their father fought bravely he soon fell underneath their swords. The girls were taken away and sold to bordellos. For 10 years they lived the life of being someone else’s trash. Until one night a regular Customer changed that. He was a master vampire by the name of Gregori and he turned both the girls that night. For many years they traveled together scanning the globe for adventure. (During these travels they found Veanea but I'll save that story for her bio) Until they decided to leave their master and set out on their own. For over 450 years they traveled thinking they had seen it all but there was one place they hadn't seen.. a new place called Xandi.

Weaknesses: Both are deathly afraid of religion and Miku fears running water.

Little known facts: Miku is the oldest and she fears water because she almost drowned when she was little. Mia has one bad leg, birth defect. hardly noticeable ~ Played by Amanda