Marcos Drake, Ulfric

Name: Marcos Drake
Race: Werewolf, Ulfric
Heigth: 6' weight:190 lbs

Physical Description/Personality: He has green eyes and a stunning personality. His skin is naturally tan and can be a charmer with the ladies.
History: He is a werewolf and Ulfric of the Snowwhite Clan. He was raised around the vampires and has no problem helping out Jean-Luc with anything he requests. He was turned in a freak sking accident. He was trapped with a girlfriend in a snow cave in when he was 18. He is now 25 and stronger than ever mentally and pysicaly; do to that accident. The girlfriend is no longer in the picture.
Strengths/Weakness: He has normal strengths as a were but can heal without the aide of the lunapar or munine. His weaknesses, besides a good looking girl, is of course silver. ~Played by Lochness

Corrigan Falconer;Lupa
Name:Corrigan *Real name: Samantha Victoria Elizabeth Falconer
Age: 23
Race:Werewolf (alpha)

Description - Samantha and Tabitha are very much indentical twins, and it is very easy to confuse the pair. They stand at about 5'7", although both have lean figures, that make it easy to see them as taller. Both are slim, with curvacious bodies, and skin of a rich, golden honey colour. They both have long, silky babyfine hair, the colour of a tarnished sunset. It falls in natural corkscrew curls, framing pixieish faces. Both have luminous crescent shaped eyes, of an iridescent smoke colour.
On her left shoulder done in reds and golds she has a phoniex rising from flames and on the small of her back she has a small tattoo of a wolf paw with red streaks as if it's clawing her back. She also has piericed ears with small silver dragons in them and a small silver dragon in her belly button.

Personality: Sam and Tabitha are survivors, and not much holds them down. They don't go out looking for trouble, but when it does happen to find them, they aren't afriad to face it, and never back down. Samantha is an alpha wolf, and dominant to Tabitha, albeit only slightly. Being the older of the twins, she tends to protect her sister, and as a result, Tabitha has never really had to fight. Therefore the alpha power she does have, has really never been unleashed. Both are strong and rebellious, and it's easy to see, with the attitudes they carry, why sometimes trouble comes knocking.
There are differences between the twins. Samantha would rather be in a fight, than have to sit down and talk things out. Tabitha is the sly and sneaky one, and sometimes it's very hard to tell if she has alterior motives.

Minor background - The girls were changed one fateful night on their way home from a party at a friend's house. In their community, the full moon essentially went by unnoticed, due to the lack of weres. Obviously, there are always exceptions. A rogue wolf appeared from the bushes while they walked home, and headed straight for Tabby. Sam, always the protective one, shoved Tabby out of the way and took the brunt of the attack. When Tabby could finally react, she tried to save Sam by diverting the wolf's attention. It attacked her too, and they were both left, passed out. Finally, they were found the next morning, worse for wear, but still alive. Their parents were told that both girls had been infected with lycanthropy, and the girls were quickly disowned. Their father is a high ranking military officer, and their mother is CEO of Falconer enterprises, so to escape the ties to their parents, the girls were forced to change their names. It was Tabitha that accomplished this, and it was also her who tapped into their trust funds, so that they have the ability to get a little money now and then. The two began to wander, trying to find some place, and some pack that would accept them. They have always had trouble with this; because either Sam was protective of Tabby, or they were thought to be plotting something.

Strengths: Agility and her ability to fight and survive almost anything
Weaknesses: Protecting her twin, and not defending herself as often as she should. ~ Played by Dawn

Jonathan; Bolverk

Name: Jonathan
Race: Werewolf/Druid
Heigth and weight: 6' and 190lbs

Description: 6', short black hair, brown eyes, lightly tanned, average muscle mass, stern look, black hiking boots, black cargo pants, black sleeveless shirt, high silver content steel katana in a sheath slung over his right shoulder.

Abilities: Senses, strength, speed, endurance all greater than a human but lower than a lycanthrope, can move throughthe forest like a lycanthrope, can summon 10 wolves that are slightly larger than average wolves and have abilities slightly lower than a lycanthrope, can enchant his sword with fire, can heal others with a spell, healing ability equal to a lycanthrope, in the heat of a battle his eyes bleed to amber and all his abilities increase, cannot be changed into a lycanthrope (can't be two monsters at the same time), can hide his energy completely, can mask his true scent and can share power with his wolves through blood.

Weaknesses: Same as a lycanthrope, but cannot be called by vampires (not a true lycanthrope)

Short History: Parents were changed into werewolves while his mother was pregnant with him. Was born human but at 13 he bacme something more. Left home at his mother's request because local lycanthropes began to fear him. Became a merc and worked for local preternatural beings who could pay. At 19 stopped being a merc and became a drifter. ~ Played by Lonewolf

Cole Garrett Rainer; Hati

Name: Cole Garrett Rainer
Age: 21
Flavour : Were Wolf

Description: Cole stands 6'4 with long light brown hair that falls to his shoulders and blue green eyes his body is very muscular as he works out alot he has broad shoulders and a slender waist and hips he also has a washboard stomach

Personality: Cole tends to be Ruthless and ungiving he has never found what he can't walk away from or turn down when it comes to business he is cold and calculateing when it comes to love he doesn't believe it exists

History: Cole lost his parents at a very young age he had no family to tend him he was raised by the excutor of his parents will the man that he called Uncle taught him how to be a success at business and that's what he has done taken over his family company at the age of 18 he's built it into an international company

Strengths: he is alpha and he also has a good head for business resistant Silver
Weakness: his need for acceptance ~ Played by Dawn

Tony Michaels; Sköll
Name: Anthony Derrek Michaels
Age: 36
Race: Werewolf (alpha)
Highth: 6'2"
Weight: 190lbs

Personality: Compassionate and firm, he is a follower but doesn't mind taking care of those weaker than him.

History: Anthony is known as Tony among his friends and family. He was attacked when he was 16 years old while backpacking through summer break with some of his closes friends. Since that fatefull day he has all ways dreamed of a young girl with dark hair and green eyes. He became obsessed with her and was never able to commite to any relationship. He came to Xandi some fifteen years before now. He got in tight with the old Ulfric Eddie. He was sent on some business for the shop when his Ulfric was arrested. When he found out about the arrest he hid until he ran into Dominic, the younger cousin of Eddie. When Eddie was released from prison on good behavior Tony hooked back up with Eddie and went back to Xandi with him to regain the pack.

Upon arrival he ran into the pack's Vagamore, Melandria, and was shocked to find his dream girl he had been dreaming of for twenty years. He is very protective of her and is willing to do anything to keep her at his side and keep her for his wife and mate. Strengths: Normal Alpha strengths plus he has knowledge of Kenpo basics.

Weaknesses: Silver like any shifter plus his obsessive love for Melandria. ~Played by Lochness

Cassandra Falconer
Name:Cassandra real name* Tabitha Veronica Angelique Falconer
Age: 23
Race - Werewolf (alpha)

Description - Samantha and Tabitha are very much indentical twins, and it is very easy to confuse the pair. They stand at about 5'7", although both have lean figures, that make it easy to see them as taller. Both are slim, with curvacious bodies, and skin of a rich, golden honey colour. They both have long, silky babyfine hair, the colour of a tarnished sunset. It falls in natural corkscrew curls, framing pixieish faces. Both have luminous crescent shaped eyes, of an iridescent smoke colour.
(Cassandra) On her right shoulder blade, she has a tattoo of what looks to be a dragon breaking out of a cage, its wings spreading. The small of her back is a full moon, with a black etching of a wolf howling. Her last tattoo, on her left hip, is a black sun with tribal etchings around it, on a background of flames. Her belly button is pierced, as well as her ears (two holes each), and they normally hold plain, small silver hoops.

Personality: Sam and Tabitha are survivors, and not much holds them down. They don't go out looking for trouble, but when it does happen to find them, they aren't afriad to face it, and never back down. Samantha is an alpha wolf, and dominant to Tabitha, albeit only slightly. Being the older of the twins, she tends to protect her sister, and as a result, Tabitha has never really had to fight. Therefore the alpha power she does have, has really never been unleashed. Both are strong and rebellious, and it's easy to see, with the attitudes they carry, why sometimes trouble comes knocking.
There are differences between the twins. Samantha would rather be in a fight, than have to sit down and talk things out. Tabitha is the sly and sneaky one, and sometimes it's very hard to tell if she has alterior motives.

Minor background - The girls were changed one fateful night on their way home from a party at a friend's house. In their community, the full moon essentially went by unnoticed, due to the lack of weres. Obviously, there are always exceptions. A rogue wolf appeared from the bushes while they walked home, and headed straight for Tabby. Sam, always the protective one, shoved Tabby out of the way and took the brunt of the attack. When Tabby could finally react, she tried to save Sam by diverting the wolf's attention. It attacked her too, and they were both left, passed out.
Finally, they were found the next morning, worse for wear, but still alive. Their parents were told that both girls had been infected with lycanthropy, and the girls were quickly disowned. Their father is a high ranking military officer, and their mother is CEO of Falconer enterprises, so to escape the ties to their parents, the girls were forced to change their names. It was Tabitha that accomplished this, and it was also her who tapped into their trust funds, so that they have the ability to get a little money now and then.
The two began to wander, trying to find some place, and some pack that would accept them. They have always had trouble with this; because either Sam was protective of Tabby, or they were thought to be plotting something.

Strengths: Sly and cunning, very good with computers. Sneaky, agile. Weaknesses: Never has to defend herself because of Corrigan, thinks that she holds her sister back, guilt. ~Played by Dawn

Kissandra Hawkins

Name: Kissandra Hawkens
Age: 31
Race: Shifter (werewolf)
Height and Weight: 5’9 and 160pounds

Physical Description & Personality: There’s no fat on her, but enough muscle bulk that she looks more straight than curvaceous. She never bothers to wear make-up and has an aura, which bends from anonymous to sinister. Black hair is kept short and she has eyes so brown they near match her hair. Often found in blue jeans and men’s flannel shirts she’s a near-classic tomboy. Her only jewelry is a dainty golden cross she always wears. Personality Traits: Hell hath no fury like woman’s scorn. She’s self-confident and is self-assured. Religion is for the weak and she is anything but weak. She thinks she’s over sentimental and comes off as cold and austere towards others. When relaxed Kissandra enjoys all forms of humor, but rarely does she allow herself to be relaxed. Ever-thoughtful and ever-cautious friends are few and far between. She’s a different person now than she was and her Beast and rage are only contained by a promise. The promise for justice.

Brief History: She’s killed four vampires so far and about as many shifters. When diagnosed with lycanthropy her husband left her, taking her daughter. Months later the father was killed by a starving vampire and the child was lost to the state custody. Abandoning her former life she’s hardened and ran. Her pack recognizes her rage and however hesitantly, is supporting her moving to another city. No one she knows hunts the Hunter and she refuses that more innocents will die. Monsters only rule because they themselves feel no fear. She’s a well-trained veterinarian who specializes in house calls and usually acts as nurse to wounded lycanthropy. Her husband was a police officer and made sure she could adequately defend herself. She kept up and dedicated herself to Tae Kwon Do and Aikido.

Strengths & Weaknesses: She’s high on the totem pole, but she is no alpha. Her great strength is that she can quell and hide her paranormal energy from the detection of others extremely well. When she hunts she only uses the otherworldly strength and speed for the kill. She’s a woman and that makes others underestimate her. Her weakness is silver and also her temper. When adrenaline is high and she’s angry she quite literally becomes a beserker and all fall victim to it. No matter how remorseful she is for the tantrum no exertion of self-control has tamed The Rage. ~Played by Amanda

Alyssa Walker and Brianna

Name: Alyssa Raine Walker
Race: Werewolf
Age: 19
Hair Auburn/long,straight
Eyes: a sparkly blue
Height/Weight: 5ft7/ 125 lbs

Personality: Outgoing,wild and reckless, loves to have a good time, Loves to laugh, strong willed,stubburn,mischevious,quick tempered, She can be motherly and nurturing. Having been through hard times, shes a bit desperate , a little jumpy, jittery cause she needs a fix

Looks (physical description): Hair: Long/straight/Auburn, Blue eyes, tall and slender, shapely figure with long legs, Wears allot of tight revealing Clothing that suit her job as a whore, and dancer, she tends to change her Appearance often by wearing different wigs and color contact lens

History: Born and raised in Algiers Louisiana, just across the Mississippi river from the New Orleans French quarters, she grew Up in a trailer court with her mother and step father. Her mother was An alcoholic and her step father a fat louse pervert that couldn't keep his eyes off her. Alyssa was sexually raped by her step father when she was 13 after years of sexual molestation from him. Alyssa finally got the nerve up to tell her mother when she was 16 but her mother called her a liar and a whore and threw her out of her home. Alyssa ended up in the streets of New Orleans where she did her first trick to get enough money to take a bus out of New Orleans, taking the first bus at the given moment that was scheduled to leave New Orleans. Alyssa found herself in Boulder Run Colorado and began to work the streets alone. A man named Maxwell (Max) Novak. took Alyssa off the streets and gave her a job. Alyssa began her new life as a stripper in Max's club called Scavengers Den, after a few months there she came to realize that she was pregnant with her step father’s baby. Alyssa went to an abortion clinic, but couldn't go through with it, and instead became one of Max's whores because she was desperate to make more money So she could support her baby and herself, hiding her pregnancy for as long as she could. 8 months into her pregnancy, Alyssa was attacked by a rogue wolf in an alleyway outside the club while catching a smoke between sets, The rogue wolf had been running from the police and was chased into the alley where Alyssa caught a claw across her back, before the rogue could finish The job, he was shot and killed by the police. Unfortunately, Lycanthrope Disease, spread through her blood stream, infecting both Alyssa and her unborn baby. By her first full moon, Alyssa gave birth to a baby girl. Over the first year, Alyssa tried to go legit, taking jobs witnessing and dancing in the strip clubs, but Max wanted her to do more, pushing her back into the worlds oldest profession. Alyssa made several attempts to run away but Max's lackeys always dragged her back. Max began injecting drugs into her arms to make her dependent on him so she would never stray again. When Brianna was 18 months, Alyssa got into a fight with Max, demanding that he just let them go. Max slapped her around in anger, bruising her cheek and blackening her eye. First chance Alyssa got, she ran away again with Brianna to a neighboring town, Xandi.

Strengths/Abilities: Alpha were, typical werewolf strengths and abilities

Weaknesses: Her daughter and typical werewolf weaknesses

Interesting info/comments: Jewels daughters name is Brianna and is 18 months old, still nursing. ~Played by Jamie

Name:Cassius De'Royale
Race: Were-wolf
Occupation:Musician,singer,actor,plays guitar
Hobbies:Loves to paint in oils
Weight:180lbs, med muscular build

Hair;long,straight,Black Eyes;mid-night blue,long lash's Complexion;Bronze Odd Physical Characteristics if Any: Scar across his chest shape of claw marks. In wolf form he is two tone white and blue gray with crystal eyes of blue.Looking like a large siberian husky.

History: Greek/French. Born in Athens Greece,His mother was French and his father was Greek. A marriage his fathers family didnt approve of. Cassius lost his father at a young age and he and his mother returned to France moving in with her family where they were accepted. His mother Monique came from a large family of actors and actress's and naturally Cass wanted to follow in their footsteps. And he joined the theatre at a young age. Cassius grew up on the stage singing,dancing and acting and had even taken ballet. At summer of his 19th year Cassius took a trip to Romania where he met his lover,a Romanina gypsy that traveled with his family a gypsy caravan that was continuously on the move,stopping in many places where they would play their music and dance in the streets putting on shows for the money people would throw,while the men would go around picking pockets and purse's. Wren,his lover played the violin and he invited Cassius to stay with him and his family, The gypsy caravan had stopped in Bucharest on their way to Transylvania,It was then they happened on the dark stranger while playing in the towns square. Wrens mother and sisters danced along with the other gypsy women drawing a crowd,Cassius had joined in, Wren would play violin and dance among them,they'd move through the crowds.Wren could steal a purse and pocket it with out missing a note and he taught Cass everything he knew.Then came the dark stranger and Cass stole his wallet. The dark stranger had planned revenge on the young man for his actions and befriended the gypsies who in turned offered him a ride to Transylvania since he happen to be headed that way.Along the way as they traveled through the darkened forest by night,The stranger grabbed Cassius while Wren and his family slept and bound him to a tree,By the light of the full moon,The dark stranger took his true form, a werewolf and while Cass watched he slaughtered Cass's lovers entire family and Wren .Approaching the terrified young many who thought he was about to meet his own demise,The werewolf slashed him across the chest and then ran off into the night. Once free from his restraints Cass checked for survivors and found none,they had been shredded beyond recognition. Cass wondered aimlessly in shock from the loss of his lover. It was by the light of the next moon,that Cass himself turned into the same type of beast that had killed his lover and his family,A large timber wolf and now he seeks revenge.The stranger had an American accent,So Cassius flew to America to hunt him down and kill him.

Character's Personality: Bit of a mommas boy,was protected his whole life. Quiet type,he's not much of a talker except when on stage,unless he gets to know you, He is a Musician,plays guitar and loves to sing and dance,likes to be daring,can be wild and reckless,loves to be outdoors,great sense of humor,loves a good laugh.Cass is an artist and can be very moody at times. Since his attack a month ago,he's a bit jumpy and cowers from his own shadow,speaks English/French/Greek and Romanian.Loves the theatre,art galleries and the ballet

SPECIAL Powers:None, Cassius is a newborn Werewolf, compared to other wolves he isn't as strong and would be considered lower then a beta,He is a submissive male. Played by Jamie

Greatal St. Croix

Characters Name:Gretal St. Croix
Race: lycanthrope/were-wolf
Mortal Age:21
Eyes:Corn Flower Blue

Occupation:Artist,also works for the Xandi Art Museum ,restoring old art

Personality: is a strong vibrant sophisticated woman,she is kind hearted and nurturing,yet firm and serious when need be,always looking out for others.she is an artist and can get moody at time,she is outspoken and will usually speak her mind,She is an alpha in total control of her beast.In beast form she is white with blue eyes,like spring skies.

Hobbies,Artist,loves to paint in oils and draw in charcoals,Dances jazz and ballet and plays violin,Loves Photography,camping, hiking and scuba diving
Description:see pic

History: Born and Raised in Santa Barbara California to Stephen and Denea St Croix,Gretal was an only child,her parents owned a Greek restaurant on the boardwalks at the beach. Gretal had a happy childhood,Her parents were kind and nurturing and supported their daughter in everything she did. At the young age of 8 while walking home from school,Gretal was hit by a drunk driver and rushed to the hospital,having lost allot of blood,she was given a blood transfusion,unbeknownst to her or her doctors at the time the blood was tainted with lycanthrope disease and her wounds began to heal at a rapid pace,"Not certain of what animal, she was kept at the hospital for observation,by the next moon she turned furry,sprouting hair and a tail and it was determined that she was a were wolf. Her parents aided help from a local Pack to teach their daughter how to control her beast and survive in a shifters world. Her parents had her home schooled until she had learned control of her beast,then she was allowed to go back into the public schools,Gretal's lycanthrope was kept a secret. Gretal took art classes and Jazz,tap and ballet,became head cheer leader in 10th 11th and 12th grade, she worked in her parents restaurant and during the summers was also a life guard on the beach.After graduation Gretal was accepted in The Juilliard School an Institute of Musical Art in New York.That fall she went onto New York where she spent 3 years,above all her talents Gretal loved to paint and draw the most and after graduation she landed a job at the Xandi Art Museum ,restoring old art and has just arrived in Xandi. Played by Jamie

Paris De Royale

Name:Paris De'Royale
Build:180lbs, med size muscular build
Character's Race: Were-wolf

Character's Occupation:Photographer for XPD (Xandi Police department)taking pictures of crime scenes Hobbies:Musician,singer,dancer,actor,plays guitar and drums,hiking,camping,wild life photography Character Description:see pic below

Hair:long,straight,dark brown
Eyes:Crystal blue,long lash's
Odd Physical Characteristics if Any: In wolf form he is black with crystal eyes of blue,a De'Royale trait. (Cassius's cousin)

History: French. Born in Paris France,To Lacey and Jacque De Royale and is the youngest to 5 siblings,Gabrielle,Tristain,Nicolette,Evette and Jean Pierre. His parents came from a large family of actors and actress's and naturally Paris wanted to follow in their footsteps. And he joined the theatre at a young age. Paris grew up on the stage singing,dancing and acting and had even taken ballet. It was spring of his 18th year Paris took a trip to America for spring break to Daytona Beach Florida with friends ,One of his friends got in a fight in one of the bars and Paris got in the middle,trying to break it up,unbeknownst to him at the time he was dealing with shifters and caught a claw in the stomach and was wounded,his friend was killed. Thats where he met his lover / mate, Lusian, who came to his aid,removing his shirts to stop the bleeding and drove him to the hospital. Paris later learned he was infected with lycanthrope,destined to become a wolf on the next full moon. Paris was convinced it was better for him to stay here then return back to France,for fear of harming his family. Paris was introduced to the local pack and he and Lusian got close,within 6 months the two of them were mated,a few months later,a challenge took place among the pack and the old Ulfric was no more,a younger more dangerous male taking his place,began eliminating the weak,it was then his mate Lusian decided it was time for the two of them to move along. Paris found a job online that required them to move to Xandi. A job as a photographer for the local police shooting crime scenes. Packing and sending their things ahead by movers van,the two of them took off in the night,driving across country to Xandi to start a new life,his mate having plans to start his own detective agency. The two of them purchased as cabin in the mountains.

Character's Personality: Musician,singer,dancer,actor,plays guitar and drums ,quite the ham on stage.,likes to be daring,can be wild and reckless,loves to be outdoors,great sense of humor,loves a good laugh.Loves the theatre,art galleries and the ballet and is big on photography.

SPECIAL Powers:typical Werewolf, a beta,He is a submissive male. ~Played by Jamie

Wren Wilder
Character's Name:Wren Wilder
Race: Romanian/Werewolf
Build:180, muscular build
Eyes:Black,long lash's

Brief Description:sometimes wears a patched bandanna of earthly colors that covered the top of his head,his ebony tress's hang out from beneath long with waves and curls.Wrens face a glorious golden brown,big eyes that are a dark inky black surrounded by long dark curled lash's.a big gold earring sparkled ,catching the light, hung from his left ear,He wore a long sleeved white shirt with a vest of many earthly colors with a pair of modern day blue jeans,.

Odd Physical Characteristics if Any: birthmark on the back of his shoulder shaped like a moon with the silhouette of a howling wolf within. A sign of a prophesy

History: Romanian Gypsy. Born Transylvanian Romania,His father the Gypsy King of their clan and Wren the heir to his fathers throne,he and his family lived among a large gypsy caravan that was continuously on the move,stopping in many places where they would play their music and dance in the streets putting on shows for the money people would throw,while the men would go around picking pockets and purse's while Wren played the violin. When Wren was 14,his people had come up on an injured drifter that was infected with Lycan. An elderly woman named Esmerelda,the clan shaymen and Wrens grandmother,was tending to the drifters wounds,when he began to freak out,Wren and a few others helped to hold the drifter down and Wren caught a claw across the cheek. Angered by the attack on his son, his father ordered the drifter killed and a silver dagger was plummeted into his heart. Wrens wound healed quickly,a little too quickly and his grandmother recognized the signs. Weeks prior to the next moon,Wren was sent away to stay with a local pack,where he was taught the ways of the pack and learned not only to embrace his beast but control it as well. Wren was no ordinary were wolf,he had inherited his grandmothers visions and was a soothsayer and a healer,gifts that only strengthened with his being a Lycan. Wren stayed with the pack until he was master of his own beast and he returned back to his people.

Wren was home schooled,like his father before him and his grand father before him,when he was 18, Wren left Romania to attend a college in France,where he took many majors,business being one of them,but Wren grew to love photography and journalism,it was in his 2nd year he had fallen for a young Frenchmen named Cassius that was in one of his classes and they began to date. Wren was dominate in their relationship and sometimes abusive,letting his temper get the best of him,he was always a pistol. Summer came and Wren invited Cassius to stay with him and his family.

Their gypsy caravan had stopped in Bucharest on their way to Transylvania,It was then they happened on the dark stranger while playing in the towns square. Wrens mother and sisters danced along with the other gypsy women drawing a crowd,Wren would play violin and dance among them,they'd move through the crowds.Wren could steal a purse and pocket it with out missing a note.Wrens lover made the mistake of stealing the wallet of the stranger,unbeknownst to him. The dark stranger was Lycan too but shielded it well. He had planned revenge on the young man for his actions and befriended the gypsies who in turned offered him a ride to Transylvania since he happen to be headed that way.Along the way as they traveled through the darkened forest by night,

The stranger grabbed Cassius while Wren and his family slept and bound him to a tree,By the light of the full moon,The dark stranger took his true form, a werewolf and while Cass watched ,Wren was attacked in his sleep,rendered unconscious and thought dead,the stranger then slaughtered Wren's entire family while Cassius watched. When Wren regained conciseness,Cassius was already gone,Wren assuming the worst,thought his lover was killed and consumed. Vowing revenge, Wren licked his wounds in the care of the pack. Seeking revenge,clues lead Wren to Xandi.
Character's Personality: Wren is a proud and very Intelligent man with a bad attitude, he is strong willed and usually speaks his mind, He is arrogant, smug and very ruthless in everything he says or does,can be ill tempered and violent ,Wren can be your best friend and yet your worse enemy when crossed. Wren loves to play rough,Sadistic,Likes to top ,always plays the dominate male.a lover of heavy metal,especially Aero Smith,Kid Rock,Ozzy, Nirvana,Disturbed and Guns & Roses Musician,plays violin and loves to dance,likes to be daring,wild and reckless,loves to be outdoors,loves horses,horror novels and motorcycles.

Skills:Violin Player/Photographer,pickpocket,dirty fighter,fears silver bullets,Also seeks revenge on the werewolf that slaughtered his family

SPECIAL Powers: is a strong Alpha male,in total control of his beast. Can shift at will and go from human form to beast form and back to human form and not be forced into a comatose sleep,he can half shift,reaching 7 feet tall.Can shift certain parts of his body and still keep human form, As both man or werewolf state he has the ability to jump up to high places, has acute senses,Night vision and acute hearing.More so in Wolf form,everything is more so heightened,he has increased strength. he is a soothsayer and healer.

weapons:sword,knife ~Played by Jamie

Christian "Kris" Argoth

Name: Christian (Kris) Argoth
Age: 26
Ht/wt: 5'9" 157 lbs.

Description: Kris's skin is unusually pale, the result of a childhood illness. This contrasts with his black hair and almost black eyes. Most people mistake him at first for a vampire. He's very thin, another result from the illness. Kris is normally seen wearing a pair of faded painter's jeans and a t-shirt. In wolf form Kris is pure white with ice blue eyes.

Abilities: Kris may be powerful but he's no alpha. He has excellent control over his beast and doesn't sleep as long after shifting back to human form. While he has all the strengths of a powerful beta, Kris's main strength is his more specialized skills. He's an expert with explosives, often spending hours tinkering with one device. Has an indepth knowledge of chemistry. He is also quite skilled with his two silvered kris daggers.

Weaknesses: Same as a lycanthrope, he also has some trouble connecting with others, since he spent much of his young life in hospitals.

Short History: Kris was born in the same place as Jonathan, albeit years earlier. When he was 6 Kris contracted a rare disease that left him hospital ridden for years. When he was 14 his parents were contacted by a scientist who asked if they'd allow him to be part of a test for a new drug. They agreed willing to try anything to help their son. A few days after getting the drug Kris began to show improvement and by the end of a week was completely cured, aside from some minor side-effects of the disease. There was also an odd, unmentioned side-effect from the drug. Kris contracted lycanthropy. It seems that the scientist had been researching the healing ability of lycanthropes and was trying to extract from the disease the healing aspect. Unfortunately he never suceeded. After they found out, Kris's parents were contacted by the local pack. They agreed to allow Kris to be taught by them to control himself at a young age. During his time with the pack Kris met Jonathan and they became friends, both of them almost outcasts because of their age. After graduating high school Kris enrolled in the military with the intent of getting his chemistry degree. During his time with the military Kris was trained as a demolitions expert, but after they found out about his lycanthropy he mysteriousally discovered that they would not allow him to continue. After leaving the military Kris began to work freelance, eventually discovering that Jonathan had chosen a similiar path. Kris has come to Xandi after being contacted by one of Jonathan's contact, hoping to reacquaint himself with his friend. ~Played by Lonewolf

Sentain Moon

Name: Sentain Moon
Age: 21
Race: Were-wolf (Alpha)
Height: 5"8
Weight: 165 pounds

Physical Description: Shoulder length jet black hair, violet eyes (Dark blue in wolf form) Wears a black duster coat and his black docs ( His usual attire) he has two baretta pistols that he carries in holsters placed near the middle of his back. With his ears are pierced and he has a tattoo of a black wolf on his left shoulder. The other tattoo a galic symbol band around his upper right arm.

Personality:Sentain is a very outspoken man and lets everyone know it. If he has something to say he says it and dosn't 'beat around the bush'. He cares deeply for his friends & family and would do anything to protect them. Sensitive at times, Sentain can become cold at times which can be dangerous to his enimies. Sauve,intelligent a real ladies man... you just have to break the ice that surrounds his heart.

Background: Sentain was born in Paris, France. His parents were the basic run of the mill parents.. except for one difference. Sentain's father was the Ulfric for his region. born a shifter and also a twin Sentain grew up along pack and always strived to be the best he could be at all he did. He loves his family dearly and would do anything for them expecially his sister Simone. When his father was challenged by a other werewolf. He defended his honor and defeated him but was badly injured in the fray.his father asked him to take over the pack but Sentain thought he was too young and didn't think he was worthy of such a resonibility, so he ran away. He fled to back to a place he visited before, a long time ago in his childhood.. a place called Xandi.

Strengths: Sentain is a Alpha so he is very strong and fast. Everything else that goes with being a were-wolf. He's really good with guns and has a very good aim. he can also sing very good, he was in a band.

Weaknesses: Silver of course and he has a problem with authority. Ready to break any law to accomplish what he wants or has to do. Not ready to let anybody too close, he's tasted the bitter taste of rejection and doesn't want to taste it again. ~Played by Amanda

Abagail Monroe
Name:Abagail Monroe
Nickname: Abbie or as her boyfriend use to call her Abbie-girl
Race: Werewolf
Height and weight: 5ft. 100 lbs

Physical Discription: She has shoulder length blonde hair that curls at the ends. Big blue eyes. Lush full lips. Very slim waist and a good size chest for her age. she likes to wear tight jeans and tight shirts.When she turns into a wolf her fur is black and she has big yellow /green eyes.

Personality Traits: She's very shy with new people until she gets to know them. Then she's not very shy. She's very submissive and looks for approval from everyone around her,and is very sensitive. Doesn't like to be yelled at or harsh tones of peoples voices.Ears are very sensitve to that as well as her feelings being hurt real easy.She loves animals and can spend hours out in the woods watching the birds and the other little animals that call the woods home.

Brief History: When she was 15 her boyfriend Justin attacked her in the heat of passion and changed her into a wolf.Her parents could not look at her after finding out she would be turning furry every month.So Justin has been taking care of her. When she turned 17 Justin decided to move them to Xandi . During their travels some men learned that Justin was a werewolf and they snuck into their room one night and shoved a silver knife into Justin's chest. They were not aware of Abagail"s condition so she was spared the same fate as Justin. Abbie had no where to go.Her family disowned her because of her "condition." Her friends didn't even want anything to do with her .So she decided to continue on with their plans. She called the police and told them what happened .After phoning them she hopped on a bus and continued on her way.

Strengths and Weaknesses: She's to submissive and can be easily taken advatage of. She knows a little bit of karate but that's not really much of a strength. She has the usual wolf strengths: super good hearing&eyesight, heals quickly, stronger then humans, runs fast. Weakness is silver and her submissiveness. ~ Played by Jesseoutlaw

Alex Kennedy

Name: Alexander Kennedy
Age: 28
Ht and wt: 6"3 and 225 lbs.

Physical description: tall, muscular, short black hair, hazel eyes. Straight nose, slightly aquiline. Has arched black brows; has a scar on forehead, near hairline from injury as small child. In wolf form, his beast is black with sea green eyes.

Strengths: alpha male stuff; can heal by sharing blood and by aura; is less sensitive to silver than most; can bring lesser beasts by a whisper, or call

Weaknesses: quick temper; not trusting of others; is running from his beast, can't quite accept it

History: Alex was a Marine with the Recon division and was overseas fighting a political coup when he was attacked and infected. When the Marine's found out taht he was infected, they kicked him out. His family are still living, and love him, but his shame at what he is, and the guilt of causing his family pain and embarassment keeps him from them. He was engaged, but after his fiancee found out he was a werewolf, she told him she didn't want to be with a 'filthy animal', and left him. He is a alpha, but with no pack. He lives on his trust fund, and from financial investments; and goes from place to place. He is distrustful of people in general, and is very hard to get close to. His past dealings with other wolves were not pleasant; because of his alpha status, he is to dominant for others to be comfortable.

Dominic Mittchell

Name: Dominic Mittchell
Race: Werewolf

Personality: Very impressionable but can be stubborn. He has a caring heart but does much to hide it. He is strong willed but can be caring and loving with the right woman.

History: He was born and raised in Xandi most of his life. When his cousin Eddie was arrested he was taken in as a ward of the state. With no other living relitives except his cousin Eddie he went from Foster home to Foster home staying only a month at a time. No care giver wanted to take care of a young teen that was infected with Lycanthropy. When he heard that his cousin was going to be perolled early he did everything his cousin wanted him to help in getting back the pack.

Strengths: He is a wiz when it comes to computers. That is where he earned all of his money writing software. Plus the normal were strengths and abilites.

Weakness:Normal were weaknesses plus he can be naive at times when it comes to his cousin Eddie. ~Played by Lochness