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Tips On Keeping Your Site In My Webrings

The point to this section of the site is to inform all the people in my webrings of a little problem I have been experiencing since I cleaned up the webrings. As everyone knows that has read this site recently, I went through ALL of the webrings. I deleted at least 100 or MORE people so far out of all the webrings. A few people were nice & let me know of changes. (like Nadja that has her own domain now) Thanks Nadja & if I'm forgetting somebody else THANK YOU TOO! The tips are at the bottom of this page. Do you know how pissed off that makes me that less than 100 could care less that they update or not? Not to sound like a bitch, but they could've at least kept their information up to date or let me know of changes. To be honest, the members didn't give a shit if I knew they moved or whatever. I find it VERY PATHETIC, STUPID, LAZY, & IGNORANT that the people in the rings didn't keep me updated. It's not my job to hunt down sites & make sure they still exist or to find out their new address by going to their old address & copying & pasting their new link into the webring hub. All the people care about are hits to their fucking site. Then, once they start getting hits, they declare their page "dead" or of "no interest" to themselves anymore. If they get sick of their site they SHOULD tell the owner of the ring that they're deleting it or making a brand new one or that they would rather not be in my webrings anymore. I was almost about to delete ALL my webrings due to the ENORMOUS amount of people that I deleted & for the reasons why. It made me angry to think people just don't give a damn. I'm not trying to sound bitchy, but if I do OH WELL, I HAVE A RIGHT TO BE due to 100 people. YES, 100 is the right amount. I kept count after the first 10 were deleted. I'm about to become even more stricter if this continues. Then, no one but a rare few will be able to join. That would SUCK, but that's what happens when people become CARELESS with their damn sites. I even NOTIFIED ALL THE DELETED SITES. No, I didn't write down the reasons that they were deleted, but they should figure it out! If they don't then, that's their problem & not mine. They had their site info sent to them once they joined the ring, they could've logged in with it & at least changed their web address.

I finally decided to delete the dead links, dead sites, non-existant sites from the webrings. However, if your site is active, exists, temporarily closed, or being remodeled, then your site will still be in the ring. Anyhow, if your site is temporarily closed or being remodeled, then it HAS to be ACTIVE by June 2003. If it's not it WILL be deleted as well.

If your site is dead or non-existant or has declared itself "finished", then I am deleting it from the webring. If you have moved & don't have up the new link, I will give you a whole month to move to your new site, if I never see it moved, then I will delete you from the ring also. If you are not me, & you don't have a code up, that's ok, BUT YOU BETTER GET A LINK TO THIS SITE or YOU WILL BE DELETED AS WELL!!! Yes, link this site or the webring you joined, to your site somewhere, it can be as a sister/brother site (sibling link) or as a link on your links page. I WILL go through all the sites again in a month to MAKE SURE they have up a LINK to this site. If not, then your site will be deleted. You do NOT have to put up a navigation code just a link will do. The navigation codes/bars suck! NO LINK, NO SITE IN RING!!!


1.) Make sure your site is either: a.)active, b.)temporarily closed, c.)being re-designed, or d.)just in the making. If your site is temporarily closed, being re-designed, or is in the making...BE SURE IT IS UP WITHIN A MONTH!!! If not, you'll be deleted from the webring.

2.) Referring to TIP #1...If your site isn't planning on being up anytime soon, let me know by email I will delete you or you can plead with me to give you an extra month, but NO LONGER than 2 months!!!

3.) If your site is moving, login with your site info & change the address of your site to the new address. If you have trouble with that again EMAIL me at the address given in TIP #2. If the new address is a dead link, your site will be deleted. If the new address is active, then no problem.

4.) A site that is dead, but is still up & running will be left in the ring. If it is dead & gone, it will be deleted from the ring.

4.) Keep me updated if: A.)your getting sick of your site & thinking of deleting it, B.)if your site is moving, or ANY changes that you have made to the change of address has to be EMAILED to me at the address in TIP #2.

5.) My email address to contact me at about the webrings or your site is the one listed in TIP #2.

6.) A link to this site ( and/or a link to the webring that you have joined is REQUIRED to join. DO NOT use the navigation bars/codes, unless you just want to. NO LINK=DELETED SITE FROM RING...That's all the tips I have. Just read over this whole page carefully & it pretty much tells you what I like & what I don't like out of webring members.
