Katherine Raine; Nimir-Ra
Name: Katherine Angelique Raine
Age: 25
Race: Shifter Were Leopard
Height & Weight: 5'8 125
Physical Discription: Kat stands 5'8 her black hair hangs straight curling about her shoulders her jade green eyes burn with a firey flame her skin is lightly tanned at times she wears titanum earrings in her ears she has a small tattoo of a phoniex clutching a rose on her lower back. She tends towards short thigh length if that skirts and tight tops mostly in blacks and heeled leather boots that come to her ankles showing off her long slender legs

Personality Traits:She has a complacated personality she can be devious she's always curious she's also very charming and intelegent she can be sneaky when it's called for and not much will dampen her daring and generally as a last resort she will turn to being manipultive

Breif History: Kat is the daughter of Damien Raines and his human servent Gabriella Raines she was one of a set of Quints. Her father raisec her and her four brothers alone after there mother was killed during an attack on there father. Damien Raines being the master of Pontiac owned several bars and clubs Kat grew up in the prenatural world and was far more comfortable there then the human world at 16 she got her first job stocking the bar and cleaning tables at her fathers club the dirty dozen while there she met Jace he was 18 and worked as a dancer they began dateing on the night of the full moon. Jace attacked her she survived but she was infected her father sent her to live with her aunt in Xandi and she stayed in her aunts home after that to attend collage

Strengths & Weaknesses: Strengths: she's Alpha she's extreamly agial do to the gymanstics and Dance classes she still takes she's strong and a good fighter she attends Martial arts Classes she can share blood and pull a beast from another besides normal Were weaknesses she's extra sensitive to silver. ~ Played by Dawn

Anastasyja Autumn, Animal Servant

Name: Anastasyja Autumn
Age: 22
Race: Fey/Leopard
Heigth/Weight: 5'2" and 100lbs

Physical Decription: Pale blond hair and green eyes. When she isn't using her glamour she has tri-green colored eyes. She has wings from a magic ritual gone bad and a birthmark on her back in the shape of an attacking raven.

Personality: Very friendly and likes to be with people she can trust. She is loyal to anyone she thinks is worthy of her trust. Speaks French flunetly.

History:Ana was born Half Fey/Half Human. At the age of ten she was attacked on a camping trip with her mother by a rougue wereleopard.
Ana has had a hard life the past two years. She wittness the deaths of her mate; Armand and Master; Logan. She wants to be accepted in life but has a hard time accepting other people's honesty.

Strengths: She has the ability to talk with plants and animals, being that her father is Half Dryad and Half Pixie. She can make these plants grow or die at will. She is also learning that her powers are still growing. Soon she will learn what her hand of power actually is.

Weaknesses: She as many good qualities unfortunately, she has a sever allergic reation to anything silver or steel. ~ Played by Lochness

Jevin Arik
Name: Jevin Arik
Age: 18, looks 15
Race: Wereleopard
Height: 5’10
Weight: 175

Physical Description: Jevin has short red hair he keeps close cut, but it’s done in the messy style that is all the rage right now. He keeps his face clean-shaven because if he doesn’t, after a week he has these patches of red hair on it. He has startling deep green eyes that are the color of a mountain dew bottle. Jevin is one of those guys that you would refer to as cute and not handsome or beautiful. He is around average height for a male, and has a fairly slender build, one that is more of a runner than any other type of athlete.

Personality Traits: Jevin is a very calm and mellow guy; he takes everything in stride and tries to let many things anger him. He is shy but has a boyish charm about him, but when he gets to know people, he becomes a bit of a comedian. His sense of humour is still quite immature, and he is very much a hormone driven young man, and he only likes to think about women, cars and sex.
Jevin sometimes gives hints that he may become an alpha when he gets older, and becomes a little more serious and wise, but right now he is submissive to most other shifters, and it doesn’t bother him too much. Every so often he becomes cheesed about being submissive and wishes he was dominant, but overall he’s happy with his life.
Now that his family is rich, Jevin does not need to work, and he is taken care of, but he does enjoy working sometimes, although he dislikes a 9-5 job. He dislikes a 9-5 job, but he works hard at whatever he does. His parents instilled a deep work ethic in him.

Brief History: Jevin has only been a wereleopard for 7 months, and he thinks it’s kind of cool to be able to shapeshift. Jevin is originally from a small town in Canada called Leduc. His parents are quite rich, his father was one of the original investor’s in Microsoft when it started up, and he sold his shares for a profit of over 100 million dollars.
One winter weekend he was camping in the Rocky Mountains. He was sleeping in his tent the first night, and was attacked by a wereleopard. The next morning, he was found by the park warden, inside his tent and quickly rushed to the hospital. After 3 days, Jevin was starting to feel better, and he seemed to be healing faster than a normal human, so the doctor’s took a blood sample and found out he had some form of cat lycanthropy.
Jevin wasn’t sure if this was good or bad news, but he took it in stride and his parents accepted it. There was nothing they could do to change it so they gave him their love and support and he was introduced to the local pard and brought into the wereleopards ways. Strengths: Jevin has not yet discovered if he has any remarkable strengths, although he does seem to heal a bit faster than a normal lycanthrope.
Weakness: He has the normal were weaknesses, but another of his weaknesses are his inability to take anything seriously. He also becomes very distracted when around a beautiful person of the opposite sex.

Alexis Deveraux

Name:Alexis Deveraux
Race: Wereleopard
Heigth & Weight: 5'9" and 150lbs

Physical Discription: She is slender and has high cheek bones, full pouty lips, dark green eyes. Her hair is long and full of body. Her tresses are a deep Auburn that looks almost blood red. Her body is curvy due to her dancing.

Personality: She is shy around new people. But when she gets to know them she is more talkative. Her world revolves around dance. She is very submissive and hasn't learned the word "no".

History: Alexis was turned when she was fourteen. She was walking home from dance class and a rogue shifter torn her to shreds. Her parents threw her out onto the streets never looking back. Jean-Luc found her and took her in. He then filed for custody of her and was awarded legal guardianship. That was when she learned about her world as a shifter. Through Jean-Luc's pets.

Strengths: Her dancing, she can keep a captive audience for hours.

Weakness: High allergy with silver and doesn't know when to say "no". ~ Played by Lochness

Raven Morhein

Name: Raven Morhein
Age; 22
Race: Wereleopard
height: 5'11" weight:180

Physical description: Shoulder length wavy black hair, sea green eyes, tan, tattoo on the back of his neck of a hollow moon wrapped wreathed in fire. Athletic but not really overly muscular. A scar running along his stomach from an attack before he was infected with lycanthropy.

Personality traits: Raven is a collection of opposing traits. he seems confident and intelligent, he can also be needy and seeks constant approval. He has a sarcastic sense of humor but deep down has a desire to see the honorable thing done. He can also at times be maudlin or aloof.

Brief history: Raven was infected with lycanthropy a little over a year ago. He was intentionally brought over into the pard of his former nimir-raj Tyler because of his sense of reckless abandon and neediness to please. He was abused by his nimir-raj and his exploited for his latent precognitive abilities. Tyler knew that one day these lucky hunches would become full blown previsions. Raven ran away from his pard and jumped on the first bus leaving seattle, which happened to be headed for Xandi.

Strengths: Trained in kung-fu as a child but as a shifter it's kind of over kill. Has a knack for computers and oozes a dangerous sort of charm. He also is a latent precognitive psychic. The talent has yet to surface all the way but a trauma might be just the thing.

Weaknesses: Raven has a need feel dangerous but will only do so if led by someone else. Raven is a beta male, but has the potential to become alpha in the future. Plus the normal silver allergy of all shifter. ~ Played by Lochness

Dakota Rhodes

Name:Dakota Rhodes Age:17
Race: Lycanthropy/Wereleopard
Occupation: thieves/pick pockets/whore
Height: 5'5 Weight: 126.lbs.

Physical Discription:Dk.Brown/long,wavy Eye Color; Chocolate Brown w/golden specs Complexion; Tanned Younger brother to identical Twin Jericho Rhodes,
Odd Physical Characteristics if Any:Mirror Twin,identical to a T,hard to tell apart,aside from a birthmark on his right cheek(ass)

History and Background: Family comes from Romania,a long line of gypsy descendents,American, born in Philadelphia,At age 14 both parents were killed in subway robbery,Jericho and his twin brother were placed in fostercare where they were mistreated.The twins ran away from fostercare,jumping a freight train bound for Colorado,The twins made their home in a local wooded park,sleeping beneath a bridge.They turned to a life of crime in order to survive,robbing homes,stealing cars. picking pockets and prositution.3 years later, Unbeknowst to he and his twin Jericho they had picked the pocket of a Lycanthropy/Wereleopard in human form, who decided to teach them a lesson,shifting into a leopard he followed them into the park,not aware that downwind a hunter hunted him. While counting the money from a long nights work,Dakota dropped a $20 andbent down to pick it up,thats when he had caught site of the leapard stalking them and gave out a scream,It pounced on him and Jericho came to his aid,the twins were clawed up good,but before it could feed on them the sound of a shot gun blast echoed into the night and the wereleopard was killed.before the hunter could kill the twins,knowing that on the next moon they would change,the police had arrived to stop him.This was two months ago.

Character's Personality: Loud,smart ass,sensitive,over emotional,Mischievous,great sense of humor,wild,street smart and quick tempered.Loves to sketch in chalk and plays violin.worst fear,losing his twin brother,His brothers forever getting him out of trouble and looks out for him. Dakota isn't as strong as his twin nor any brighter,delinquent,very immature

Skills:Violin player/street fighting/pick pocket/whore

SPECIAL Powers: None,totally submissive ~ Played by Jamie

Jericho Rhodes

Name:Jericho Rhodes
Gender: Male
Race: Lycanthropy/Wereleopard
Occupation:Theives/pick pockets/whore
Height: 5'5 Weight: 130 lbs.

Physical Discription:Dk.Brown/long,wavy Eye Color;Chocolate Brown w/golden specs Complexion;tanned.Older brother to identical twin Dakota Rhodes Odd Physical Characteristics if Any:Mirror Twin,identical to a T,hard to tell apart

History and Background: Family comes from Romania,They come from a long line of gypsy descendents,American, born in Philadelphia,At age 14 both parents were killed in subway robbery,Jericho and his twin brother were placed in fostercare where they were mistreated.The twins ran away from fostercare,jumping a freight train bound for Colorado,The twins made their home in a local wooded park,sleeping beneath a bridge.They turned to a life of crime in order to survive,robbing homes,stealing cars. picking pockets and prositution.3 years later, Unbeknowst to he and his twin Jericho they had picked the pocket of a Lycanthropy/Wereleopard in human form, who decided to teach them a lesson,shifting into a leopard he followed them into the park,not aware that downwind a hunter hunted him. While counting the money from a long nights work,Hid brother Dakota dropped a $20 and bent down to pick it up,thats when he had caught site of the leapard stalking them and gave out a scream,Starled by his brothers scream and seeing the black leopard attacking his twin,without thought Jericho raced to brothers aid. The twins were clawed up good,but before it could feed on them the sound of a shot gun blast echoed into the night and the wereleopard was killed.before the hunter could kill the twins,knowing that on the next moon they would possible change,the police had arrived to stop him.This was two months ago.

Character's Personality: Quiet,trys to be tough when deep inside he is just as afraid, bossy, streetsmart, Mischievous,Use to having things done his way and quick tempered,Looks out for his weaker twin brother,they are always fighting among themselves,but will bond together to protect one another,was a jock,played football.

Skills:/street fighting/pick pocket/whore

SPECIAL Powers: None,totally submissive ~ Played by Jamie


Character's Name: Ambrose Diakonis
Character's Gender:Male
Character's Age:21
Build:170, muscular build
Hair:long,blonde hair
Eyes:Sparkling baby blue

Character's Sexual Preference:straight
Birth Place:Isle of Crete-Greece
Character's Race: Lycanthrope/Were-Puma (Mountain Lion)
Character's Occupation:Wild Life, animal rescue,photography

Hobbies: photography,deep sea fishing,fishing,scuba diving,snorkling,camping and hiking.weightlifting and boxing

History: "Born and raised in the Isle of Crete in Greece to Dionusus and Alyssa Diakonis and 8 older siblings.Arcacia,Briana,Reyna,Odelia,Colin,Dorian,Castor and Alyssa.where he was taught good family morals and learned to be a hard worker,his childhood a happy one.Like his father a 5th generation fishermen,Ambrose had a love for the sea from the moment he could walk,along with his brothers he had gone out with his father aboard a large fishing vessle on several occasions where he learned the ways of the sea. When Ambrose was 18,he joined the coast guard and spent his days and nights rescuing ships and sailors and even sealife from the harsh seas. 2 years into it, Ambrose was infected with lycanthrope when he was attacked during a rescue when he came across an injured puma aboard a ship,unbeknownst to him at the time,it was a shiftor,he had thought the animal dead and had approached it only to startle the injured animal and caught a claw across his chest. Ambrose was forced to resign from the coast guard,he was devistated,through the news he discovered a cry for help when an oil rig had come too close to shore in Scottland,hitting some rocks,spilling oil into the ocean,endangering sealife and birds. Ambrose saw this as his calling having had experience in that area,he chartered a plane off the island to Athens and took the first flight out to Scottland where he helped in the rescues.It was there he met his now best friend Angelous Rhodes,a fellow greek that befriended him and introduced him to the local pard and Ambrose became Angels charge,Angel teaching him to control his beast and survive in a shifters world,his friend Angel later down the line makes a challenge towards their Nimir Raj and beats him and becomes Nimir Raj himself,Ambrose is loyal to the new leopard king.

Character's Personality: , Happy go lucky,wild and reckless behavior,very outgoing and hard working,great sense of humor,loves a good laugh.fun loving,loves to be outdoors,speaks both english and greek fluently.

Skills:typical shifter skills,alpha male,an excellent fighter.

SPECIAL Powers: In both man or were-puma state he has the ability to jump up to high places, has acute senses,Night vision and acute hearing.More so in cat form,everything is more so heightened,he has increased strength. Is one with his beast and is very much in control. ~ Played by Jamie


~Played by Jamie