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Memorial Weekend, 2002
Summer Kick Off Kareoke Party
Waurika Lake

Char helping Adam sing Garth Brooks

Char, getting ready.

Leonard checking the sound.


Kelly and Beth

Stacie and Char doing the Electric Slide (Stacie didn't want her picture taken)

Bubbles~Tylor, Hayden, Jordan, Olivia, Justin

Justin dancing with Olivia

Justin singing AC/DC's Stiff Upper Lip, which is HILARIOUS!
Char, on the phone.

Some friend of Tims, Tim


Jordan and Tyler singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (with some help from daddy.)

Me and Leonard singing You're the Reason God Made Oklahoma.

Some of the guys.

Morning after, boots and pajamas HAHAHA.  I think they were getting something out of their car.
Char and Leonard

Char and Hayden at Waurika Lake.

Stacie, Georganne, and Char.
Hey, we're allowed to act silly.

Nov. 2001
Dec. 2001
Jan. 2002
Easter 2002
Doula Page
Olivia's Homebirth
Belly Cast
Hayden's Birthday